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Thursday, September 19, 2024

Archive for the 'Business Management' Category

What do marketers need?

We need: ► clicks, ► page views, ► bigger and more engaged mailing lists, ► sales. Of course we do, but is this all? What about ► a healthy life ► a positive relationship with our clients, ► a chance to have fun with families and friends, ► peace of mind, ► satisfaction, ► a reason for living? We are people, after all, and we need the things that people need. We just came across this classic article by Tony Schwartz in the Harvard Business Review. Think about the implications for your marketing and for your life. 30 Things We Need — and 30 We Don’t Harvard Business Review  [...]

Amazon special for businesses in United Kingdom #ad

Amazon UK is seeking businesses that don’t already have a business account at Amazon. And they are offering businesses like yours a significant discount on your first purchase in your new account. If you don’t have a business account, you can open one at no cost and then take advantage of this sale. Sale ends 16 February. Open an Amazon UK Business Account  [...]

Finding Your Next Big Idea and Seeing It Through [Video]

The Entrepreneur magazine team has published a video on ‘Finding Your Next Big Idea and Seeing It Through’ featuring Paul Rabil, Martellus Bennett and Evita Robinson . In the video the trio shares their own experiences to help fellow entrepreneurs instill more creativity in the business they are pursuing. Entrepreneur team says, “There’s never been a better time to grow your brand and business. That’s what lacrosse player and entrepreneur Paul Rabil told the audience at Entrepreneur Live, citing new media and technology as key factors in rapid growth. But, how do... [...]

Business management solution for online marketers #ad

If you are looking for an “All in One” business management system, one that replaces multiple tools you are now using, take a lok at Bizggro. This new system can dramatically improve the productivity of your online business by siumplifying your work. Right now, there is a “grand opening” offer that let’s you acquire this system at a significant discount (a one-time fee, instead of a monthly fee.) Think about the processes involved in operating your online business. 1. You need to use some sort of accounting software to keep the record of all of your financial transactions. 2.... [...]

When marketing gets you down

Whatever your job there are times when things aren’t going well. You aren’t seeing the progress you hoped for and are wondering if things will ever get better. Solopreneur online marketers feel this more often that most, I suspect. We often work alone we don’t really know our customers or our suppliers and some days no sales are coming in. In times like these, you need to find ways to stay optimistic and charged up enough to keep doing the things that will eventually bring the success you are looking for. Rachel Rofe and her team decided a while back to investigate this phenomenon... [...]

HubSpot shares 3 ways to achieve a winning success attitude

Successful marketing requires a combination of your knowledge, confidence, and attitude. A winning attitude, for example, helps you to speak out loudly to your prospects and achieve their trust. But without knowledge, that winning attitude could inspire you to spout nonsense. HubSpot columnist Colleen Stanley has shared three techniques that will help you achieve a winning sales-oriented attitude. Stanley says, “What’s the baseline attitude at your sales organization? If your [team] is more pessimistic than optimistic, start at the top. [Leaders] set the tone for the entire business. Emotions... [...]

Fruitphul software and training improves business productivity #ad

At midnight today, the Fruitphul launch comes to an end. So if you need to become more productive in your business, take a look today before it’s too late. Fruitphul is composed of two parts, 1. High-quality training that will show you how to outsource a lot of your work and scale your business for rapid growth (despite any budget limitations you may have) and training on high-level productivity strategies to accomplish things you need to do personally a lot faster than before. 2. A breakthrough, never released cloud app that’s super easy-to-use and helps automate important productivity... [...]

Are the many hours you invest in your business fruitful? #ad

You have probably been hearing about lots of apps this year. We have bought a fair number of them. Maybe you did, too. But, Ben Murray is launching a new app at 11 AM EDT, today. He describes it as “the most important of the year”. He named it Fruitphul, and he says it will let you accomplish your goals in business fast, and will even contribute to meeting your family and community goals. Fruitphul is, first, high quality training and, second, new cloud based that uses cutting edge technology and systems of optimization to help you reach your goals in less time. In addition, it comes... [...]

Who is lurking in your Wi-Fi?

In the last day or two, there has been an announcement by security boffins that the implementation of Wi-Fi security protections in many devices has been not quite as secure as it needs to be. As one reviewer puts it, it has been discovered that there is ” a fundamental flaw in the way Wi-Fi Protected Access II (WPA2) operates.” In the online article Everything With Wi-Fi Has a Newly Discovered Security Flaw. Here’s How to Protect Yourself, Time magazine describes the problem, “In some cases, a hacker could exploit KRACK to inject malware such as ransomware into websites,... [...]

Are you working too hard to be productive?

I was just reading one of Richard Branson’s recent posts on his blog. In his post he claims that his own productivity is enhanced because he doesn’t work all the time. Every day he invests time in exercise (in his case, it’s time before his work day), in family activities and other outside activities. Only then does he feel ready to put in a good day’s work. How about you? are you working all the time? It’s easy to get in that trap. According to Branson, this kind of work schedule can kill your productivity. Maybe it’s time for all of us to reevaluate how we... [...]

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