Shepherd says you don’t need lots of money, lots of skill, lots of knowledge or lots of charisma to do well on the internet. You just need a plan that’s proven to work and the determination to follow it. In light of all you don’t need, Shepherd says it’s like getting Money from Thin Air. Shepherd worked a deal with a million-dollar marketer to let Shepherd publish an e-book revealing how the marketer earned his millions by selling on the web. The nice thing is that this is a step-by-step blueprint to “making it” online. Shepherd says if you can follow directions,... [...]
Archive for the 'Ads' Category
If there’s anything most local business marketing consultants hate, it’s the drudgery of manually getting new clients for their services. Delivery of services to current clients is far more interesting and more profitable, as well. Now, Jamie Garside and David Chamberlain have announced Mobile Video Domination, which shows how you can use videos to find clients for mobile websites. Not just any videos, of course, but ones following their process. In fact, they include two techniques for using short, quick marketing videos to pull in new clients. With no hard selling required, at all. In... [...]
Whatever you want to sell online, you have a problem: getting people to believe you’re telling the truth. They can’t touch it so it’s hard to get excited about it. Video is the next best thing to having the product in your hands and seeing it live with your own eyes. Video showing the product can make a big positive impression on skeptical buyers. No matter if you’re selling: • Digital Products • Physical Products • Affiliate Products • Online Services • Offline Services you can benefit from adding video to your marketing. Because Video drives traffic,... [...]
Online marketing isn’t necessarily easy for a beginner. There’s a learning curve that can be challenging. Where can you turn to get help with these challenges? Many try affiliate marketing since that bypasses the problem of product creation. But for almost all affiliate programs, you are still faced with the marketing challenges; only the product is done for you. But Joel, from Reach One Media, is going beyond that in a big way. In this Copy&Paste Business in a Box he gives you everything you need for an online business. The business in this box is rescuing offline businesses... [...]
There are many niches swarming with marketers; weight loss is the most visible example. Everywhere you turn there are ads for weightloss products. But there are also niches with very few marketers serving them, if only you could uncover those niches by research. Trevor D just released a package of two videos that show you How to find hidden nichesusing Amazon data. Other people have said “do it”; Trevor shows you how. The reason that most keywords and niches that most people find are so competitive is that everyone in IM is going to Google Adwords and working from the same keywords... [...]
Some businesses need fancy mobile sites; most local businesses generally don’t. You can easily build them a mobile site they will be delighted with once you understand their true needs. Laughlin’s Local Mobile Marketing Free Report shows you what those needs are and how you can ultimately respond to those needs. He is giving away this report because tomorrow he will release a WordPress plugin that makes local mobile site building easy. If you read his report and agree with what he says, he assumes you will buy the plugin. Get your free report here so you’ll be ready for Thursday’s... [...]
You’ve seen them, videos with a hand writing quickly on a whiteboard to create a pithy message. They are intriguing. It’s hard to stop watching them. Now, Kim (a.k.a. Ms Motivation) has created 12 of them aimed at local businesses, showing thiem the importance of a mobile-friendly website and implicitly urging them to hire you to build one for them. These Mobile Website Whiteboard Videos are an ideal prospecting tool for a consultant to local businesses. They drive prospects to your website, and included with the videos is an eye-catching squeeze page. And this bundle goes even farther... [...]
Now, through February 8, you can get Video Jacker for a 65% discount. This new software converts videos on YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook (in fact, any MP4 video) into a viral marketing tool for you. This software (hosted on the Video Jacker servers) lets you add “buy now” or any of the other 26 included calls to action to these videos. Things like opt-in with aWeber or GetResponse, follow my Tweet stream, check my location of Google Maps, and many more, are built in to Video Jacker – 7 Day Sale. For $6.99 per month (with a $14.95 one-time fee) you can create videos that let people... [...]
If you want your site’s visitors from Dallas to see the Dallas Cowboys name in your banner while People from Miami see the Dolphins and people in New York see the Jets, check out WP Bullseye Pro. Now you can add location customization to any of your banners. This has a subtle influence on visitor behavior. They see you as more attuned to their specific needs and respond more favorably. This new plugin will add custom text to a banner based on location, at the city level, the state level or the country level. This plugin connects to available commercial services that offer IP-based location... [...]
Affiliates, people who promote your product on a commission basis, can expand your sales rapidly- if you know how to find them and cultivate them. Adrian Niculescu has put together joint ventures and affiliate marketing arrangements for years. Now, in Joint Venture Code, he shows the rest of us how to get JV partners and affiliates for our own businesses. This information comes from Niculescu’s hard-won success in this field, for his own company (a social media and JV marketing agency) and for its clients. A business grows much faster with affiliates than on its own. With the same amount... [...]