Ifyou need help building a business in the IM niche, you have a solution at hand. Every month, you will get 20 beefy, current, fresh articles you can use on your website, in your blog, in a newsletter, or any other way that will build your business. These are brand new articles on topics your readers want to know about. They are well researched, well-written and reviewed by an editor before delivery. This is content you will be proud to use. To preserve the value of these articles, he is only selling 150 memberships in this exclusive club. Get in quick here. [...]
Archive for the 'Ads' Category
Bill Guthrie learned that the six-year old girl next door has severe cancer problems. He has organized a task force of marketers to pitch in and help. IM NewsWatch is helping and dozens of other marketers, too. You can help Libby, while helping your business. Well-known marketers are contributing 30 products to a pool they are selling for only $27. You’ll be impressed with the software, plugins, training and templates they are offering us. And 100% of the proceeds go to the hospital and surgical costs for Libby. If any is left over, the remainder goes to the hospital research team fighting... [...]
Rodgers has produced five quality reports on Marketing with Fiverr, Pinterest, YouTube, WordPress and email. You can use them three ways: * You can learn from them to improve your own marketing success * You can give them away to people who opt-in to your list. * You can earn commissions on the products mentioned in these reports Put your name on the cover (“Brought to you by…”) and put your affiliate links inside. Make money coming and going. Learn more here. [...]
Gaz Cooper releases fresh Amazon reviews. All these popular products sell for over $100, so you’ll make good commissions when people buy. All of them are top sellers, so you should get a lot interest. For example, included is the popular Samsung Galaxy. All the videos include professional voice-overs that will make a strong impression on your visitors. Check out these Amazon reviews here. [...]
Josee Bedard has a reputation for producing quality WordPress themes, Her craft shines in her newest theme. This WP Theme is Desktop, Tablet, & Mobile Ready. The responsive layout ensures easy browsing for tablet & mobile visitors by adapting your content to fit their screen. This theme features: * Fully Responsive WordPress Theme * Logo and favicon upload * Full Width template * Extensive Admin Panel * Custom Typography * Unlimited Color Variations * Integrated Shortcode * Footer Custom widgets The theme is beautiful, flexible, easy to customize and comes with full... [...]
Some merchants in CPA networks don’t treat their affiliates as fairly as they should. They “scrape” leads from their affiliates without giving the affiliates proper credit. If you are doing CPA marketing, you need to protect yourself. Naveen K’s CPA Anti Scrubber shows you how to turn the tables on unethical merchants. You capture the leads before you send them to the CPA merchant. Once you have them, with the right opt-in agreements, you can send them to multiple CPA offers. Or you can send them to your own offers. This way, you are in control of your business, no longer... [...]
If you wanted to make good looking physical product review sites, check out this theme. It isn’t cheap, but it’s good. This theme comes with Resale rights and PLR rights. Included are the sales mini-site, the PSD files, step by step video instructions and a PDF guide. This theme can do wonders for someone’s business. Maybe yours. Find out more here. [...]
Roshawn Hall has a blog that ranks high for “lose weight” and for “weight loss.” That’s no small accomplishment. Now he explains how in his new Power Blog System. In this report, he shares the resources he uses to construct the foundation for every site he creates. He has sifted the plugins, themes and widgets for building a top-performing WordPress blog and he now explains his findings. Nearly all these resources are free. You just need to know where to find them, and with his guidance, you’ll find the ones you need. You blog can perform better for you. Get... [...]
If the ads on your WordPress site are not pulling in sales, check out WP Ads Back. It creates ads that are hard to ignore, not because they are “in your face”, but because they are so unusual and compelling. Effects include delayed appearance of the ad, for example. You want to make the “ad bind” visitor actually pay attention to your attractive ad. Along with the plugin, you get a wide variety of marketing graphics you can place in your ads (or use graphics you already have.) See WP Ads Back in action here. [...]
If you sell products on your WordPress site, you need to describe your products, and often you need to use comparative information in a table. EZ Price Tables makes that job easy. It will build a table on a sales page, for example showing “good, better and best” models of a product. You can easily list the features along the side and the model names along the top. In the table you have space to tell the way that model handles the feature. At the bottom, you can have a link to the sales page for each model. You can drag and drop to re-order the rows, columns or both. There are many design... [...]