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Saturday, February 1, 2025

Archive for the 'Download Content' Category

Download: HubSpot’s ‘Optimize Landing Pages for Conversion’ eBook

HubSpot has released a free ebook titled “Optimize Landing Pages for Conversion”. The HubSpot team says, “The average attention span online is about eight seconds. Question is, how do you get someone to read and convert on your landing page in that short time frame? Landing pages literally serve as the location your prospect “lands” on your website. In addition to prospects, many repeat visitors or customers will come across your landing page. This means that your landing pages need to be optimized for every stage of the marketing funnel. To help you build landing pages that... [...]

Download: Silverpop’s ‘Print Money Today: 7 Emails Marketers Should Automate to Drive Massive ROI’ eBook

Silverpop has released a free ebook titled “Print Money Today: 7 Emails Marketers Should Automate to Drive Massive ROI”. The Silverpop team says, “As email marketers, you’re faced with a daunting threefold challenge: how to make your emails more relevant, how to drive more revenue, and how to do so while stretching your precious resources. Enter automated (“triggered”) email programs, which are typically the highest-performing approach for email marketers. Download our ebook and learn how automated emails can help you drive engagement and revenue”. Silverpop’s... [...]

Download: Marketo’s ‘PPC and SEO Made Easy: Optimize Your Inbound Marketing’ eBook

Marketo has released an ebook titled “PPC and SEO Made Easy: Optimize Your Inbound Marketing”. The Marketo team says, “If search engine optimization were simple, everyone would rank at the top of the search results!  Since that’s not going to happen, make sure your leads are finding you instead of your competitors by having a smart inbound strategy in place.  Download this eBook to find out how to optimize your PPC and SEO efforts and improve your inbound marketing channel. This guide will teach you: What SEO has to do with inbound marketing The math involved with SEO and... [...]

Download: HubSpot’s ‘How to Use Landing Pages for Your Business’ Guide

HubSpot has released a free guide titled “How to Use Landing Pages for Your Business”. The HubSpot team says, “Landing pages are an essential piece of any well-crafted, effective inbound marketing strategy. Picture these pages as landing pads for the numerous prospects that visit your website. Whether you’re looking to generate leads, sell products, or collect data, the landing pages is where the visitor conversion occurs. To get the most out of your landing pages and optimise for conversion, download our new introductory guide. After reading this 48-page guide, you’ll... [...]

Download: ClickTale’s ‘Giant Book of Form Optimization’

ClickTale has released “Giant  Book of Form Optimization”. The ClickTale team says, “This book is worth a boatload of money for your business.  One of the mostcomprehensive e-books ever written about form optimization is now available for free! Packed with useful insights, tips and advice, this book is a must have for any experts trying to boost form fill rate, increase conversions, leads and lower shopping cart abandonment rate. Here are the top 5 reasons for downloading the eBook: Learn what fields people despise Adopt new tricks to lower abandonment rate Find innovative... [...]

Download: Silverpop’s ‘Use Behavioral Marketing to Up the Ante in the Age of the Customer’ eBook

Silverpop has released a free ebook titled “Use Behavioral Marketing to Up the Ante in the Age of the Customer”. The Silverpop team says, “Today’s buyers control the buying process far more than today’s vendors, accessing the information they need across ever-increasing online and offline channels. Download this commissioned white paper by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Silverpop and learn how behavioral marketing practices can help you connect with these buyers and realize higher return on marketing investment. You’ll learn how to: Create a culture of customer obsession Establish... [...]

Download: Marketo’s ‘Graduating from eMaii Marketing to Marketing Automation’ eBook

Marketo has released an ebook titled “Graduating from eMaii Marketing to Marketing Automation”. The Marketo team says, “If you’re still not sure about the advantages of switching to marketing automation, don’t miss this eBook.  You’ll learn why traditional batch-and-blast campaigns are becoming less effective, and how marketing automation can drive the kind of customer engagement your business needs. You’ll learn answers to the following questions: What is marketing automation? What are the advantages of marketing automation? What can marketing automation do... [...]

Download: HubSpot’s ‘The Essential Guide to Internet Marketing’ eBook

HubSpot has released a free ebook titled “The Essential Guide to Internet Marketing”. The HubSpot team says, “Learn the latest tips and tricks to online marketing by downloading the latest edition of our most popular ebook! Whether you’re just getting started with internet marketing or you want to brush up on the basics, this ebook can serve as your essential guide to setting up and implementing a successful internet marketing strategy, step by step. This comprehensive guide will cover the following 8 essential steps to internet marketing success: Defining a keyword... [...]

Download: HubSpot’s ‘Marketing Box’ Kit

HubSpot has released a free kit called “Marketing Box”. The HubSpot team says, “Do you regularly plan email campaigns? Or, as it may feel sometimes, cam-pains? We get it. That’s why we’ve invented Marketing Box, a free, virtual package of all the templates, tunes, and training you need to make email marketing fun, efficient, and pain-free. Inside Marketing Box, You’ll Discover: Music to jam to when crafting emails Pre-designed templates to help you lay out emails Sample survey questions to collect the right information from subscribers Pump-up video from... [...]

Download: HubSpot’s ‘The Evolution of Advertising’ Presentation

HubSpot has released a free presentation titled “The Evolution of Advertising”. The HubSpot team says, “You’re more likely to survive a plane crash than click a banner ad. Crazy, right? Consumers have learned to tune out advertising, but believe it or not, there was a time when products weren’t branded, ad agencies didn’t exist, and advertising as a profession was unheard of. In this epic, must-see presentation, we explore the history and evolution of advertising to uncover how marketing can break through consumers’ indifference in the years ahead”. ... [...]

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