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Saturday, December 21, 2024

Archive for the 'AdSense Auto ads' Category

Google Launches Improved Auto Ads

Google AdSense Product team has announced the launch of improved Auto ads. According to the Google team, the new Auto ads are “easier to use and come with better controls to customize the ad experience for your users”. Three changes that Google has highlighted are: Easy setup and management Greater customization, and Updated reporting. Read Google’s full post to explore more details. Introducing the new and improved Auto ads Google AdSense  [...]

Google launches ‘AdSense Auto ads’

Google has launched ‘AdSense Auto ads’. The company calls it “a powerful new way to place ads on your site”. According to Google, machine learning based Auto ads can make smart placement and monetization decisions on behalf of advertisers. Key benefits of Auto ads are: Optimization: Using machine learning, Auto ads show ads only when they are likely to perform well and provide a good user experience. Revenue opportunities: Auto ads will identify any available ad space and place new ads there, potentially increasing your revenue. Easy to use: With Auto ads you only need... [...]

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