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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Archive for the 'Ads' Category

Total List Domination: Don’t depend on Google for sales; an email list is better #ad

Simon Warner just released Total List Domination, for people who don’t have a list of emails they can market to. Total List Domination shows you how to build a list so you can have a long-term relationship with people in your niche. That long-term relationship is where a business gets its enduring profitability. There are many ways to attract people onto your list. This training, which is intended for beginners, shows many methods for finding people who are interested in your niche and who want to learn more about it from you. Your training is delivered in both video format and transcripts... [...]

Keek Authority Pro: Turn this new social network into your marketing tool #ad

 Keek is a new social network, dedicated to short member videos on all subjects. Keek already has over 2 million members, and it’s continuing to grow. Over 66,000 new videos are being added daily. Marketers are just starting to look into using it for promotions. So you can still get in on the ground level. Once you sign up for a Keek account, you will want to start getting followers, people who are interested in your stream of videos. Keek Authority Pro is software that automates the process of getting new followers. It automates following other members. In many cases, they will reciprocate... [...]

Conversion Cartel: Turn your visitors into buyers #ad

Visitors that don’t respond as you need them to represent a wasted opportunity. If they had been treated to a little better persuasion, they may have: • Opted in for your squeeze page • Filled in a form for a CPA offer • Signed up for your membership site • Tried out that free trial you made available • Bought that affiliate product you were promoting None of the good results you need can take place unless you can say something to convert them from lookers to action-takers. Brennen Noble is releasing Conversion Cartel at 10 AM EST, today, and its goal is to eliminate... [...]

Local Lead-gen Infographics for offline consultants #ad

Consultants to local businesses often use a printed (or downloadable) report on a facet of online marketing as a tool to get new local clients. James Allen has created a new version of this tool that will attract attention from your prospective clients, a set of infographic reports he calls Local Lead-gen Infographics. These infographics explain some key online concepts that local marketers will find intrguing: • Google Plus Local • Facebook business pages • Foursquare • Pinterest • Mobile text Marketing • Mobile Optimized Websites In each of these infographics, you... [...]

Trophy Pigeon: Do your SEO viraly #ad


Azon Link Conversion: serve more countries to earn more commissions #ad

If you are operating an Amazon affiliate business, and earning commissions from sales made by, you are probably missing some commissions you might have earned. Visitors to your site from UK or Canada don’t buy from They buy from Amazon.CA or Amazon.UK. They may learn about the product on your site, but you don’t get the commission when they go to their local site to buy. Now, Heri Rosyadi has released Azon Link Conversion WordPress Plugin that multiplies your Amazon links so they send the visitor to the proper Amazon store for their country. Make any of these... [...]

Video Press Theme creates video sales or video presentation pages with just a few clicks #ad

Get Video Press Theme is a new WordPress theme, designed to host videos on your site. Your home page can be enhanced by a video to welcome your visitors. And you can feature up to five more videos in listings in the sidebar, and you have any number of other videos hosted on your site. This premium theme supports: • Full customization of logo and header • A widget-ready sidebar (show it or hide it, as needed) • Built-in social sharing buttons • Guest Comments with star ratings • Many other features to improve usability for you and interactivity for your visitors. Your license... [...]

Trophy Pigeon: Do your SEO virally #ad


Keyword Kungfu: A different way to research keywords #ad

Google Keyword Tool is the best known keyword research tool, but there are others that also get a lot of usage. The problem is that if you use the same tool everyone else uses, you will get the same results everyone else in your niche gets. If you could do research differently, you might find keywords to target with your SEO or PPC that don’t have much competition, and you might rank higher for those keywords. That’s what Keyword Kungfu software is for. In seconds, it will give you valuable keyword information that bypasses the usual techniques, so they keywords it gives you are not... [...]

Domain Flipping Formula: Sell your unused domains for a profit #ad

If you have a domain name that you bought with high expectations, and spend $10 per year to maintain, you need to turn it into a profit by flipping it, not continuing to let it drain your bank account with annual fees. Domain Flipping Formula by Roy H shows you how to flip the domain for instant cash, with a domain you already own or one you buy just for flipping. Included are these key techniques: • How to find good domains for flipping • How to build content quickly and increase your site’s value in short order • How to get top dollar for your site when you sell it Selling... [...]

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