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Thursday, March 6, 2025

Archive for the 'Amazon' Category

How to hack your way onto the Amazon Best Seller list #ad

A best selling author has a lot of advantages. The initial royalties, though they look awfully nice when you deposit them in your bank, are just the beginning. The book can boost your business in many ways. As a best selling author, for example, you can command a premium as a coach for other authors; you can speak on stages to large crowds, and more. So it’s great. How do I do it? Ariel Sanders, along with his partners, Justin Popovic and Brad Gosse, who have “been there, done that” have just announced Do It Yourself – Best Seller, based on experience, to show you how it’s... [...]

‘Amazon has started turning Kindle e-books into ads’ – Business Insider

Lara O’Reilly says, “Many people don’t even know Amazon has an advertising business. It sells ads across and Amazon-owned sites like It also sells mobile ads across its Kindle e-book range and Kindle Fire tablet, and it has an ad platform which extends Amazon ads to other websites. Speaking at The Financial Times’ FT Digital Media conference in London on Tuesday, Amazon Media Group’s vice president of global advertising sales Seth Dallaire revealed a novel way the company is using Kindle to sell ads for advertisers that don’t sell their... [...]

‘Amazon Goes After Sites Selling Fake Reviews: Files Lawsuit Against’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Amy Gesenhues says, “Amazon is taking its battle against fake reviews to the courts, filing a lawsuit yesterday in Seattle’s King County Superior Court against the operator of According to a report yesterday on, the e-commerce behemoth filed the first lawsuit of its kind against operator Jay Gentile. “The case is part of a broader effort by the company to crack down on fake reviews,” writes Geekwire’s Todd Bishop”. Amazon Goes After Sites Selling Fake Reviews: Files Lawsuit Against Marketing Land  [...]

‘Will Amazon Dash be an ecommerce breakthrough for CPG brands?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Patricio Robles says, “When Amazon announced Amazon Dash, a device that lets consumers reorder common household products ranging from peanut butter to paper towels through their AmazonFresh accounts, many thought it must be an early April Fool’s joke. After Amazon confirmed that Dash is no joke, the criticism began. TIME’s Paul Robertsasked, “Will Technology Like Amazon’s Dash Button Make Us Stupid?” and The New Yorker’s Ian Crouch wrote of its horrors. But Amazon believes Dash is capable of creating real value for consumers. “Some people will think buttons... [...]

AzonAuthority software builds powerful Amazon stores #ad

Sean Donahoe has a new product coming out this morning. AzonAuthority was created to help you build highly-profitable real businesses selling physical products by leveraging the market power of Amazon in a true e-commerce environment. With AzonAuthority, you turn Amazon into your personal drop-shipping and payment handling system while creating a high-powered, authority store. At the heart of AzonAuthority is a proprietary SmartCart Engine that integrates with Amazon’s systems to make sure you sell most effectively. Donahoe says that unlike other Amazon affiliate stores, search engines treat... [...]

‘Amazon is working with the advertising industry to make all ads on the web better’ – Business Insider

Lara O’Reilly says, “Amazon’s advertising platform may only account for a small proportion of the global digital ad market – a scant 0.75% in terms of revenue share according to eMarketer – but the e-commerce giant has ambitions to make advertising across the web a better experience for consumers. Amazon has three advertising areas: Across its own sites, across its mobile devices such as the Kindle and Fire tablet, and the Amazon ad platform which extends Amazon ads to other websites. Speaking to Business Insider at Advertising Week Europe in London, Amazon Media... [...]

‘Amazon And Microsoft Dominate The $20 Billion Cloud’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Matt Asay says, “Cloud computing now totals nearly $20 billion, but not everyone shares equally in those cumulus riches. According to a new Synergy Research report, Amazon Web Services dominates the cloud with 28% of the overall market, with Microsoft Azure making gains but still commanding just 10% of the market. And while that AWS lead isn’t as hefty as it once was, the cloud market clearly seems to be settling into the Haves, mainly comprised of AWS and Microsoft, and the Have Nots, which includes everyone else. A Big Market Getting Bigger For years we had to guess at how big the cloud... [...]

‘Amazon Is Finally Starting To Harness The Visual Web’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Lauren Orsini says, “Amazon has launched a visually dominant storefront for showcasing exclusive products. Called Amazon Exclusives, this Pinterest-like image grid allows users to browse through products from paddleboards to patterned Mary Janes that are only for sale on Amazon. “Amazon Exclusives is comprised of sellers that have chosen to sell their products only on the Amazon Marketplace and through their own websites and physical stores,” the company wrote, and other than that, the products have little in common. The grid display appears to have been chosen order to encourage browsing... [...]

‘New Amazon Platform Allows Anyone to Host an Online Giveaway’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Kate Taylor says, “Want to host a giveaway online? Amazon has your back. On Tuesday, the ecommerce giant announced a new tool that allows customers to set up a giveaway with Amazon as the platform. Setting up an Amazon Giveaway is free (except, of course, that hosts have to pay for the prize and the cost of shipping it to the winner) and looks relatively simple – perfect for entrepreneurs and small businesses trying to create buzz and engage customers. To set up a giveaway, the host selects an item sold on as the prize and completes a two-step set up process, entering the details... [...]

‘Amazon and the age of personalised marketing’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Rohini Srihari says, “Anyone who has shopped online, read a news article online, or is engaged in social media has interacted with recommendation systems in some form or another.   The one that immediately comes to mind is Amazon, the juggernaut online retailer and the largest internet company in the US. The ‘response to buying suggestions’ that Amazon offers its customers is said to generate an additional 10% to 30% in revenue for the business. Other popular sites that rely on recommendation algorithms include Netflix, which even sponsored a $1m prize for improvements to its predictive... [...]

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