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Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Archive for the 'Copywriting' Category

MarketingSherpa’s ‘Optimizing for Multiple Personas‘ Webinar on Replay

MarketingSherpa’s “Optimizing for Multiple Personas: How a recent test “broke the rules” of optimization and drove a 331% conversion lift” webinar replay is available. MarketingSherpa team says, “Managing your messaging for multiple buyer personas becomes a difficult undertaking when conversion optimization principles often call for focusing on a single customer type. So, what is the most effective approach to copywriting and design when you have customers with a variety of needs and interests? In this Web clinic, Jon Powell, Senior Manager of Research and Strategy,... [...]

WP Cliff Hanger: Create high-engagement pages on your site #ad

Keeping the visitor engaged with your site is often quite a challenge. There are so many distractions. Anwesh Rath has found that the “cliff hanger” technique, often used in serialized movies or radio/TV programs, can do a lot for keeping site visitors interested. Rath has created WP Cliff Hanger to make it easy to create “hooks” to build curiosity for your offers. For example, you can ask questions to your visitors, and change what they see based on their answer. Your sales copy also can have a provocative statement followed by something like “Click here to find out... [...]

Publicity Traffic Copy Formula: A better way to get traffic to your site #ad

Most of us think of advertising or SEO as the primary traffic sources. But publicity brings in better quality traffic at lower cost than the alternate methods. Good publicity is like a free or nearly free sales generator. Who needs sales people when you have good publicity? Praveen Ben has created Publicity Traffic Copy Formula to show you how to create the kind of publicity that brings in the traffic you need. The best publicity has a viral effect, so you can get traffic from people who didn’t even ready the original notice. In Publicity Traffic Copy Formula, you will find out how to create... [...]

Ultimate Swipe File: over 2000 sales page elements you can swipe anad use #ad

You have seen the professional sales pages, with their big, fancy fonts and striking colors. Now, Simon Hodgkinson has made it easy for you to use these same powerful graphics to promote your own offer. Using Hodgkinson’s Ultimate Swipe File: • You can make headlines that demand the reader’s attention. • You can make a bulleted list with bullets the reader will find compelling • You can create sub-heads, footnotes, call-outs and other sales page features that look as good and any professional could create. These 2000 elements can be used on any sales pages, squeeze pages,... [...]

Video Conversion Cash Machine: 5-Step Formula For Creating Video Saleletters #ad

Top-selling products use a video sales letter on their sales page. How about you? Without a video, you are missing a lot of persuasive power that could be turned loose to bring in more sales. Mike Thomas has just released Video Conversion Cash Machine to show you how to create these video salesletters in just a few hours. With the secrets Thomas reveals in these training videos, you can create persuasive sales videos: • Without being on camera • Without having radio voice • Without expensive equipment • Without being super slick copywriter or salesman Thomas is a highly sought-after... [...]

Powerhouse Presentations: Better presentations mean better sales #ad

The old adage, “Perception is Reality” applies to marketing. No matter how good you product is, your sales will be limited unless you present the product creatively and effectively. To help you raise your product presentation above the ordinary, whether online, in a webinar or in a sales meeting, Andy Benson has created Powerhouse Presentations. If you are going to present your offer well, research will be needed. Then presentation strategy must be developed; call it an outline of the important points about what you are selling. Then you fill in the outline with the actual content... [...]

Master the art of producing and selling short reports #ad

Garry Sayer has built an income by selling small reports of less than 16 pages in length. Unlike a book, doesn’t take months to produce a short report like this. That’s what makes this process exciting. You can create a report in a day and start selling it immediately. Then, if you like, do it all over again the next day. You can be selling lots of books very quickly. Sayer says you should lower your writing target. Don’t plan a book of hundreds of pages; 15 is plenty. And 15 can be written in a matter of hours. Besides being quick to publish, short reports can: • Bring in... [...]

How to create a WSO in 2 hours #ad

Sean Mize says you can create a product for a WSO (Warrior Special Offer) and write the sales letter for it in 2 hours or less. He shows how in How to create a WSO. In this video you watch over his shoulder as he writes the Sales Letter, creates the Product, and then uploads and routes the product delivery sequence. Mize has created over 20 WSOs and his experience shines throughout the video. He knows what he is talking about. Just watch him do it; then, do it yourself. You see him create the product and then get it ready for sale (uploading it to the download server, creating a sales letter,... [...]

WP Johnson Box for added emphasis on important text #ad

Per Wikipedia, “The Johnson Box is named after direct marketer Frank Johnson, who is credited as having first used the Johnson Box to improve response to his offers for American Heritage magazine.” You can see a copy of the original letter here: You have seen Johnson boxes on sales pages all over the web. Their background is usually a contrasting color from the main background and have succinct point of information- sometimes a guarantee, sometimes a testimonial, etc. They are effective for highlighting key... [...]

Response Dynamite: Conversion engineering for your wesites and your Facebook page #ad

Clearly, how you present your offer affects whether people buy it. If you know and practice the techniques that increase buyer desire for your solution, your sales will surely increase. Joe Lavery’s Response Dynamite shows how to shake people out of their lethargy and get them moving on a solution, the one you provide. You need to get a lot of people to your website, of course, but once they are there, the next most important thing is increasing the conversions of the traffic that you are getting to you’re offer, and Response Dynamite shows you some creative ways to do this. This is... [...]

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