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Saturday, March 8, 2025

Archive for the 'Email Conversion Tips' Category

Email Videos Pro: increase opens, clicks, and sales #ad

Email Videos Pro gives you a marketing advantage: Emails with “Video” in the subject line receive 6% more opens than other emails, according to SuperOffice. Now you can include “video” in your subject, but, even better, a live video in your emails. Take a look at just some of Email Videos Pro‘s features: ➤ Works with all your Video content. Select a video from your (or your client’s) YouTube, Dropbox, Vimeo. ➤ Choose from the built-in library of DFY Premium Quality Stock Videos or upload files directly from your desktop ➤ It detects the device and the email... [...]

‘De-spam your email to increase conversion’ – SmartCompany

Bri Williams says, “One of the problems we have to overcome when corresponding with our customers is ending up in spam. Now, I’m no technical expert, so I can’t tell you anything about algorithms or spam filters. What I can tell you is how to structure the email and your message so if your customer reads it they don’t think it might be spam. Spam-or-not? Here’s the example that got me thinking about this problem. The email was in my spam folder that I check every few days just to make sure my inheritance is still on the way and I can get an enlargement anytime. The email is from... [...]

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