There are a number of well-known eCommerce platforms. Perhaps Shopify is the best known, but there are also BigCommerce, Volusion, Spark Pay, CoreCommerce and others. They all do a reasonable job of helping you get an eCommerce store up and running, but they also share another characteristic: The require ongoing monthly payments. Now, there is a new platform for eCommerce that doesn’t charge you a monthly fee or charge you a commission whenever you make a sale: SaleJunction. This new software is available for a single one-time charge. It also has the advantage of not requiring any supplemental... [...]
Archive for the 'Ads' Category
Build new products with PLR (the smart way) in a flash #adHaving your own product with your own name on it does a lot to build your credibility. Authors and product creators are seen as experts, and experts are paid better than the average person. An easy way to get your own product is to use a Private Label Rights (PLR) product and turn it into a product of your own. The more products you create using this method, potentially the higher your credibility and, ultimately, earnings can rise. However, the process is not foolproof. There is good PLR and bad PLR. Even more importantly, there are good... [...]
If your YouTube video isn’t viewed, it won’t be of much use to your business. That’s why so many marketers work hard at building up their count of views. The first key to a large number of views is that your video matches the needs of viewers and gives them good content about the topic they are searching for. There are other helpful techniques that also help in increasing your views, too, but at the top of the list is to create a good video about a frequently searched topic. Tom Norrgrann has studied and experimented to find out what works in helping a video rise to the top and... [...]
When marketer, Jay Garces Jr., first started out as a beginner in CPA marketing, he used the content locking technology from the major CPA Networks. In one network alone, with this technology, he was able to earn over $26,000. The idea is that you offer some interesting content on your site, but it is locked until the visitor takes some action, and then the visitor is given access. If the content is compelling, this technique is a powerful incentive for the visitor to take action. This weekend, Garces released his own software for this powerful technology. He calls it the Ultimate Content Locker. The... [...]
A brand new WordPress review theme called Intensivo has just been released by Leonardus Chang. If, like many of us, you are an affiliate marketer, then you might want to see this professional theme for building affiliate stores (such as Amazon affiliate stores.) For 2 days, Chang is offering the theme at a bargain (but dime-sale) price. This WordPress theme would make it simple to build a niche-oriented store. It has some important feature that make it attractive to shoppers. People who are interested in buying something new want to do research so they can be assured that their selection is the... [...]
We have seen several other CPA training from Tian Tian Xiang Shang. Because his name is hard for western ears to grasp, he calls himself Mr Right in the forums. Mr. Right experiments with different methods of generating traffic for CPA offers. When he finds one that works for him, he writes it up and adds it to his signature training, CPA $10,000 Per Day. He has been doing this for years, and this is his 9th or 10th version, each new version adding new, tested methods for building a CPA business. One nice thing about his training is that you can use only free traffic and you don’t even... [...]
There’s a new social media platform called Blab. Yesterday we told you about Blab For Beginners with PLR . Barry Rodgers is offering a few people the chance to get this complete training, along with a website to sell it and deliver it, and along with the right to change its look and feel and put your name on it as an author. This guide trains people on how to use Blab effectively in their business. You can sell it and keep all the profits. So, in his PLR product, Rodgers is setting you up in an online business to sell Blab training to the thousands of people who are just hearing about ths... [...]
Last night we participated in our first Blab. Blab is a video streaming service for webinars that marketers can use for sales and support conferences. It allows the conference host to selectively let a member of the audience come on screen and speak. Barry Rodgers has become fascinated with this new (it’s still in beta mode) service and has produced a report Blab For Beginners. He has decided to offer this as premium quality PLR so you can place your name on it, change the title if you like, and sell it as your own product. You can start your own training business with what he is including. You... [...]
Lukas Adamski, professional graphics designer, has released Ecover Maniac, a package of 30 professional cover designs for your fiction e-books (for example, Kindle books) and 30 more for your non-fiction books. Use them on Kindle books or other e-books. With a little work to add a back cover, you could even use them on paper books. It pays to use professional designs for your books. A good looking cover increases sales substantially. People do judge a book by its cover. Words don’t do justice to these designs, but Adamski shows you all 60 designs here Ecover Maniac. Adamski has made this... [...]
Number of views on YouTube is like traffic to a website. It’s the starting point for building anything of value. Crush YouTube is a new video training course about how to get more views. (A lot of its information applies to other video services, too.) Here are the kind of things you will discover in this new course: • How to know what people are looking for in Google and YouTube • How to conduct a Keyword Research • How to Optimize your Titles and Descriptions • What links and embeds have to do with YouTube SEO • How to do a “Subscription Hook“ • What Social Signals are, and... [...]