Google Ads team is hosting a webinar ‘Error Handling, Retry, and Timeouts in Google Ads API’ on Thursday, June 3, 2021, at 10.00 am EST. Andrew Burke says, “The webinar will cover the topics below and include code walkthroughs to demonstrate how to perform different actions with the Google Ads API client libraries. We will also host a Q&A at the end with members of the Google Ads Developer Relations and Engineering teams. Types of errors returned by the Google Ads API Catching and deciphering Google Ads API errors Identifying failed operations using partial failure mode Setting... [...]
Archive for the 'Internet Advertising Tips' Category
Many times retargeting and remarketing are used interchangeably. Retargeting works by involving the placement of a pixel (a JavaScript code) on your website or landing page. Microsoft Advertising’s Stephanie Worley has published an article highlighting some useful strategies to get more customers with ad retargeting. She says, “Most likely, your small business has created a marketing funnel that’s built to drive brand awareness and increase conversions. Retargeting can benefit your small business in several ways: Builds brand recognition: The method of retargeting encourages previous... [...]
Search Engine Journal has published a new podcast episode ‘Google Ads Smart Matching “Bug” & Digital Marketing News’ featuring Greg Finn, Jess Budde & Mark Saltarelli. This podcast covers the following: Google Ads Tests Smart Matching Billion Ads Blocked, Says Google’s Ads Safety Report Take of the Week ICYMI Lightning Round. Google Ads Smart Matching “Bug” & Digital Marketing News Search Engine Journal [...]
MJ DePalma of Microsoft Advertising has shared an article highlighting ethical advertising principles and 9 steps to build trust. DePalma says, “Ethics are a set of moral principles that govern a person’s or organization’s behavior, or the conducting of an activity. Ethical advertising is about truth, fairness, and equity in messaging and consumer experience. An ethical advertisement is honest, accurate, and strives for human dignity. It also considers the advertising environments that are chosen for placement, and it examines potential for data bias in analytics. Based on the latest Edelman... [...]
IMPACT has published ‘The Ultimate Guide to Google Ads: How to Create Revenue-Generating Google Ads‘. It is authored by Dan Baum, Paid Media Specialist, IMPACT and Jason Linde, Paid Media Specialist, IMPACT. This guide answers the following questions: What the heck are Google Ads? Is that different from PPC? Are Google Ads right for my business? What are the different types of Google Ads available to me? What are the rookie mistakes everyone makes, and how do I avoid them? How do I make the most of my Google Ads budget? How do we generate a lot of revenue from our Google Ads campaigns? The... [...]
The Google Ads team has announced the launch of new real-time bidding experiments for the advertisers. Google is launching experiments that are intended to provide bidders with an opportunity to test and provide collaborative feedback on ads-privacy proposals. The Google Ads blog team says, “We strongly encourage interested bidders to sign up and participate! Three new experiments made available today are described below. Experiment #1: TURTLEDOVE simulation The RTB protocols and infrastructure have been updated to enable a server-side simulation of Chrome’s TURTLEDOVE proposal, as described... [...]
Search Engine Journal contributor Susan Wenograd has highlighted 10 common mistakes in Google ads. She says, “In no particular order, here are the top 10 most common mistakes found repeatedly in Google Ad accounts. 1. Outdated Conversions Once upon a time, you would place a Google Ads conversion tag on the conversion page, and that was that. It fed in pixel fires from that page. Such a simplistic measurement also meant a lot less room for error. Nowadays, advertisers use conversion tags on any number of pages, import conversions from CRMs like Salesforce, use call tracking, and import conversion... [...]
Merkle contributor Melissa Reilly has published a comprehensive article on Google’s unpaid shopping listings. She says, “Back in late April, Google announced the roll out of free traffic on its Shopping tab to help merchants better connect with consumers. The pandemic was in its earlier stages in the US and many small businesses were struggling after closing their doors to foot traffic. While targeted at small businesses that don’t have large enough advertising budgets to compete on paid listings, the free listings were made available to anyone with a feed in the Merchant Center,... [...]
Google is hosting a webinar ‘Intro to Reporting & the Google Ads Query Language’ on Friday, December 4 at 10.00 am EST. The Google team says, “The webinar will cover the topics below and include code walkthroughs to demonstrate how to perform different actions with the Google Ads API client libraries. We will also host a live Q&A at the end. Reporting in the Google Ads API vs. the AdWords API Types of search requests you can perform with the Google Ads API The syntax and structure of Google Ads Query Language queries How to discover available fields to construct Google... [...]
Earned media refers to publicity gained through advertising, or owned media, which refers to branding. It is promotion and coverage awarded by outside agencies or publications. Ahrefs contributor Si Quan Ong has shared seven ways to benefit from earned media. He says, “Earned media is what every business strives for, and there are two main reasons for that: 1. Earned media is often cheaper over the long-term In 2019, when Parachute launched its new wool mattress, the company opted for earned media over paid media. It seeded the product with editors and influencers, which resulted in tons... [...]