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Archive for the 'Internet Advertising Tips' Category

‘Mobile Email Benchmarks by Industry’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Ayaz Nanji says, “Several industries passed the email “mobile tipping point” in 2013, with more than half of all sent marketing emails in the vertical opened by consumers on smartphones or tablets, according to a recent report from Knotice. The open rates of emails sent by the consumer services, hospitality, and financial services industries all rose past 50% in the second half of 2013, the analysis of 1 billion emails sent by companies in 11 industry segments last year found. Overall, the number of emails opened on a mobile device (smartphone or tablet) rose to 48% by the... [...]

‘Why Organic Reach on Facebook Has Dwindled’ – Web Marketing Today

Kunle Campbell says, “Many businesses on Facebook are concerned about declining organic reach — i.e., the number of people that content reaches on Facebook. On average, companies’ organic reach on Facebook has fallen by 50 percent. Facebook received such an unprecedented number of questions about this issue that it issued an announcement explaining what is happening. Ogilvy data from March this year showed organic reach for brands on Facebook hovering between 2 and 6 percent. It’s making some businesses question whether Facebook is still a viable marketing channel”. Why Organic Reach... [...]

‘8 Ways to Spice Up Transactional Emails’ – Web Marketing Today

Pamella Neely says, “Transactional emails are so important, yet so boring. Too many transactional emails go ignored by marketers, while we focus our time and energy on attracting attention to promotional emails. It’s ironic that these same “boring” transactional emails end up being the ones our customers pay the most attention to. Transactional emails have click-through rates almost six times higher than promotional emails. Their open rates often exceed 100 percent (because they are often opened more than once)”. 8 Ways to Spice Up Transactional Emails Web Marketing Today  [...]

‘What To Expect At Google I/O 2014: Android Wear, Android Everywhere’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Dan Rowinski says, “Google is about ready to set its yearly agenda. Its I/O conference, which starts Wednesday, is Google’s main opportunity to showcase what it’s been working on across its sprawling techno-empire. We don’t know if Google will continue to throw everything but the kitchen sink into its keynote address like it did in last year’s three-and-a-half hour extravaganza, but it seems safe to predict that there’s going to be one main star of the show: Android. Sure, Google will probably have something to say about its Chrome OS, its nascent but burgeoning... [...]

‘VIDEO + SLIDESHOW: The Place Of Humans In Local Marketing’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The ML team says, “Say goodbye to local search as we know it. We have entered into a period of the human algorithm. The future of local search marketing and social recommendations can be summed up in two words — collaboration and trust. From the Marketing Land Digital Marketing Summit at SMX West 2014”. VIDEO + SLIDESHOW: The Place Of Humans In Local Marketing Marketing Land  [...]

‘Five Steps To Build Your Own Random Non-Sequitur Twitter Bot’ – ‘ReadWrite’

The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “Five Steps To Build Your Own Random Non-Sequitur Twitter Bot”. Lauren Orsini says, “If you follow my standard Twitter account, @LaurenInSpace, you’re missing out on the good stuff. @LaurenInEbooks is a computer-generated stream of garbled tweets that are often far more on point than what I actually have to say. A friend of mine, who knows about my love of esoteric Internet phenomena, built @LaurenInEbooks as a gift. It’s inspired by@horse_ebooks, a Twitter account so famous for its poorly computer-generated tweets that it got... [...]

‘Four AdWords Mistakes That Drag Your CTR Down’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Larry Kim says, “In this article, I’m going to discuss four common mistakes marketers make that drag their AdWords clickthrough rate (CTR) down, and I’ll show you how you can write ads that get 2-3 times the average CTR. We’ve analyzed millions of dollars in ad spend by advertisers of all sizes across all industries, and we’ve found that they are making these four mistakes. That’s good news for you: Once you learn to identify and remedy these missteps, you will have a definite edge on your competitors. The following chart illustrates the relationship between... [...]

‘8 Reasons To Start Using Tag Management, If You Haven’t Already’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

David Booth says, “At this point in the history of digital marketing, I think it’s safe to say that — for better or worse — tags are required table stakes of digital measurement. Your analytics solution, your search marketing platforms, your UX tools, your testing platform, your voice of customer solution, your bidding platforms, your retargeting strategies“. 8 Reasons To Start Using Tag Management, If You Haven’t Already Marketing Land  [...]

‘The State of B2B Search Marketing’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Ayaz Nanji says, “Marketers are steadily moving away from many traditional search tactics, and they are becoming increasingly content-focused, according to a recent report from Regalix. Nearly three-quarters (73%) of marketers surveyed say they now create content as a part of their organic search marketing efforts, surpassing the number who engage in practices traditionally held to be the core of SEO, such as metatag research/deployment (68%) and link-building (52%)”. The State of B2B Search Marketing MarketingProfs  [...]

‘Survey: 62% Of Consumers Say Social Media Doesn’t At All Influence Their Purchasing Decisions’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “It shouldn’t come as a surprise to savvy social media marketers, but consumers really aren’t interested in what you are selling. That is the main social media finding in a report released by Gallup today, showing that people say they use social media to be … social … with friends and family and don’t believe that messages from brands and businesses are affecting their buying habits. Sixty-two percent of the 18,000 survey respondents claimed that social media had no influence at all on their purchasing decisions. A meager 5% said social media exerted “a great... [...]

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