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Archive for the 'Google Penalties' Category

Does Google Penalize AI-Generated Content? [Answered]

Michael Cottam has published an article answering the question ‘Does Google Penalize AI-Generated Content?’. He says, “Let’s ignore for the moment the possible hypocrisy of Google leaning on AI in its search algorithms yet telling the rest of the world using it is cheating. Google’s position on CONTENT generated by AI is that it’s spam–see this article from Search Engine Journal from April 2022. Google’s John Mueller says: “My suspicion is maybe the quality of content is a little bit better than the really old school tools, but for us it’s still automatically... [...]

Your Guide to Removing a Google penalty

Google penalties are strikes against individual websites that demote certain ranking factors in Google’s search algorithm. Vertical Leap SEO specialist Marie Turner has published a comprehensive article explaining how to remove a Google Penalty. She says, “To remove a Google penalty from your website, you have to fix the issues flagged up and then show Google that everything is resolved before your penalty will be lifted. So, the typical process for removing a manual action penalty involves three key steps: Identify & fix all relevant issues Send a reconsideration request to Google Put... [...]

Everything You Need to Know About ‘Google Penalty’

Google continues to update its algorithms for the past few years. These algorithm updates are aimed at giving users the best possible answers to their search queries and provide good user experience (UX). Google penalizes the websites that violate Google’s guidelines. Rank Ranger contributor Liraz Postan has shared an article on Google Penalty and how to recover if you have received a penalty. Postan says, “If you know anything about Google as a search engine, you know that it’s anything but static. Over the years, Google has consistently made changes to its platform to give users... [...]

Dealing with a Google Manual Penalty [Podcast]

Google issues penalties to websites it finds in violation of its Webmaster Guidelines. For avoiding penalties and to continuously get organic traffic from Google Search, you should cope with the Google Search Console guidelines. Searchmetrics contributor Jordan Koene has published a new podcast episode on ‘Dealing with a Google Manual Penalty’. Listen to the podcast to learn how you can avoid receiving Google penalties. Koene says, “Learn about the audacious site migration that allowed Dan Petrovic and Dejean marketing to escape and correct a severe manual Google penalty while... [...]

‘How To Prep For The Pending Penguin Update & Ensure You’re Penalty Free In 2016’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Erin Everhart says, “Gary Illyes, Webmaster Trends Analyst at Google, confirmed on Twitter that we’ll be graced with the next Penguin update before the end of 2015. This means that all of those webmasters who were hit by the last Penguin update (in December 2014, mind you) now have the chance of recovery, since historically, this update hasn’t been refreshed automatically. This next Penguin update should also be a real-time version, so as Google detects spammy links, sites may be impacted immediately — and when spammy links are removed, those sites may see a more immediate recovery. While... [...]

‘How can you tell if you have a Google penalty?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Graham Charlton says, “How can businesses find out that they have been penalised by Google?  I’ve been asking a number of search experts for the tell-tale signs to look out for… Types of Google penalties First up, I think it’s important to distinguish between manual penalties, for which sites will recieve notification via Webmaster Tools, and those caused by algorithm changes. The larger changes like Panda and Penguin are designed to cut down on nefarious practices like automated link building or on sites with thin content, as in the latest updates. However, Google also takes... [...]

‘Google Penalties – All You Need to Know’ – VerticalResponse Blog

The latest VerticalResponse blog post is titled “Google Penalties – All You Need to Know”. Chipper Nicodemus says, “Penalties from search engines, mainly Google, have become more and more common in the past few years. Some penalties have resulted in crippling the organic traffic of some big name sites and tons of little guys, too. Like many aspects of SEO there’s a bit of mystery involved, so in this post, we break down the details about what penalties are, how your site could get one and how to tell if you have one. What is a penalty? Just like in hockey, a penalty is... [...]

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