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Archive for the 'Google Algorithm Changes' Category

‘8 Interesting Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Google’s Algorithm’ – HubSpot

Sophia Bernazzani says, “It’s not often that you see the word “fun” and “algorithm” in the same sentence. (Okay, fine. Maybe you do, if you’re a marketing nerd like I am.) But think about this: Google has really been around for over two decades. With a history like that, there’s got to be at least some compelling trivia, right? Believe it or not, algorithms are really cool. I mean, they get us our search results, after all.But how does Google’s algorithm work? And how has it evolved over the course of so many years? We thought you might ask that, so we put together... [...]

‘Study shows Google’s Possum update changed 64% of local SERPs’ – Search Engine Land

Joy Hawkins says, “In the local SEO community, Google’s recent Possum update was a very big deal. To those of us who regularly track the search results for local businesses, it was obvious there were massive changes on September 1. The SEO community as a whole has been relatively quiet about this huge update, and I believe this is because this update primarily impacted the Local/Maps search results and not organic. SERP trackers like MozCast and Algoroo do a fabulous job of tracking changes in the search results, but this algorithm update didn’t seem to make any massive impact in... [...]

‘3 things to do after a major Google algorithm update’ – Search Engine Land

Ryan Shelley says, “The only constant in the world of SEO is change. In fact, Google is reported to change its search algorithm around 500 to 600 times each year.  While most of these updates are small and often aren’t even picked up by users and SEO, every once in a while, Google releases major updates. Over the past two years alone, we’ve seen about nine major updates to the algorithm. The two most recent, “Possum” (released on September 1, 2016) and Penguin 4.0 (released on September 23, 2016) caused a lot of stir in the SEO community. Over my years in the SEO community,... [...]

‘Google updates Penguin, says it now runs in real time within the core search algorithm’ – Search Engine Land

Jordan Kasteler says, “After a nearly two year wait, Google’s Penguin algorithm has finally been updated again. It’s the fourth major release, making this Penguin 4.0. It’s also the last release of this type, as Google nowsays Penguin is a real-time signal processed within its core search algorithm. Penguin goes real-time Penguin is a filter designed to capture sites that are spamming Google’s search results in ways that Google’s regular spamming systems might not detect. Introduced in 2012, it has operated on a periodic basis. In other words, the Penguin filter would run and... [...]

‘Penguin 4.0: Was It Worth the Wait?’ – MOZ

Joe Robison says, “For almost two years (707 days, to be precise), one question has dominated the SEO conversation: “When will Google update Penguin?” Today, we finally have the answer. Google announced that a Penguin update is rolling out and that Penguin is now operating in real-time. In a normal month, a temperature of 82°F would be slightly interesting, but it’s hardly what many people were expecting, and September 2016 has been anything but a normal month. It takes time to refresh the entire index, though, so it’s likely Penguin volatility will continue for a few days.... [...]

‘Hit With a Google Penalty? Here’s How to Quickly Diagnose & Fix Your Issues’ – HubSpot

Andrea Francis says, “Every marketer has a story about getting penalised by Google. Evidence suggests that though many websites have been penalised (not just by the big updates, but also by one of the thousands of tiny little manual Google updates), the average marketer or webmaster hasn’t noticed. According to Kissmetrics, only 5% of penalised websites are submitting a reconsideration request every month to recover their rankings. Since we are all reliant on search engines for traffic, we have to stay in the know about the latest updates — and make changes if we’re affected. Not... [...]

‘How Google defines ‘quality content’’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Jack Simpson says, “Google is increasingly valuing ‘quality content’ when it comes to search rankings, according to a new report. This isn’t exactly news to most marketers, but the way in which Google determines quality is evolving. According to the study, positive signals such as the amount of time spent on a page are having an increasingly significant impact on rankings. This means it’s more important than ever to keep the reader engaged. With that in mind, I’m going to use this post to try and explain how you can achieve ‘quality content’ on your site based on some of the... [...]

‘How Small Changes To Google Search Can Punch Your Web Traffic In The Face’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Gregory Ferenstein says, “When it comes to optimizing traffic to your website, plenty of reports would have you believe that social media is the only field worth plowing. But a new Adobe study shows that Google searches remain a dominant force—so much so, that even small tweaks to its algorithm can cause immediate and significant changes in Web traffic. The company has a history of intentionally punishing or rewarding websites, based on whether they align with its vision or not. Most recently, it decided to lower rankings for websites that weren’t mobile-optimized, such as those displaying... [...]

‘A year in Google algorithm updates’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Graham Charlton says, “Google algorithm updates are a fact of life for brands and search specialists.  With so many Google updates over the course of a year, we have a periodic collective outburst of stress around these changes. However, the effects of these changes are generally much more subtle and are not the cataclysmic events some fear. Google’s mobile-friendly update was one such example. There was talk of ‘mobilegeddon’ (and yes, we used that term) but the reality was that Google was simply implementing changes to its algorithm that it had talked about and hinted... [...]

‘Is Google’s Mobilegeddon Scaring Website Owners Into Bad Design Decisions?’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Brian Massey says, ““We aren’t worrying about our mobile traffic right now.” At my company Conversion Sciences, this is what we’ve heard from many — if not most — of our website optimization clients over the past three years. Businesses are just getting their heads around their big-screen websites. Mobile traffic is often small by comparison, and it converts terribly for my clients, often at half to one-third the conversion rate. But the decision to ignore it may be short-sighted. Mobile traffic is likely one of your fastest-growing segments. Have you done the calculations to... [...]

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