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Saturday, February 15, 2025

Archive for the 'Internet Advertising Tips' Category

‘12 Examples of Native Ads (And Why They Work)’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “12 Examples of Native Ads (And Why They Work)”. Demian Farnworth says, “
Despite all the hype, native advertising remains a fuzzy concept for most marketers. According to our 2014 status report: 49 percent of respondents don’t know what native advertising is 24 percent are hardly familiar with it Another 24 percent are somewhat familiar Only 3 percent are very knowledgeable So, given the lack of awareness (and people mistaking it for other things, like sponsorship), we thought it would be a good idea to walk you through about... [...]

‘How Estimated Reading Times Increase Engagement With Content’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on  ‘Marketing Land’ is titled “How Estimated Reading Times Increase Engagement With Content”. Arienne Holland says, “How much time does the average adult in the United States spend with digital media every day? According to an August 2013 estimate by eMarketer: 5 hours and 16 minutes. Calculated another way, that’s 316 minutes per day. How many of those 316 minutes do they spend reading your content? Estimated Online Reading Time Basic website analytics can give you an idea with time-on-site and bounce rate metrics. A more sophisticated analytics... [...]

‘Native In-Stream Ads Will Soon Dominate Social Media Advertising’ – Business Insider

The latest article on Business Insider is titled “Native In-Stream Ads Will Soon Dominate Social Media Advertising”. Cooper Smith says, “Depending on who you talk to, native advertising has many definitions. In the context of social media, we define native advertising as: Ads that are seamlessly integrated into a user’s feed and are nearly indistinguishable from organic content. The ads are becoming popular among publishers and other media properties, but social networks are at the forefront of the trend toward ads that work more like content“. Native In-Stream Ads... [...]

‘Like Facebook & Twitter, Google Reportedly Teaming With Data Providers To Track In-Store Saless’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on  ‘Marketing Land’ is titled “Like Facebook & Twitter, Google Reportedly Teaming With Data Providers To Track In-Store Sales”. Ginny Marvin says, “Facebook first began partnering with Datalogix to show advertisers how their ads drive offline sales back in 2012. Last year, Twitter introduced its “offline sales impact” tool, developed with Datalogix, to measure the offline sales impact of promoted and organic tweets for consumer packaged goods and automotive advertisers. Now Google is reportedly partnering with the big data providers... [...]

‘Heartbleed—What’s Next? Check Your Clients, Routers, Virtual Machines And VPNs’ – ‘ReadWrite’

The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “Heartbleed—What’s Next? Check Your Clients, Routers, Virtual Machines And VPNs”. Jodi Mardesich says, “What we thought was secure—Web servers, routers, virtual machines, virtual private networks, and even client software—isn’t so safe, after all. Just about everything that relies on the open source cryptographic software OpenSSL is compromised by the Heartbleed bug, which can leak the contents of the memories of these networks and devices to compromise your security. Heartbleed can expose data in random 64KB “heartbeats,”... [...]

‘Conversion Optimization: Measuring Usability In The User Experience (UX) – Part 1’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on  ‘Marketing Land’ is titled “Conversion Optimization: Measuring Usability In The User Experience (UX) – Part 1”. Shari Thurow says, “Here is the scenario: I am speaking at a conference about the 7 Facets of the User/Searcher Experience. Whenever I can, I try to provide case studies and usability test results to help illustrate each facet. Inevitably, there is somebody in the audience that stereotypes search engine optimization (SEO) professionals. What could an SEO possibly know about the user experience? From my perspective, usability is... [...]

‘Report: Amazon Releasing Smartphone Later This Year’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on  ‘Marketing Land’ is titled “Report: Amazon Releasing Smartphone Later This Year”. Greg Sterling says, “According to a report appearing in the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) this afternoon Amazon will in fact be releasing a smartphone in the second half of the year. This development had been rumored for a some time. The WSJ says that Amazon hopes to distinguish the phone with a 3D display that doesn’t require glasses. However that by itself is unlikely to differentiate the phone sufficiently to ensure success. It’s probably the case that an... [...]

‘The New “One Microsoft” Is—Finally—Poised For The Future’ – ‘ReadWrite’

The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “The New “One Microsoft” Is—Finally—Poised For The Future”. Dan Rowinski says, “Microsoft has completely overhauled its corporate kernel. The stodgy old enterprise company whose former CEO once called open source Linux a “cancer” is gone. So is its notorious tendency to keep developers and consumers within its walled gardens. The “One Microsoft” goal that looked like more gaseous corporate rhetoric upon its debut last summer now is instead much closer to actual reality. You can see the proof both in Microsoft’s... [...]

‘How to Set Pay-per-click Advertising Goals’ – Web Marketing Today

The latest ‘Web Marketing Today’ blog post is titled “How to Set Pay-per-click Advertising Goals”. Melissa Mackey says, “In my experience of managing pay-per-click advertising campaigns, the most common reason why campaigns fail is due to a lack of goal setting at the beginning. Sometimes advertisers are so anxious to “start a PPC campaign” that they don’t take the time to figure out what their goals are. Resist the temptation to put tactics before goals and strategy. It’s easy to see your competitors online and think to yourself, “we need to do PPC.” What’s wrong with... [...]

‘IAB: $43 Billion In 2013 Digital Ad Revenue, Mobile Doubles’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on  ‘Marketing Land’ is titled “IAB: $43 Billion In 2013 Digital Ad Revenue, Mobile Doubles”. Greg Sterling says, “The IAB has just released its annual report on US digital advertising. The trade association said that Q4 2013 revenues hit $12.1 billion, and full year revenues were $42.8 billion, beating broadcast TV (though not TV in total) for the first time. The 2013 numbers grew by 17 percent over 2012. Last year the IAB reported $36.6 billion in full year ad revenue. One of the highlights, mobile ad revenue hit nearly $7.1 billion, doubling... [...]

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