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Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Archive for the 'Ads' Category

FREE WSO: How to Write Articles That Get Clicked #ad

Reed Floren is giving away another of his training videos, this one on writing useful articles, articles that bring marketing results. This video, How to Write Articles That Get Clicked, is completely free; there isn’t even an OTO. He hasn’t written a sales letter for it. He doesn’t need to; the title says all you need to know. If you want free training in article writing, get it here: How to Write Articles That Get Clicked.  [...]

PLR Reviews of some of the hottest toys of the year #ad

Getting ready for the Christmas rush is no small matter for an online marketer. This is when most merchants do the majority of their business. But it’s also no small amount of work. Jennifer Scott has the perfect solution for you if you are in the toy niche, 66 Reviews of the Hottest Toys.<?p> Now you can fill your Amazon affiliate site with the latest toys and can include intelligent write-ups about them. Scott has written all the reviews for you, so you just need to post them to your site. In fact, you can do whatever you choose with the reviews; you are getting PLR rights. They can... [...]

Breakthrough Membership Site System for Recurring Income #ad

Long-term income should be the goal of every online marketer. One sale may feed you for a day; recurring income can feed you for life. One of the best way s to earn recurring income is through establishing a site that attracts people to sign up as members. Choose a topic that has a lot of interested peole create your membership “club” and host it on that site. People who sign up as members will tend to be highly interested in your topic, and if presented the right offers will tend to invest in them. Bryan Harkins has developed his Breakthrough Membership Site System so you can quickly... [...]

iPhone Informer: How to get into the iPhone accessories business #ad

The new Apple iPhones are big hits (they are physically big, too, and that’s part of what made them hits.) Apple has trouble keeping up with the demand. Savvy marketers can see the potential for riding on Apple’s coattails by offering accessories that iPhone users will need. That can be big business, too. Barb Ling has created a free WSO to help you get into the iPhone accessories business. She calls it iPhone Informer. The purpose of this new training is to share with you news sources and other links that will help you get an iPhone accessories business running. you need to know WHERE... [...]

Write, Publish and Profit from the Hottest, Hidden Non-Fiction Niche #ad

Amy Harrop is an experienced online marketer and an author of non-fiction books. Now, she is helping you get into the Kindle authorship business, too. Harrop has researched the non-fiction book market. She has found a niche in which there is very little competition, despite a lot of interest by readers. Now, in her research package she calls Publishing Intelligence Non-Fiction, she shares her insights with you. The niche (a sub-niche of the massive health care niche) is so large that it is surprising that the competition is so low, so large that the relatively few people who get her research guide... [...]

Fresh plots available for romance authors #ad

Sometimes you need a little push to get past writer’s block. Getting your book on the virtual bookstand (such as the Kindle publishing site) as quickly as possible means you start earning royalties sooner. If getting started is your problem, Amber Jalink has an answer for you: Kindle Plot Ideas, Vol. 5. She doesn’t write your book for you, but she does give you a head start, including: •The couple’s careers •The steps from start to finish in most cases (some more expanded than others) •The concept (whether it is Romance, Action/Romance, Office Romance, Intrigue, Corporate espionage,... [...]

WP Abundant Content Loader: for prolific bloggers #ad

If you you create a lot of articles for your site, and particularly if you outsource a lot of your content creation, you have a challenge to get all your content onto your site easily. It’s time-consuming and sometimes it’s frustrating to make all the fields just right so your articles will look the way you want them. But now, there’s an easier way. WP Abundant Content Loader takes the articles you have on your hard drive and uploads them in bulk to your WordPress site. You tell this plugin where to find a ZIP file containing your articles. It uploads them and publishes them for... [...]

Powerpoint Templates for Video #ad

In the spirit of the times, when video drives so many sales, Tom Reed has created what he calls Amazing Powerpoint for Video Templates. These 57 templates for creating Powerpoint videos include niche-oriented templates (e.g., restaurant, real estate, etc.) and general presentation templates. There’s something here for everyone. Besides these 57 designs for Powerpoint slides, Reed includes several additional design elements for you to use: • Male and female cartoon characters • Additional POwerpoint templates • Matching A4 and A5 flyer designs • Abstract backgrounds • Customizable... [...]

Source Phoenix: 3 blueprints for earning $400K/Mo #ad

Alex Cass and Alex Becker have just launched their new training that they say has earned them and a couple of their partners $300,000 (in aggregate) in a single month. They use SEO to rank sites, many sites, over and over, using the same process each time. Client sites, affiliate sites and sites for their own products. This process works for any site, they report. And with their step-by-step, repeatable process anyone can do it. In Source Phoenix, even if you are a brand-new beginner, who can hardly spell SEO, they are offering to show you how to make $7 figures a year, if you put your mind to... [...]

Can lazy people become successful marketers? #ad

Peter Szabo says lazy people can, indeed, become successful marketers. He shows the way in his new training, Easiest Money Ever, he shows the way. He says that this new system can earn 3-figures (i.e., at least $100) daily and can do it without any website, any list or any significant start-up budget. His point is that by avoiding building a website or attempting to build a list, you can save a lot more time but still earn good money. He says it can all be done using YouTube. In Easiest Money Ever, Szabo shares his many techniques, tips & tricks for maximizing long-term profit from YouTube. He... [...]

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