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Thursday, February 6, 2025

Archive for the 'Google News' Category

‘Google Chrome Can Cut Your Mobile Data Usage—But There’s A Catch’ – ‘ReadWrite’

The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “Google Chrome Can Cut Your Mobile Data Usage—But There’s A Catch”. Selena Larson says, “The latest Chrome for Mobile update could help lower your data usage, but there’s a caveat—it will pass everything you browse through Google servers. Google announced new Chrome data compression and bandwidth management that it says could cut your browsing data usage in half. This is an opt-in feature that you can turn on via the browser’s settings. The data compression feature is powered by an SPDY proxy connection running on... [...]

‘Google Hummingbird, A Caffeine-Fueled, Long-Tail Search System’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “Google Hummingbird, A Caffeine-Fueled, Long-Tail Search System”. Sylvia Nankivell says, “The title of this article will have either caused you utter despair or a great deal of intrigue. For those of you that sit with the former, read on and you will slowly feel better. For those that are intrigued, you should be – Google is moving fast, and we need to keep up with a curious mind! There are two main elements to the understanding of Google Hummingbird, and this is where the article’s title comes from“. Google Hummingbird,... [...]

‘Google image search changes: making life easier for publishers’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Google image search changes: making life easier for publishers”. Christopher Ratcliff says, “This is just a quick one for all you bloggers and publishers out there. If you’ve run into problems from accidentally, or not-so-accidentally, using images under copyright from a routine image search, Google has just made things a lot easier for you. In amongst the image search options, Google has just added a search by ‘usage rights’ field“. Google image search changes: making life easier for publishers ‘Econsultancy’... [...]

‘Google SERP Analysis: Decision-Making for Inbound Marketers’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “Google SERP Analysis: Decision-Making for Inbound Marketers”. Bradley Smith says, “Inbound marketing reminds us that there is no shortcut to market research, data-driven decision making and communicating correctly with prospects. Most importantly, it reminds us that the message to our prospects must focus on a real connection, driven by purpose and based on permission. But how does our voice stand out from all others? How do we communicate from that one immutable focal point of purpose when all forms of data and all other... [...]

‘Google Buys Nest for $3.2 Billion in Cash’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Google Buys Nest for $3.2 Billion in Cash”. Seth Fiegerman says, “Google has entered into an agreement to acquire Nest, the business behind the smart thermostat and smoke detector, for $3.2 billion in cash.“They’re already delivering amazing products you can buy right now—thermostats that save energy and smoke/CO alarms that can help keep your family safe,” Larry Page, cofounder and CEO of Google, said in a statement. “We are excited to bring great experiences to more homes in more countries and fulfill their dreams!” Nest... [...]

‘Google’s Product Listing Ads Outperform Text PPC Ads’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “Google’s Product Listing Ads Outperform Text PPC Ads”. Pete Prestipino says, “2013 was a terrific year for Google and its Product Listing Ads.  Research from digital marketing firm IgnitionOne indicates that the click-through rate for PLAs during the year was upwards of 47 percent higher than the click-through rate for text-based pay-per-click ads on the network. IgnitionOne revealed that based on research of its client accounts, the click-through rate for PLAs during the year averaged 2.8%, while the pay-per-click average... [...]

‘Finally … Site Analytics for Plain Folks’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “Finally … Site Analytics for Plain Folks”. Demian Farnworth says, “Analytics. It’s a strange, four-syllable word that causes some people strange fits. You can’t really turn around without running into it in some form (metrics, reports, data, dashboards) or someone telling you how insanely important it is. There’s no shortage of site analytics tools — starting with the most popular, Google Analytics (GA). These tools can measure the routine (traffic, clickthroughs, page views) to the complex (visitor flow, channel acquisition,... [...]

‘Use Google Analytics To Create Campaigns, Not Just Track Them’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on  ‘Marketing Land’ is titled “Use Google Analytics To Create Campaigns, Not Just Track Them”. Carrie Hill says, “We all know that analytics are good for understanding how a visitor behaved on your website — what pages they looked at, what buttons they clicked or what keywords they used to find you. You can also use analytics to track campaigns like email blasts and paid advertising.  That’s pretty basic stuff. What many beginning marketers and small business owners don’t know is that you can use analytics data to create an online marketing... [...]

‘Google’s December Authorship Shake-up’ – MOZ Blog

The latest MOZ blog post is titled “Google’s December Authorship Shake-up”. Dr. Peter J. Meyers says, “Before the holidays, we spotted a significant drop-off (roughly 15%) in searches display authorship. I take a deep dive into that data, including 30- and 60-day views, an analysis of authorship counts, and queries that lost out.“. Google’s December Authorship Shake-up MOZ Blog  [...]

‘Google Wins “Overall Brand Of The Year” & “Ad Of The Year” Awards From Ace Metrix’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on  ‘Marketing Land’ is titled “Google Wins “Overall Brand Of The Year” & “Ad Of The Year” Awards From Ace Metrix”. Amy Gesenhues says, “Television and video analytics firm Ace Metrix has named Google the big winner in 2013. The video analytics firm assembled a list of the top performing brands based on its Ace Scores, a measurement of a brand’s television advertising effectiveness. According to the Ace Score results for 2013, Google won “Brand of the Year” in the software and website category, “Ad of the Year” for its... [...]

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