Shawn Collins’ latest blog post is titled “Affiliates Can Earn Commission from Amazon Through Twitter with #AmazonCart”. Collins Says, “Amazon has announced a new option to shop through them via Twitter with the hashtag #AmazonCart. Affiliates of Amazon are able to earn commission through this new variation of tracking from Amazon. When an affiliate Tweets an product link with their Store ID, Twitter users (who have connected their twitter accounts to Amazon) can add the item directly to their carts by replying to the Tweet with #AmazonCart. Any purchase that occurs as a... [...]
Archive for the 'Amazon News and Updates' Category
The latest post on ‘Re/code’ is titled “Google Targets Amazon With Free Same-Day Delivery in N.Y. and L.A.”. Jason Del Rey says, “Google just threw down the gauntlet in the same-day delivery wars, launching its Google Shopping Express service in Manhattan and parts of Los Angeles and offering free same-day delivery for the first six months. The service, previously available only in the San Francisco Bay area, delivers groceries and other goods from the likes of Costco, Target and Walgreens, and usually costs $4.99 per store visited“. Google Targets Amazon With Free Same-Day... [...]
The latest article on ‘Marketing Land’ is titled “Researchers Say Online Sales Tax Caused 10% Drop In Amazon Purchases”. Amy Gesenhues says, “A 42-page paper published by researchers from Ohio State University claims Amazon shoppers in states that have enacted online sales tax lawshave reduced their spending on Amazon by 10 percent. reported on “The Amazon Tax” study which tracked the spending habits of 245,000 households that had spent at least $100 on Amazon during the first half of 2012 and followed their spending habits through 2013. According... [...]
The latest article on ‘Marketing Land’ is titled “Report: Amazon Releasing Smartphone Later This Year”. Greg Sterling says, “According to a report appearing in the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) this afternoon Amazon will in fact be releasing a smartphone in the second half of the year. This development had been rumored for a some time. The WSJ says that Amazon hopes to distinguish the phone with a 3D display that doesn’t require glasses. However that by itself is unlikely to differentiate the phone sufficiently to ensure success. It’s probably the case that an... [...]
The latest article on ‘The Forrester Blog’ is titled “Amazon Dash: Monetizing Mobile Moments At Home”. Julie Ask says, “Amazon is testing a new device to facilitate making a grocery list and ordering groceries through their AmazonFresh service in markets such as San Francisco and Seattle. (See TechCrunch article.) Consumers can add items to the list through voice or by barcode scan. Two things (for me) make this an interesting experiment to watch. 1) Amazon looks to profit from what we call “a mobile moment,” a concept introduced in our forthcoming book, The Mobile Mind... [...]
It can be frustrating when your Kindle book isn’t selling when you see other people making sales for their books (which may not be of the best quality). When you make good sales, there’s money to be made. If these people can do it, so can you. It just takes finding the promotional techniques that work. When you do that, you could become a full-time Kindle publisher like other successful authors. If you want to get on the first page of for high paying keywords, it can usually be done, if you are willing to do a little work. The work’s not the hard part; it’s knowing... [...]
The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Amazon Launches iOS App for Sellers”. Karissa Bell says, “Amazon just launched Amazon Seller, its first app for merchants. The app, unveiled Wednesday, gives vendors a series of tools to manage their accounts and interact with customers. Amazon Seller is meant to make it easier for merchants to sell their products, the company said in a forum announcing the app. Vendors can use the app to track prices, create sale listings and interact with customers and Amazon support. Sellers can also track sales ranks, customer reviews and search... [...]
The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “5 Reasons Amazon Wins at E-Commerce”. Allison Howen says, “When it comes to e-commerce, Amazon is king. Not only does the online retailer offer millions of products, but it also provides a good user-experience with its digital best practices and top-notch customer service. Although those factors make it difficult for smaller retailers with less resources to compete against the e-commerce juggernaut, it doesn’t mean that they should stop trying. Instead, retailers should look at what makes Amazon the greatest and emulate the... [...]
The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “Is Amazon Customizing Ecommerce Up-Sell Prices Based On Product Usage?”. Sam Mallikarjunan says, “Amazon makes almost $100k/minute in revenue – yet not much profit. Why? Because Amazon continues to invest in creating highly personalized experiences that grow the economic value they get from their customers over time. Amazon is becoming a platform for people’s lives, and getting very good at generating more revenue per customer by enhancing the value of that platform. Amazon’s Kindle service lets people buy books... [...]
The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “How Twitter Could Challenge Amazon, eBay In eCommerce”. Bernard Lunn says, “The reported but still-unconfirmed news that Twitter is moving into e-commerce—first broken by Re/code—is baffling to most people. There were unconfirmed reports of Twitter partnering with a New York-based startup called Fancy—where Jack Dorsey is an investor—and there was something about Twitter using Stripe for payments. These reports are also still unconfirmed, but they have been picked up by mainstream media. Twitter has been in the spotlight after... [...]