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Monday, February 3, 2025

Archive for the 'Google Home News' Category

MOZ Shares Lessons from 1,000 Voice Searches

MOZ’s Dr. Peter J. Meyers has shares lessons from 1,000 voice searches on Google Home. Meyers has shared the results of searches on Google Home with how, how to, what, when, where, who and why. Meyers says, “From the 5.3K questions with snippets, I selected 1,000, excluding video but purposely including a disproportionate number of list and table types (to better see if and how those translated into voice). Why only 1,000? Because, unlike desktop searches, there’s no easy way to do this. Over the course of a couple of days, I had to run all of these voice searches manually on... [...]

‘Why Google Home ads are like The Truman Show and the future is better CRM’ – EConsultancy

Ben Davis says, “Imagine if, in the movie Her, just as Joaquin Phoenix’s character feels the pangs of love for his automated personal assistant, Samantha, she had said: “I’m not sure about you, but personally I feel Bank of America offers a very competitive mortgage product for first time buyers.” Complete mood killer. For now at least, despite whatever weird Vice documentary you’ve watched, we don’t envisage a future where robots become realistic life partners. But technology is increasingly anthropomorphic (home assistants with names and voices), so... [...]

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