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Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Archive for the 'Internet Advertising Tips' Category

‘Google Analytics: Using Timeframe Comparisons’ – Web Marketing Today

The latest ‘Web Marketing Today’ blog post is titled “Google Analytics: Using Timeframe Comparisons”. Kevin Webster says, “Merely looking at graphs and numbers in Google Analytics for today, this week, or this month won’t tell an entire story. It will simply give you a glimpse of your current performance. To really analyze in depth, add context. One of the simplest ways to do this is by comparing two similar periods of time. By comparing and contrasting, you are trend spotting, and that is the real detective work”. Google Analytics: Using Timeframe Comparisons Web Marketing Today  [...]

‘3 Steps To Factoring In Upper-Funnel Metrics & Predicting Revenue’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on  ‘Marketing Land’ is titled “3 Steps To Factoring In Upper-Funnel Metrics & Predicting Revenue”. Benjamin Vigneron says, “If you’re an online marketer that wants to improve conversions on your direct-response channel(s), this column will help you to create a multi-touch and multi-action predictive model for your conversion funnel that allows you to make better budget allocation and bid optimization-related decisions. Start by focusing on two issues. First, not only should the end conversion numbers be tied back to all touch points... [...]

‘FCC Muddles Its Way Toward Net-Neutrality Rules’ – ‘ReadWrite’

The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “FCC Muddles Its Way Toward Net-Neutrality Rules”. Dan Rowinski says, “The Federal Communications Commission today approved a proposal for Internet regulation that would allow cable and telecom companies to charge service providers like Netflix for “fast lane” access to consumers, although it is also seeking comment on whether to restrain or prohibit the practice before its rules are made final. Some commission officials, including chairman Tom Wheeler, said they opposed the idea of fast lanes even as they approved a proposal... [...]

‘The BuzzFeed way: examples of shareable native advertising’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “The BuzzFeed way: examples of shareable native advertising”. Ben Davis says, “BuzzFeed is successful in anyone’s book when it comes to creating content their audience wants to consume wherever they are and then share with their friends. I listened to Will Hayward, VP Europe, BuzzFeed, at the Adobe Summit EMEA 2014. He was talking about how traditional display advertising is still inefficient and how new methods of social distribution of native content are for BuzzFeed. Here I’ve attempted to sum up some of... [...]

‘Why Net Neutrality Became A Thing For The Internet Generation’ – ‘ReadWrite’

The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “Why Net Neutrality Became A Thing For The Internet Generation”. Dan Rowinski says, “FCC commissioner Mike O’Rielly had just finished torrid remarks opposing the notice for proposed rulemaking over the open Internet yesterday when a young woman in the crowd got to her feet and started yelling. “I speak on behalf of the Internet generation, we vote for a free and open Internet….” She didn’t get much further than that. She tried to say something about Title II and common carriers, but was promptly picked up by security... [...]

‘With Latest $200M Round Pinterest On Path Toward IPO’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on  ‘Marketing Land’ is titled “With Latest $200M Round Pinterest On Path Toward IPO”. Greg Sterling says, “How could Pinterest be valued at $5 billion if it has so little revenue? That’s the question many incredulous journalists are asking after news yesterday that the “scrapbooking” site had raised another $200 million, bring its total funding to $764 million. The site only recently launched its first ad units, promoted pins. However the company is asking for and reportedly getting commitments of $1 and $2 million with CPMs of... [...]

‘Why Twitter Needs Its Own Messaging App’ – ‘ReadWrite’

The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “Why Twitter Needs Its Own Messaging App”. Selena Larson says, “Twitter is the social application I use the most. I check it as soon as I wake up in the morning, whenever I have a free moment while riding the bus or in line at a coffee shop, and when news breaks. I rely on it heavily for news and information, as well as predictable snark from fellow journalists. When I spend time on Twitter, I’m either posting or reading public updates. Very rarely do I use it to send direct messages, as Twitter calls its one-to-one private messages,... [...]

‘Marketing On Pinterest? Here’s Some Data About Pinners’ Daily Obsessions’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on  ‘Marketing Land’ is titled “Marketing On Pinterest? Here’s Some Data About Pinners’ Daily Obsessions”. Martin Beck says, “Pinterest bills itself as “the world’s largest human created collection of things,” with more than 30 billion pins on 750 million boards. It’s a treasure trove of data about user interests that Pinterest digs into to serve more relevant related content to Pinners. Today, it shared some interesting information about Pinterest user behavior that could inform marketers’ timing on the network. It turns out... [...]

‘Google Play Introduces PayPal Support’ – ‘ReadWrite’

The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “Google Play Introduces PayPal Support”. Anthony Myers says, “In a blog post Thursday, Google announced it will support PayPal as a payment option for Google Play purchases starting in 12 countries, including the U.S., UK, Germany, Canada, Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands and Spain. For those Google Play customers, PayPal will now appear as a purchasing option in one’s Google Wallet, which is Google’s mobile solution for storing and spending with credit, debit, gift and loyalty cards; users... [...]

‘Tweet And Repeat: The Power Of Sharing And Sharing Again’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on  ‘Marketing Land’ is titled “Tweet And Repeat: The Power Of Sharing And Sharing Again”. Mark Traphagen says, “Rinse and repeat. Those words have become a meme in American culture. Where did they come from. I’m betting you know! That’s right. “Rinse and repeat,” the familiar instructions on almost every bottle of shampoo sold in the U.S. since… well, probably since shampoo has been sold. Even though we suspect that instruction might be there just to sell more shampoo, most of us dutifully follow it. But when it comes to sharing our... [...]

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