If you are looking to increase your effectiveness in internet marketing, these collection of free training may be just what you need. [Free Video Training] Revealed: 10 Secret Strategies Of Super Affiliates Watch over David Trinh‘s shoulder as he reveals these 10 best kept secrets of the super affiliates. If you want to become a true master of the affiliate marketing game then, according to Trinh, you need to watch this. Over 40 minutes of PURE HQ content. 10 Secret Strategies Of Super Affiliates. [Free Training] Last one to Leave Fiverr, Turn Out the Lights Learn what will be destroying... [...]
Archive for the 'Ads' Category
Google is still king of the search engines. So marketers who want to do well need to keep Google in mind, whatever else they do. Showing up on the first page of the search engine results for important words and phrases related to your niche, is the most important online marketing strategy you can have. But what tactics can place you on page 1 for your terms? Increasingly, your “social signals” (references to your site on social media sites) are the difference between success and failure. Is your site favorably mentioned in social media? Andy Black and Max Vershinin have just announced... [...]
Precious Ngwu is releasing new software Monday that can tell you exactly which products your audience prefers, based on A/B testing, so you promote the winner for increased sales. Ngwu reports that this has worked very well for his team in their apparel and jewelry businesses. He also has used this software to hold contests and collect leads. He has made a short video to show you some of the possibilities Mints App is capable of: Mints App Video You can get in early, at the best price, by signing up for the early bird list here: Mints App. [...]
There have been a lot of good training products sold through the year, but you don’t always have to spend money to get training that will show you how to build your business. This week has been an unusually busy week for free training. Peruse the list below. Surely, some of them will be just what you need at this moment. [Free WSO] Get Crazy Traffic using Slideshare & LinkedIn: How you can get your own traffic using SlideShare and LinkedIn together. Would you like to drive thousands of visitors to your offers? Using Slideshare and Linkedin this may be possible. Find out more here:... [...]
• What if there were a piece of engineering that you’ve needed for the health of your business even though you hadn’t noticed the problem? • What if this technology could actually change the direction of your business, and could possibly turn around an online business that struggled to stay afloat? • What if this technology were available for a nominal price? Would you be interested? Precious Ngwu says all those “what ifs” describe his upcoming launch of Mints App. This new application has dozens of uses in all kinds of businesses. Get on the early notification... [...]
Fred Barton does like coffee, but that’s not the point of his new product, CPA Coffee Shop Method. Barton says he has been making good money (he mentions $1000 days) working from dozens of coffee shops as he travels around the world. Anywhere he can get an Internet connection, he can earn money to finance his trips. Barton is a former construction worker from the UK. He has, he says, uncovered a source of highly responsive free traffic. (In fact, he is using multiple sources of free traffic.) He presents these visitors with CPA offers and gathers CPA commissions of at least $1,000 in CPA... [...]
Lance Groom reports that he earned $17,857.45 in 8 days with 1 WSO (Warrior Special Offer) online advertisement in the Warrior Forum. And he earned $95.629.05 in 30 days with 1 Tiny Classified Ad. Groom is offering to show you two ways to earn a living in marketing; both included in his new training he calls DeadlyWSO & MackDaddyAds 2.0. First is an online advertising and marketing method. A lot of products are sold on the Warrior Forum. Marketers go there to invest in training, sales aids and software to help them build their business. But not every product gets a lot of buyers or even a lot... [...]
Mark Thompson is known for his excellent software tools that help online marketers build their businesses. His latest tool, Social Kickstart, is no exception. Social Kickstart finds the most engaging content on the web, content that people are discussing online and sharing with their friends. Once it finds this content, it automates curating a post about that content on Facebook (and other social sites) that will bring you traffic. Social Kickstart allows you to research, post (or schedule a post for some later time) your curated content and monetize your Fan Pages with just a few clicks. Thompson... [...]
Someone who just lost a job may have heard that the Internet is an opportunity to earn living without going through a long retraining process that is often needed during a career change. If approached correctly, that’s true. The problem is that there are many “get rich quick” schemes and frauds that claim to show you how it’s done, but deliver nothing for all the time and money you many put into them. If you want to earn money online and to begin quickly, you need to create a legitimate business conducted on sound business principles and within ethical bounds. And it needs... [...]
Animation is not a task for amateurs. It takes some technical skills as well as some artistic talent to do good animation. We can be glad that Agus Skati, a skilled animator, is making 70 of his animated characters available in his new collection called Fresh Animate. And, so that you can use them in whatever video software you are familiar with, he include each character in 6 formats: SWF, GIF, FLA, SVG, EPS, and PNG. Use them in any graphics or video software you like, from After Effects to Explaindio to PowerPoint to Youzign to a host of others. You can even put them on tee shirts. Use them... [...]