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Friday, March 7, 2025

A gift for readers of my marketing commentary

As many of you know I work as a pediatric cardiac surgeon in a children’s hospital in Chennai, India. For years, now, I have used my internet marketing business to help support my work at the hospital. Over the years, I have learned a lot about what it takes to be successful in this business, and I have written several books about what I have learned. Today, I want to give you a downloadable copy of one of my books. It normally sells for $17 here, but for readers of my IM NewsWatch column, I am giving away copies – gratis. What is the book? 21 Copywriting Tips to Make You VERY Rich If... [...]

The time of your life

Today, I want to tell you about a man I admire greatly. And a man I count among my friends. My friend, mentor and role model is a top official in the Indian Administrative Services. He rose from strength to strength in a high-stress, super-achieving field, and retired recently as Cabinet Secretary to the Central Government. I learned a lot from him, but one of the most important things I learned came from his example. He was the most organized man I have ever known. As a result of his skills at organizing his business activities, he was a man who was able to accomplish a great deal of very complex... [...]

“It’s ‘Just Business'”… REALLY?

This had me annoyed, irritated, ashamed! A guy asks if he should refund a buyer – many days AFTER his refund guarantee expires – because the widow of the buyer wrote to say her husband died and she couldn’t use the product. Someone else advises him to do it – after confirming the death is true… by asking to see a copy of the death certificate for proof! A third person is offended at a suggestion that’s so insensitive. A fourth argues that business is not charity, and a refund is not legally binding on the seller. A debate erupts over who is ‘right’... [...]

Dr.Mani, how does blogging help with selling infoproducts?

Blogging started out as an online diary keeping system, but has morphed today into becoming a versatile content management system that has many uses and can be creatively employed by any infopreneur to build a brand, grow a business and sell more. I have been blogging since 2003, and have a somewhat unusual take on how blogging ties in with selling infoproducts. My approach is to start blogging first, and then use the brand, network and audience that evolves around the blog to create infoproducts that people already want – and sell them to those very people who asked for it! In a sense,... [...]

Dr. Mani, what’s the best way to generate income from a typical niche? E-books, subscription website, reports?

Information marketing provides an array of income opportunities in any niche. And while many (or all) might be suitable for a few niches, there are usually some preferred channels of monetization that will vary depending upon whether you are in the “health promotion” niche, “make money” niche, “self improvement” niche or some other niche. In very general terms, all online income streams can be categorized under 3 heads: * content publishing * direct selling * lead generation The content publishing model of information marketing depends upon providing valuable... [...]

Dr Mani, what are the steps to set up a sales letter and then deliver the product?

Information marketing is a broad term that covers many different approaches to making money from information products. Some of them – like displaying contextual ads (Google AdSense) on published content – do not involve ‘selling’. But many other methods, like writing e-books or print books, conducting teleseminars, or running coaching programs, do require you to be adept at selling. So every infopreneur must learn the basic steps of setting up a sales letter and delivering a digital product. An online sales letter is essentially a sales pitch delivered on a website –... [...]

Dr Mani, How can I generate new product ideas? I don’t want to create products that won’t sell.

For many, coming up with new ideas for products or services can be a serious challenge. If you follow a simple process, it can be quick, easy and even fun. But underlying it is a mindset or philosophy that I’d like to share with you first. To be successful in information marketing, you must adopt the attitude of wanting to help your audience. Solve a problem for them. Guide them toward a desired result. Help make their lives better in some way. Your product doesn’t have to be earth-shaking. Just relevant to what your prospects need and want. Armed with this philosophy, you’ll... [...]

Dr Mani, What is the best way to identify a good niche market to enter?

Great question – and I say that because it’s such a rare question, yet one that is critically important to your eventual success as an information marketer. Far too many excited infopreneurs plunge straight ahead into creating content – writing an ebook or special report, building a website or blog, picking an affiliate product to promote – based entirely on what INTERESTS THEM… and little else. Later, with many frustrating hours of hard work behind them, they wake up to the reality that only few seem interested in what they have to offer – and are surprised,... [...]

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