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Archive for the '2015 Ecommerce Trends' Category

‘Senate Resuscitates E-Commerce Tax Bill, Again’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Ginny Marvin says, “The retail industry is not giving up on giving states the ability to tax e-commerce sales. This week, a bipartisan group of senators reintroduced the Marketplace Fairness Act. Budget Committee Chairman Senator Mike Enzi (R-WY) and Minority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL) are leading the Senate group pushing for a bill that would give states the authority to collect sales tax on online sales placed within their states. Currently, states are limited to collecting sales tax from those entities that have a so-called in-state nexus — physical locations such as stores, warehouse... [...]

‘Ecommerce trends in 2015: video presentation’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Jim Clark says, “B2C Ecommerce continues to take a growing share of retail sales, but what’s driving this growth and what are the emerging trends that marketers can take advantage of in 2015? Here I’ll be taking you through a few key stats before presenting my latest talk, which will help to shed some light on the above questions. Online will account for 15.2% of all consumer retail sales in 2015 2014 was another record breaking year for ecommerce, and its upward trajectory is set to continue”. Ecommerce trends in 2015: video presentation ‘Econsultancy’ Blog  [...]

‘Capture The Global eCommerce Opportunity’ – Forrester

Zia Daniell Wigder says, “eCommerce growth continues unabated around the world, with eCommerce being cited as a driver of overall economic growth in markets from China to Nigeria. Indeed, online retail revenues continue to soar in every market that we forecast—China alone will generate more than $1 trillion in eCommerce sales by 2019. As eCommerce markets in different parts of the globe flourish, a growing number of digital business leaders are being asked to take their brands into new markets. What opportunities exist for eCommerce leaders looking to expand internationally? How are they... [...]

‘The Pinterest Buy Button Might Rock Your Ecommerce’ by Jay Baer

Baer says, “Last Thursday, Re/code revealed that Pinterest is laying the groundwork for an eCommerce “buy” button. According to reporter Jason Del Rey, merchants could be able to start limited testing in as little as three months. With more than 70 million monthly users, Pinterest is easily one of the largest and fastest-growing social networks around. And when it comes to eCommerce, Pinterest already dominates many of its competitors. In fact, Pinterest users boast the highest average checkout value of all social media referral shoppers, and Pinterest-referred users spend an average... [...]

‘China’s Strong eCommerce Momentum Will Continue Over The Next Five Years’ – Forrester

Vanessa Zeng says, “China’s eCommerce industry has grown remarkably. Total online retail sales in the country (including B2C and C2C transactions) hit $307 billion in 2013, making China the world’s largest eCommerce market. Forrester estimates that it grew to $440 billion in 2014. Last year, the Chinese eCommerce giants Alibaba and both went public with IPOs on the US stock market, and Alibaba saw Singles’ Day transaction value of $9.3 billion on November 11. What’s driving this strong eCommerce momentum? My new China online retail forecast addresses the drivers and key trends... [...]

‘Five Key Trends In Global eCommerce’ – Forrester

Zia Daniell Wigder says, “Yesterday I had a chance to join the fantastic Global eCommerce Leaders Forumhere in New York. Leaders from Puma, Borderfree and Alibaba delivered keynotes at the event, and in the afternoon, I did a quick presentation on five key themes in global eCommerce to tee up a panel on global expansion: The Asia pivot. Arguably the biggest story in global eCommerce over the past five years has been the rise of China as a global eCommerce force. No other eCommerce market has rivaled China’s ascent to power: Between 2009 and 2014, revenues increased by 16-fold, reaching... [...]

‘20 ecommerce trends and predictions for 2015’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Graham Charlton says, “Just before Christmas I asked our expert panel of ecommerce professionals to look into their crystal balls and predict the trends that are likely to shape ecommerce in 2015.  Here are 20 such predictions, from mobile to multichannel… The expert panel Matthew Curry, Head of Ecommerce at Lovehoney. Dan Barker, e-business consultant Stuart McMillan, Deputy Head of Ecommerce at Schuh James Gurd, Owner of Digital Juggler Let’s start with Dan Barker’s predictions… Magento Magento 2, which was first announced more than 1,500 days ago, will shake things... [...]

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