The better you understand the niche you are marketing in, the better you will be able to sell effectively in that niche. That’s the principle behind Niche Genetics Expert, just released by Abbas Ravji This new web-based software that you access with your browser helps you get an in-depth understanding of your niche, showing you: • A complete, in-depth analysis of Google’s ranking algorithm as it applies to your niche • Complete Keyword & Niche Research, so you can focus on the high-traffic/low competition keywords that will deliver you the most traffic and the best-targeted... [...]
Archive for the 'Ads' Category
Mark Thompson and Matt Callen are holding a training webinar this morning to show you how to use content marketing in your business. At the end, they will also show you their software that automates your content marketing. They say this software is the easiest way to create autopilot processes to handle your content marketing. They call their system PublishVault. Keith Gosnell will be with them on this webinar. He is the creator of of PublishVault. They are calling this training session “How to Drive More Qualified Buyer Traffic, Leads, and Customers to all of Your Sites to Help Make Your... [...]
Zhu Shan has just released new training that shows Clickbank affiliates how they can see an uptick in sales using mobile marketing. He calls it Clickbank Mobile Secret. Zhu is a veteran Clickbank marketer, winner of awards for top Clickbank sales, and he even has been a consultant advising the CEO of CLickbank. It would be hard to find an expert more qualified that he is. His first key point is that every marketer should take a serious look at adding Mobile Marketing to their sales process. Mobile is the future of marketing. His second is that Clickbank is a golden opportunity, filled with products... [...]
If you are a product creator, you naturally want as many sales as possible. How do you get them? By attracting affiliates who sell your product for you. How do you get affiliates? By listing your product on multiple affiliate portals, such as Clickbank, WarriorPlus or JVZoo. There are two problems these affiliate portals create, though, that increase your work or reduce your earnings: (1) They have unique interfaces for linking to their system. What works for one doesn’t work for the others. So you need to code a sales page for each system that you use to recruit affiliates. This wastes time... [...]
Mark Thompson and Matt Callen are holding this training session to show you how to use 100% Autopilot Content Marketing to plan, write, publish, and manage all of Your Sites. They are using a system that they say is the easiest way to build and manage your content marketing sites using autopilot processes. They call their system PublishVault. Their special guest for this training is Keith Gosnell. He is responsible for the development of PublishVault. On this webinar, they will show you: • How to generate 1000s of high-traffic Ideas for your content • How to overcome the top 5 common content... [...]
Cisco, the server hardware company, predicts that globally, online video traffic will be 55 percent of all consumer Internet traffic in 2016. Video is growing by leaps and bounds, and in less than a year, we will see this prediction come to pass. Online marketers are getting this message loud and clear because their surveys tell them that people respond a lot better to video than to any other tool. Are you positioned to take advantage of this growing trend? Or will you be left behind by your competitors who produce video sooner and better than you do? Beginning at 11 AM EDT today, there’s... [...]
Peter Beattie has just announced a fire sale on his software and training, his 5th annual Video Marketing Fire Sale. Beattie is an expert at video marketing, and he has created many training products and software products to share his expertise with other marketers. In this Fire Sale, he is offering 40 different products, all at remarkable discounts. Many are only $5; one is just $1. All are much less than their normal price. The most expensive is only $27. However, as with all fire sales, this is available for only a limited time, through Monday. Don’t put it off; you may miss the whole... [...]
New software for creating high converting videos quickly and without much effort was just launched by Sam Bakker and Brad Stephens. It’s called VideoSkins and it can enhance your process of making videos for your products, for affiliate marketing, for TeeSpring campaigns or for your clients. VideoSkins allows you to create interactive, customized videos in minutes, and do it with a few clicks of your mouse. This software has the potential to increase your lead generation and even sales conversions dramatically. Here’s why. Any video you create and customize using VideoSkins is more... [...]
Sam Bakker and Brad Stephens announced their new software, VideoSkins, yesterday. Since then over 1000 marketers have seen the value and invested in a copy. These eager marketers know that for their videos to be effective, they must drive conversions, sometimes driving opt-ins and sometime driving sales. Bakker and Stephens say that VideoSkins is the best low-cost video tool ever to drive conversions. Here are three important facts about VideoSkins, described by its creators as “Video Customization on Steroids”. 1. It is not a WordPress Plugin. 2. It can be used on both Mac and PC. 3.... [...]
Sam Bakker is releasing VideoSkins at 11 AM EDT today, July 22, 2015. This new video software will quickly create call to actions inside of your videos. It also lets you easily build, customize and manage your own video players using its impressive web-based drag and drop player builder. VideoSkins includes: • Beautifully designed ready-to-go video “skins” (templates), that you can use as they are or you can edit them however you choose. • The ability to capture more leads from each video you make because the call to action is done right. • The ability to add proven lead generation... [...]