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Monday, March 3, 2025

Archive for the 'Ads' Category

Fresh Member builds sophisticated member sites #ad

Mark Thonpson has recently announced FreshMember, a complete membership site management system, and he is running a launch sale for 67% off the ultimate price. This software can cope with the most arduous requirements for managing a membership site, such as: ■ You can manage Affiliates who promote the site for you, including Built-in support for:   Your choice of affiliate systems, including JVZoo, Clickbank and DigiResults.   • Affiliate requests and approvals   • Affiliate Contest Management & Bonus Fulfillment   • Instant & Delayed Commissions... [...]

Tube Live Profits: Hoardes of free traffic from YouTube #ad

Saul Maraney, Damon Green, Warrior Faraaz, and Venkata Ramana have joined forces to produce a novel strategy for getting traffic to your website from YouTube. Here’s what every marketer needs to know about ranking YouTube videos: your videos can get respect from Google if you: 1. Produce quality videos that people want to watch 2. Properly optimize your videos to meet the needs of your audience 3. Use the right platform to publish your videos. What is the best platform? It’s a new service by YouTube called YouTube LIVE Events. It’s the latest service from Google, and so far few... [...]

Smart Member: Complete membership site solution (and more) #ad

Just announced by Chris Record, Smart Member software allows you to build a membership site for any niche in just a matter of minutes. Easily add your content to the site. Training videos can be added automatically, for example. But, Chris is going beyond a launch of Smart Member. He is also launching Bridge Pages and bundling it together with Smart Member. Bridge Pages is his proprietary software platform that allows you to create dynamic bridge marketing pages instantly to rapidly increase conversions and ROI. Instead of creating 1 page and trying to target the everybody and his brother with... [...]

Your affiliate marketing can be more profitable; here’s how #ad

As you may know, affiliate marketing can be profitable and can be a low-hassle, low-time investment business. But, on the other hand, many people attempt to become profit-making affiliates and actually have to struggle to break even. Last weekend, three marketers, Anwesh Rath, David Kirby and Rav released Affiliate Marketing X to shows you some fresh methods to grow your affiliate income. They say that by choosing the right niche, using only free traffic, and getting back to basics, following their directions, you can rapidly improve your affiliate marketing success. In Affiliate Marketing X, you... [...]

Email Cash Blueprint: 19 email profit-boosting methods #ad

Temper Thompson is a 17 year-old boy who is a protégé of famed marketer and trainer Matt Bacak. Together, they have produced Email Cash Blueprint, with the methods Bacak taught Thompson, methods that made Thompson’s business take off. With a mailing list of under 1000 subscribers, using this method, Thompson (a high school student) earns over $10,000 in a month, which is over 3 times what his teachers make. Email Cash Blueprint contains an interview Bacak did with Thompson, in which the method used is detailed. You get the video, the audio and a PDF transcript of the interview. You can... [...]

One good blog is powerful; a network of blogs is more powerful #ad

Perhaps you have heard of “private blog networks”, a tool to improve your visibility in search engines. Some SEO experts say that no other method of increasing your ranking compares. Todd Spears and Clinton Dixson have a solution for people wanting their own private blog network: Blog Network Blueprint. In this new training, they have created 15 fun, easy-to-understand videos that will show you how to set up your network of blogs that will effectively promote your site in the search engines. They are so sure of the quality of their training that they are offering a 30-day, 100% refund... [...]

Country boy from Texas finds ultimate keyword success #ad

Brian Howard found that ranking for keywords wasn’t necessarily as profitable as the guides and gurus lead you to believe. Even though he ranked very high, he wasn’t getting the traffic that people had taught should be expected. He set out to determine what was wrong and what could be done to correct it. The result is Ultimate Keyword Conversions. He found that by using Google Webmaster Tools in new ways, he could uncover a lot of keyword information that most marketers never know about. You see, a lot of the data Google provides can be misleading or distracting. You need to get below... [...]

Summer is here; tee shirts are in demand, big profits await #ad

Millions and millions of tee shirts will be sold in the coming weeks. Some in brick and mortar stores, but many more online. You can participate in this e-commerce bonanza by setting up your own online tee shirt store. You may think it’s hard, but it doesn’t have to be. There is a software package that sets up a tee shirt store on your blog that you can have running in an hour or less. The IM Wealth Builders (Cindy Battye, Soren Jordansen, and John Merrick, have designed a WordPress theme, called Covert Shirt Store, that can have your online tee shirt store running in less than a day. The... [...]

Instant Local Leads: Fastest way to build your list of prospects #ad

If you are a local marketing consultant, you need to know who is interested in your marketing services. Mike Cooch has reopened his sale for Instant Local Leads Software. This powerful software lets you instantly generate leads for any city, any state or province, in any country. And it tells you what you need to know to prioritize them, so you contact the best prospects first. You can choose the niche (say, dentists, or florists, or dog trainer, etc.) and it will find the best prospects in that niche. Instant Local Leads Software will show you their website URL. It will also show you how it looks... [...]

Alex Jeffreys, Transparency and Video Sales #ad

Most famous online marketing names don’t want you digging too much into their backgrounds for fear of some of the things you might find. Not Alex Jeffreys. He openly says he started online from way below the poverty line. He’s proud of what he has accomplished. From wherever you are starting, he can help you. He started from scratch, so he knows what it’s like. In fact, since becoming a successful online marketer, he has helped many people reach online success. If you google his name, the search engines are filled with unsolicited testimonials from people whose lives he helped change. Jeffreys... [...]

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