Justin Popavic and Ted Payne are noted for their PLR packages. Now they have created Mobile App PLR Resource Kit, an introduction to building mobile apps, that you can sell or give away to build your business. For example, if you sell to local businesses, give them the first report in this library, “Mobile App Statistics”, to show they why they need to offer a mobile app to their clients. A second report in Mobile App PLR Resource Kit covers the best practices that app developers should follow. You will find it helpful, and you can sell it to people who want to get in the app business. The... [...]
Archive for the 'Ads' Category
You can quickly create a membership site having locked resources, using Easy Member Site Creator. Literally, by typing in a few bits of information and clicking a button, you can have a working membership site with all the needed pages. Your download pages are protected from thieves. Even if someone knows the URL for the download page, if they haven’t logged in, they can’t access it. Instead, they are taken to the login page. When someone logs in to your membership site, you can give them an upgrade offer, or two if you like, or even more, so you can continue to sell to your members. You... [...]
Derek Madden, the creator of YouTube Cash Cow, says that the methods contained in it are suitable for beginners. Even if you: • Don’t have a website • Don’t have any technical knowledge • Don’t have any experience • Don’t have long hours to spend in your business • Don’t have a lot of money to spend you can still copy his successful process and build a business based on YouTube. He gives you a step-by-step guide that omits the fluff and takes you through the process in minimal time. He shows you a CPA network he uses for products he promotes... [...]
With Social Signal Tracker you give it a keyword. It gives you the top-10 ranking pages in Google, then gets the counts of social signals for each of these pages from six major social sites. With this data, it computes how strong the social impact of each of these pages is, and the average for the keyword or niche, Then you enter your page’s URL, and Social Signal Tracker compares the social signals of your page with the top 10 ranking pages, It produces a report highlighting your page’s strengths and weaknesses, and recommending actions for you to take to boost your rank. You get a... [...]
If you haven’t heard of outsourcing to the Philippines, you are missing some potentially powerful “growth juice” for your business. There are experienced workers there who are willing to work for wages that to most of the world would seem surprisingly low. You can get almost any marketing task done in the Philippines for a cost you will love. Outsourcing With Lyfe: Philippines Style shows you how. With these hints for successful outsourcing, you will avoid the mistakes most beginners make. You will find qualified workers that work hard and are eager to please. As the sales... [...]
These 9 plugins, by Kevin Byrnne and by Flynn, himself, normally sell for more, but for just a few days, you can get all 9 for $27. The list of what they can do for you is impressive: • They can protect your online income from hackers. • They can build your list fast by offering lead magnets customized to each site visitor. • They can generate more sales by customizing banner ads for each visitor • They can auto-split-test every clickable link on your site. • They can optimize tags and affiliate links- for more sales • They can eliminate banner blindness... [...]
If you have a mailing list, other marketers would like to use it. In the old days, it was common to rent a list, but many marketers found their list growing irritated as the poor quality mail they received from renters, so sending a solo email for another marketer, which offers more control, is preferred. If you are careful about what ads you send to your clients, you can supplement your direct earnings from what you sell to them with additional earnings from other marketers. Operation Solo shows you how. In this training, Anthony Tilley, working with Igor Kheifets, shows you how he built... [...]
Per Wikipedia, “The Johnson Box is named after direct marketer Frank Johnson, who is credited as having first used the Johnson Box to improve response to his offers for American Heritage magazine.” You can see a copy of the original letter here: http://chiefmarketer.com/direct-marketing/frank-johnson-johnson-box-letter. You have seen Johnson boxes on sales pages all over the web. Their background is usually a contrasting color from the main background and have succinct point of information- sometimes a guarantee, sometimes a testimonial, etc. They are effective for highlighting... [...]
Today, you can get this top popup wizard for your WordPress site at a major discount ($150 on Developer License off the regular price at http://wpPopWizard.com and even $50 off the previous WSO price.) With this plugin, you can insert virtually any HTML into a popup: text, CSS, images, flash and video. Just think of what the flexibility could do for your marketing. You can get attention is ways you may never have thought of. You can create sliding popups, lightbox popups, and hover popups. Create as many on your site (or on a single page) as you need; there’s no limit. You can select... [...]
Today, you can get this top popup wizard for your WordPress site at a major discount ($150 on Developer License off the regular price at http://wpPopWizard.com and even $50 off the previous WSO price.) With this wpPopWizard plugin, you can insert virtually any HTML into a popup: text, CSS, images, flash and video. Just think of what the flexibility could do for your marketing. You can get attention is ways you may never have thought of. You can create sliding popups, lightbox popups, and hover popups. Create as many on your site (or on a single page) as you need; there’s no limit. You can... [...]