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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Archive for the 'Business Management' Category

Improve your marketing by improving your diet

Ron Friedman, writing on the Harvard Business Review website, just published an article entitled What You Eat Affects Your Productivity. The premise of the article is that different foods affect you different way. Some make you more alert; others make you more drowsy. Some require more energy to digest; other are easily digested, leaving energy for more productive tasks. As Friedman says, “Food has a direct impact on our cognitive performance, which is why a poor decision at lunch can derail an entire afternoon.” Going into many biochemical aspects of food digestion, Firedman makes... [...]

Deadline: Mike Koenig’s Grand Finale Publish and Profit Webcast #ad

IM NewsWatch invites you to be on Mike Koenigs’s grand finale “livecast” training tomorrow afternoon. (I’m sure you have plenty to do, but this is training that can change your life and business forever. Being a successful published author gives you authority that nothing else can match.) No matter how many books you’ve written (from 0 to 100), tomorrow Mike will show you how to make more money with eqach book. He will also show you 5 new ways to get your message out around the world. All you need to do is be there: “livecast” training tomorrow afternoon. Here... [...]

Publish and Profit: Publish a book to build your business #ad

Mike Koenigs and Pam Hendrickson just announced their latest product late on Monday, Publish and Profit. But, before checking out the product details, take advantage of 3 free training videos they have produced on Writing a book in 30 days. They will give you confidence that you can do it too. How you can get your book started and use it for your future. How to package your book and make money with it. People who did it and profited. When you watch these 3 videos, you can also download Koenig’s best-selling book (it’s free, too) on how to create a top book and a shorter e-book on creating... [...]

Brendon Burchard is giving away his latest book; it’s free #ad

Brendon Burchard, a NY Times best-selling author (and on Amazon, too), is giving away his new book, The Motivation Manifesto, and he is including along with it, a $297 online personal development course he created. He subtitles this new book 9 Declarations to Claim Your Personal Power.. Brendon bought a bunch of hardcover copies to give away to IM NewsWatch subscribers. Get yours free here:The Motivation Manifesto. IN this new book (just available today), Burchard shows you the steps to create the life you long for and deserve. The message is how to overcome self-limitations and social pressures... [...]

In the 6 Months left in 2014, what will you accomplish? #ad

We are now into the third quarter of 2014. Six months down and less than six months to go. Are your goals set? and are you actively working on achieving them? To start the day, week, month or quarter unfocused, unprepared, and uncommitted is a sure path to failure. If you are off to a slow start this year, then check out this program for the skills and motivation you need, in order to create the life you want. Gary Ryan Blair offers you a The 100 Day Challenge to get your business straightened out. This program is truly world-class, but it’s also time sensitive, so check it out right... [...]

Make the second half of 2014 profitable #ad

Today is the start of the 3rd quarter of 2014 If your business isn’t where you want it to be, take positive steps to move it forward: 1. Set a “vital few” important goals. 2. Establish a game plan to reach those goals 3. Execute that plan and commit to seeing it through to the end. If you work the same way in the second half of the year that you did in the first half, your results are likely to be no better than you have already achieved. But if you want to make big things happen in the second half of the year, then check out this remarkable program from Gary Ryan Blair, known... [...]

How to build a software business if you don’t know beans about bytes #ad

It’s true Bill Gates knew a little about programming, but Lou Gerstner didn’t, and he converted IBM from simply a hardware company into one of the mightiest software companies of the 20th century. You can build your own software company, too, even if you have no technical skills. Management skills and marketing skills are more important for software companies than the technical skills. Technical skills can be hired from freelance programmers, but your management vision is what ultimately leads your company (software company or otherwise) to success. Do you see a gap in the tools you... [...]

Are You Willing to Fight for that Single Inch?

If you have been wondering why there haven’t been any updates for From Where I Stand recently, Veit has been spending a lot of time in his new blog, The Online Rule. His latest post includes his thoughts on succeeding in business (particularly, online business) and in life. In commenting on success, Woody Allen once said, “Eighty percent of success is showing up.” To that, Veit would add, “Be careful where you show up, and then stick with it.” You will find Veit’s post here: Are You Willing to Fight for that Single Inch?.  [...]

Mindset Optimizer for Marketers: Eliminate distractions and focus on goals #ad

Dr. Jay has recorded audio focus sessions, as a kind of hypnosis to help you achieve your marketing goals. They are the heart of the new training called Mindset Optimizer for Marketers. There are two main sessions of around 20 minutes – The Hero Journey and Awaken The Internet Marketer Within You. There’s also a shorter one – around 10 minutes – Quick Mindset Supercharger. These come with 3 bonus isochronic brainwave audios, with sessions of 10, 15 and 30 minutes. To get the benefit these sessions offer, you need to repeat listening to them regularly. You get specific instructions... [...]

Working Together: Top 5 Google Android Apps for Managing Business Projects

by DJ Miller Working together is easier when you have the right apps to support collaboration. Try these top Google apps to make your next business project a breeze. Mind Map Memo PRO Price: $2.17 Of all the mind mapping apps that work on Android devices, Mind Map Memo PRO gives you the most for your money. This app makes it easy for you to create new mind maps or open existing mind maps in .mmm or SD formats. If you can sketch a map on a piece of paper, then you can use this app. Actually, you don’t even need the ability to draw a simple sketch, since it comes with pre-formatted... [...]

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