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Thursday, March 13, 2025

Archive for the 'Penguin 3.0' Category

‘Discussion: Can You Disavow out of Penguin?’ – MOZ Blog

Josh Bachynski says, “Penguin is back at the forefront of many marketers’ minds now that the third iteration of the algorithm update has been released, and a rumor has begun circulating that you can weasel your way out of a Penguin penalty by simply submitting a disavow file. In today’s Whiteboard Friday, Josh Bachynski breaks down that argument and starts a realistic discussion to find the answer. While we (and, as you’ll see, Josh) don’t have definitive answers, we hope you’ll join in with your thoughts in the comments!“. Discussion: Can You Disavow... [...]

‘The Danger of Crossing Algorithms: Uncovering The Cloaked Panda Update During Penguin 3.0’ – MOZ Blog

Glenn Gabe says, “Penguin 3.0 was one of the most anticipated algorithm updates in recent years when it rolled out on October 17, 2014. Penguin hadn’t run for over a year at that point, and there were many webmasters sitting in Penguin limbo waiting for recovery. They had cleaned up their link profiles, disavowed what they could, and were simply waiting for the next update or refresh. Unfortunately, Google was wrestling with the algo internally and over twelve months passed without an update. So when Pierre Far finally announced Penguin 3.0 a few days later on October 21, a few things... [...]

‘Penguin 3.0 – What Really Happened?’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Travis Bliffen says, “Penguin 3.0 rolled out a few weeks ago and according to some sources, it may still be in the process of being updated internationally. Preliminary reports indicate that less than 1 percent of English queries were affected by that latest update. If you have a site that was hit with a previous Penguin penalty, your site may not have recovered this time around even if you took all the recommended steps to re-establish your website. Likewise, if you have been living on the edge with you link building tactics, you may have also made it safely through the latest update. Considering... [...]

‘How to Recover Lost Pageviews in pushState Experiences’ – MOZ Blog

Geoff Kenyon says, “PushState and AJAX can be used in tandem to deliver content without requiring the entire page to refresh, providing a better user experience. The other week, Richard Baxter dove into the implications of pushState for SEO on Builtvisible. If you’re not familiar with pushState, you should spend some time to read through his post. If you’re not familiar with delivering content this way, you can check out these sites using pushState and AJAX to deliver content: Time: When you scroll to the bottom of the article, a new article loads and the URL changes Halcyon: When... [...]

‘How Big Was Penguin 3.0?’ – MOZ Blog

Dr. Peter J. Meyers of MOZ has posted an article about Google’s Penguin 3.0 update. Justifying the effectiveness of the update Dr. Peter notes, “Another problem with Penguin 3.0 is that our expectations are incredibly high. We assume that, after waiting more than a year, the latest Penguin update will hit hard and will include both a data refresh and an algorithm update. That’s just an assumption, though. I firmly believe that Penguin 1.0 had a much broader, and possibly much more negative, impact on SERPs than Google believed it would, and I think they’ve genuinely struggled to... [...]

Google Releases Penguin 3.0 — First Penguin Update In Over A Year

A new article in SearchEngineLand reports on the new release of Google Penguin. In this article, Barry Schwartz goes through the history of the Penguin enhancements to Google’s search algorithm, This is the sixth in the series that began April 24, 2012. This update has been eagerly awaited by sites that were harmed by the update just over a year ago. As Schwartz notes, “The publishers have been anxious because of the way Penguin works. If you’re hit by it, even if you make changes, you have to wait until the next release to see if your changes have done what Google wanted.” Schwartz... [...]

‘Penguin 3.0: what’s it all about?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Graham Charlton says, “Over the weekend Google released its latest Penguin update, the first in more than a year.  This follows a recent update to Panda, which took aim at thin content and aggregator sites. I asked Stephen Kenwright, head of search at Branded3, about the aims and impact of this latest update”. Penguin 3.0: what’s it all about? ‘Econsultancy’ Blog  [...]

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