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Sunday, October 6, 2024

Archive for the 'Big Data' Category

‘The Future Of Big Data Looks Like Streaming’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Matt Asay says, “Big data is big news, but it’s still in its infancy. While most enterprises at least talk about launching Big Data projects, the reality is that very few do in any significant way. In fact, according to new survey data from Dimensional, while 91% of corporate data professionals have considered investment in Big Data, only 5% actually put any investment into a deployment, and only 11% even had a pilot in place. Perhaps the biggest reason is that Big Data technologies are still way too hard to use—and sometimes insufficient for the kinds of data enterprises want to put... [...]

‘Big Data Will Get Even Bigger In 2015’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Matt Asay says, “Perhaps the biggest trend in enterprise computing is driven by a host of very small things. That is, Big Data, a terrible term used to describe the exploding volumes, variety and velocity of data, is largely the result of small devices, whether Internet of Things-style sensors or mobile devices. If 2014 was the year that enterprises desperately tried to take off the Big Data training wheels, 2015 will be the year they succeed. Ironically, this won’t be because they master the intricacies of Hadoop and Spark. Instead, it will be because 2015 will be the year we stop trying... [...]

‘Big Companies Are Still Struggling To Buy A Big Data Clue’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Matt Asay says, “Data science remains the surest ticket to Big Salary nirvana. If only it paid equally large dividends for the companies paying those salaries. Part of the problem stems from getting enough qualified people into a market desperate for answers. But part of the problem stems from asking the wrong questions in the first place. Big Love For Big Data Given the furor over Big Data, it’s not surprising to see companies clamoring to hire people with data science expertise. As LinkedIn’s annual analysis of 330 million user profiles shows, statistical analysis and data mining... [...]

‘Making the move from Big Data to ‘Smart Data’’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

David Moth says, “In the past decade there has been a massive increase in the amount of data that is potentially available to marketers. But simply having a lot of data is of no real use to anyone. It’s the quality of the data and what you do with it that counts. If I may indulge in the use of some buzzwords: marketers need to move from big data to smart data. A new report from Econsultancy and Acxiom investigates the complexity of the data landscape, especially in relation to marketing, and the importance of getting it right in the mind’s eye of the consumer. Entitled Delivering Value in... [...]

Reminder- ‘Avoiding Privacy Pitfalls When Using Big Data in Cross-Channel Campaigns‘ Experian Webinar 2.00 pm ET

This is a reminder for the Experian’s webinar scheduled on October 9.  Experian team says, “As marketing technologies continue to advance and evolve, strong privacy practices are no longer optional – they are an imperative.  Don’t get caught unaware! It’s time to learn how you can leverage all of your disparate cross-channel data to execute highly relevant and personalized, yet privacy compliant cross-channel campaigns. In this sequel to last year’s “Top 10 ways to optimize cross channel marketing without hurting your brand and reputation” the focus will be on Big Data... [...]

‘Avoiding Privacy Pitfalls When Using Big Data in Cross-Channel Campaigns‘ Experian Webinar October 9

Experian team says, “As marketing technologies continue to advance and evolve, strong privacy practices are no longer optional – they are an imperative.  Don’t get caught unaware! It’s time to learn how you can leverage all of your disparate cross-channel data to execute highly relevant and personalized, yet privacy compliant cross-channel campaigns. In this sequel to last year’s “Top 10 ways to optimize cross channel marketing without hurting your brand and reputation” the focus will be on Big Data privacy and compliance. Come hear from Experian Marketing Services’ compliance... [...]

‘Big Data’s Fence-Sitters Are Starting To Experiment’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Matt Asay says, “Big Data may finally have arrived. Not “arrived” in the sense that everyone isswimming in data lakes and discovering actionable insights and other buzzwords. After all, most companies, including yours, are still baffled by Big Data and how to derive value from it. But for the first time in years, the Big Data fence-sitters have decided to get into the action. According to recent Gartner data, Big Data experimentation has hit 73% of enterprises, suggesting that too much is at stake with big data to sit it out”. Big Data’s Fence-Sitters Are Starting To... [...]

‘Soon You’ll Be Able To Buy Stuff Via Twitter’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Selena Larson says, “After months of speculation and high-profile hires, Twitter is finally moving into e-commerce. On Monday, the company announced it is testing a way for users to buy stuff directly from a tweet. Rumors of the company’s move into payments have circulated for months. Now, Twitter joins Facebook in testing a “Buy” button functionality that enables users to purchase things from their mobile device with just a few taps. The test will let people click “Buy” on tweets from a small set of nonprofits, retailers, and musicians. Only a “small percentage” of U.S. users... [...]

‘The Infusion of Brand Marketing and Big Data Analytics’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Jason Bowden says, “Branding is a representation of the market identity of a company. It is a tool by which a company is able to build their own identity, to communicate what their products are, the quality of their services and the projection of their business reputation and trustworthiness. In order to promote branding, brand marketing, search engine optimization and digital marketing are just among the funnels of marketing tactics that brand companies utilize in promoting their brands, products and services to their target consumers. However, whatever kind of marketing tactics that companies... [...]

‘The Internet Of Things Will Be Huge, And So Will Hadoop’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Matt Asay says, “Big Data challenges all of our assumptions about how data should be stored, processed and analyzed. But that doesn’t mean relational databases and other incumbent technologies are slouching toward obsolescence anytime soon. That’s the view of Cloudera co-founder Mike Olson, who recently sat down with Bosch’s Dirk Slama to discuss the interplay between the Internet of Things and new data technologies like the distributed-processing framework Hadoop. Slama, who’s writing a book on the IoT boom, authors white papersand speaks regularly on the topic. As... [...]

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