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Archive for the 'Google Algorithm Changes' Category

‘How to Avoid a Google Penalty’ – HubSpot

Carly Stec says, “The words “Google algorithm update” are commonly followed by the following emotions: panic, confusion, terror, and frustration. Having seen strategies crumble as a result of Google’s frequent changes, it’s hard not to worry about your business taking a hit. However, Google isn’t out to be the bad guy. In fact, most algorithm updates aren’t intended to derail businesses. They’re designed to encourage them to make improvements. So rather than allow the fear of receiving a Google penalty cripple your efforts, check out this infographic... [...]

‘3 Strategies to Implement Into Your Blog for Google’s Mobile Update’ by John Chow

Chow says, “The latest announcement by Google about their algorithm update has people worried. On April 21st, 2015, Google will be rolling out another update targeted at mobile users and those performing searches through mobile devices. It’s no secret mobile usage has increased over the last several years and it’s important bloggers, developers and search engines stay up-to-date with the trend. Google has taken an aggressive step forward by announcing an algorithm update which will be bigger than Panda and Penguin combined. Google is all about increasing the user experience and what... [...]

‘A Visual History of Google Algorithm Updates’ – HubSpot

Erik Devaney says, “In the early days, Google’s search engine wasn’t nearly as powerful or accurate as it is today. I’m talking back in the late 90s and early 00s, when search engines were little more than keyword-matching and link-counting machines. Ranking highly in search results could be accomplished by essentially using a simple, two-step procedure: Step 1: Stuff your keyword phrase into your website as many times as possible. Step 2: Get as many gosh-darn inbound links as you possibly could. For those early “SEO gurus” who gamed the system —... [...]

‘5 Things You Need to Know About Google’s Mobile Changes’ by Jay Baer

Baer says, “It’s been nicknamed “Mobile-geddon.” The misinterpretations surrounding Google’s April 21 algorithm updates resulted in panic in the tech and business communities last week. There are two major changes at play in Google’s recent move to favor mobile: First, Google will adjust its search results order to favor mobile-friendly sites. Second, apps will be discoverable in mobile search results with deep links driving new app downloads. For us at Bluebridge, these changes do not come as a surprise—and we are not panicking. With about 60% of online traffic coming from mobile,... [...]

‘Google’s mobile friendly algorithm: four early test results’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Graham Charlton says, “Google’s ‘mobile friendly’ update came into effect recently and I have some early data showing the possible effects of the changes.  For example, Barclays’ mobile-optimised homepage ranks well, but its non-optimised pages have dropped in the search rankings. Here are a few other test cases… The data I have used charts from PI-Datametrics, which analyse the rankings of several high profile sites for a range of keywords“. Google’s mobile friendly algorithm: four early test results ‘Econsultancy’ Blog  [...]

‘1 Day After Mobilegeddon: How Far Did the Sky Fall?’ – MOZ Blog

Dr. Peter J. Meyers says, “Even clinging to the once towering bridge, the only thing Kayce could see was desert. Yesterday, San Francisco hummed with life, but now there was nothing but the hot hiss of the wind. Google’s Mobilegeddon blew out from Mountain View like Death’s last exhale, and for the first time since she regained consciousness, Kayce wondered if she was the last SEO left alive. We have a penchant for melodrama, and the blogosphere loves a conspiracy, but after weeks of speculation bordering on hysteria, it’s time to see what the data has to say about Google’s Mobile... [...]

‘Google’s Mobile-Friendly Search Will Bury Your Mobile-Unfriendly Sites’ – Forrester

Ted Schadler says, “Customer are mobile first. Is your website? Are all your webpages? Google did something important for your customers today: it changed its ranking algorithm for searches on smartphones. If Google deems your web page mobile-unfriendly, then it will be devalued in the search rankings. Your page will be buried. My colleagues Mark Grannan, Jennifer Wise, Deanna Laufer, Peter Sheldon, and I capture the problem and how to fix it in a new Forrester report: Don’t let this good crisis go to waste — use it to convince your company to make the mobile mind shift and invest... [...]

‘Google updates mobile search snippets’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Patricio Robles says, “Today, Google began to use mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal, but the search giant isn’t stopping there in its push to promote good experiences for mobile users.   Last week, Google announced that it is changing the way URLs are presented in the SERPs. On the Google Webmaster Central Blog, Google’s Bartlomiej Niechwiej and Rob Ennals detailed how the algorithms that display URLs in search results on mobile will be updated to reflect sites names instead of domain names”. Google updates mobile search snippets ‘Econsultancy’ Blog  [...]

‘Tomorrow Is Mobilegeddon: What You Need To Know Today About Google’s Mobile Friendly Update’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Greg Sterling says, “Whether you call it Mobilegeddon, Mopocalypse or something else, Google’s mobile-friendly update arrives tomorrow. The update will be significant and potentially impact a large number of websites that aren’t mobile-friendly. Remarkably, some estimates suggest that as much as 40 percent of the top sites aren’t mobile friendly today. The best and fastest way to tell if you’re site is ready is to use Google’s mobile friendly testing tool. Barry Schwartz has written a comprehensive Mobilegeddon FAQ post on Search Engine Land that answers almost every question... [...]

‘How brands should embrace the new Google mobile algorithm’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Anna Francis says, “Earlier this year, Google announced that it would expand its use of “mobile-friendliness” as a ranking signal on 21 April 2015. When Google rolled out its Penguin algorithm, it affected around 4% of global searches and its Panda update affected approximately 12% of searches in England, but this new algorithm is likely to have a much bigger effect worldwide. Currently Google states which websites are mobile friendly in the mobile search results with a little note saying “mobile friendly” next to each site, but once the new algorithm has been rolled out, Google... [...]

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