If you’re not automating your marketing, you’re leaving money on the table by wasting time you could be using more productively. The folks at Entrepreneurs HQ know this and are kindly offering to share their insights in a helpful PDF guide they call The Ultimate Marketing Automation Guide. This week only, they e offering you a copy of the guide for free. We downloaded a copy and found it has some helpful information. For example, on page 21, you will find “1 2 Marketing Automation Tools You Need to Know About.” Marketing automation can feel overwhelming. If you google the term “marketing... [...]
Archive for the 'Ads' Category
Paul Ponna and Todd Gross are releasing their new video tool (VideoPal) that creates 3D spokespeople on your website, either a 3D artistic rendering or a video of a live human. Whether artistic or live actor, your video will both talk and move naturally for whatever script you create. You get multiple men and multiple women avatars (47 in all), and they can speak 24 languages, including 4 accent versions of English (US, UK, Australian and Indian), Parisian French, Canadian French, Castilian Spanish, Latin American Spanish, Portuguese, Icelandic and over 10 more. The videos these characters appear... [...]
Social marketing is (rightly) proclaimed as one of the most important tools an online marketer has. But for it to be helpful to you, you will need to build your audience and build their loyalty you, so that what you post on social media is read and accepted by people in your niche market. If people are eager to see your latest content and read it from top to bottom, then they are ripe for sales offers present to them. It is far better to have a small audience that’s going to take action when you promote than to have a large, but unresponsive, audience. You need a systematic approach to finding... [...]
A week ago, Jimmy Kim‘s team launched Social Studio FX. The launch ends tonight at midnight, so if you need graphic designs for ads on social media or your blog, time is running short to get this new tool. Social Studio FX makes it easy for anyone to create professional ad graphics sized to fit the requirements on any of the big social sites. You are getting over 200 visually stunning templates in 66 different sizes so you can match the social media site you are targeting: ■ Twitter, ■ Facebook, ■ Pinterest, ■ YouTube, ■ LinkedIn, ■ Google Plus, ■ Instagram, ■ Web Banners,... [...]
Discover a proven new method for creating traffic to your offers, one that you have not seen in any other training. James Renouf & Jeremy Kennedy just released training about a new method for getting traffic that lets your offer get in front of millions of people. This is not a reworking of something you already know. This method uses an extremely targeted and fast acting traffic source that can be utilized for ANY niche. They call their traffic method Traffikar. This method supplies extremely targeted traffic for your offer and, at the same time, the authors report that the traffic is highly... [...]
Now, you can quickly clone and deploy full affiliate niche sites for any niche you choose. Ben Murray, Jason Fladlien and the whole team at Rapid Crush, LLC have just released new software that is the marketer’s friend when it comes to managing a WordPress website (or several of them.) It’s called WP Twin. It’s job is to make a downloadable copy of your site that you can use to restore your site if you ever have a server outage or if your site is hacked. This backup copy can also be loaded onto a different server to create a new website. For example, get your dog food site running... [...]
The one thing that most digital marketers struggle with when it comes to promoting products and services via social media is Graphic Design. If you want to sell online, being able to professionally convey your message to your audience with words and pictures that are eye-catching and intriguing can mean the difference between success and failure in your business. The graphics you use on your site are at the heart of your professional, inviting site design. But it can be frustrating and expensive to get the kind of graphics that will serve you well. With the popularity of social media and the impact... [...]
If you operate a WordPress site, you need a backup tool that works, time after time. There are different types of tools to choose from. The most familiar is a WP plugin that creates a backup image. As long as your site is running properly, that tool works fine. But if your site goes down, your backup copy may go down with it. Even worse, suppose your site is hacked and now a crook has control of it. There’s no telling how much damage he could do. And he is certainly not going to let you back in to clean up. You need a complete reinstall. Ben Murray wanted to address those problems so he created... [...]
Online merchants around the world use Paypal. It is trusted by the clients we want to sell to; trusted more than any other payment processor. We online merchants really need it. On the other hand, it’s hard to get the information Paypal has about your business by using the merchant interface Paypal gives us. So, using Paypal is often painful. When we try to do things like finding transactions, generating reports and processing refunds it can be hard and time-consuming and often frustrating. Ankur Shukla got so frustrated with how hard it was to get the information he needed that he created... [...]
If you want to protect your business from computer outages and if you use YouTube to promote your business, then you may want to check into TubeSYNC, software that automatically backs up all your new YouTube videos. Every business needs to make sure its assets are safe. For a YouTube marketer, your videos are some of your most important assets. Backing them up is important because your rankings, your ads revenue, your free traffic and more are at stake. This cloud-based application lets you easily backup everything you upload to YouTube onto your Amazon S3 or Dropbox account you can have 100% control... [...]