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Monday, March 10, 2025

Archive for the 'Internet Marketers' Category

‘Is Facebook Giving One Of Its Critics The Run Around?’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “Is Facebook Giving One Of Its Critics The Run Around?”. Dave Copeland says, “Sophos is sharing the tale of a Facebook critic who says he has been foiled in his efforts to download his user data from the social networking giant. Facebook has been stingy with user data, and last fall it changed its policies about what data it will share with you and how it will share that “. Is Facebook Giving One Of Its Critics The Run Around? ReadWriteWeb  [...]

‘How To Pimp Your Company’s Facebook Timeline’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “How To Pimp Your Company’s Facebook Timeline”. Dave Copeland says, “If you haven’t changed your brand’s Facebook page over to Timeline yet, Facebook will do it automatically on March 30. And if you have, chance are you could be doing more to make it look better. One of the initial complaints when Timeline for brands was announced last week was that it would make it harder for individual companies to stand out”. How To Pimp Your Company’s Facebook Timeline ReadWriteWeb  [...]

‘Increasing Productivity And Your Attention Span’ by Ken Nadreau

Ken Nadreau’s latest article is titled “Increasing Productivity And Your Attention Span”. Nadreau says, “When it comes to increasing productivity, there’s really only one effective way to do it. Find something that works for you and do it. We all suffer with the same problem of “so much to do, and so little time to do it in.” But this time/workload quagmire is where our universality on the matter ends”. Increasing Productivity And Your Attention Span Ken Nadreau’s ‘Advanced Market Training’ Blog  [...]

Neil Stafford’s ‘Internet Game Changer Academy’ Workshop, March 10-11

Neil Stafford is holding the ‘Internet Game Changer Academy’ workshop on March 10-11 at Thistle Hotel in Lancashire. Key speakers of the workshop are Neil Stafford, Neil Travers and Pete Moore. Neil says, “The purpose of the Internet Game Changer Academy is to give you the knowledge to help you start and grow your own highly profitable Information Marketing business from home, with very little capital. I don’t care where you are financially or if you have a product to sell or not. You’ll discover exactly what Neil and I do to tap into those rich markets and how we... [...]

‘4 Easy Ways to Make Money with Amazon’s Kindle’ Adam Short’s Webinar March 8

Adam Short  is hosting a webinar on Thursday, March 8 at 9.00 pm EST. The topic of the webinar is “4 Easy Ways to Make Money with Amazon’s Kindle”. Adam says, ” See first hand how 1 person is making upwards of $30,000.00+ a month on Amazon and how easy it is to sell content designed for their system. Register right now to reserve your spot because this one “Will” fill up fast and once all slots are taken thats it. During this one-time only LIVE webinar, you’ll learn: ***** Four (4) Super Easy Ways to Make Money Publishing to Amazon’s Kindle *****... [...]

‘How To Get Ten Successful Referral Clients Every Month’ Troy White’s Webinar March 20

Troy White is hosting a webinar on Tuesday, March 20 at 5.00 pm PDT. The topic of the webinar is “How To Get Ten Successful Referral Clients Every Month”. The webinar attendees will learn the following: *  “Why you should definitely NOT rely on Word of Mouth marketing for new clients *  Ten types of lead generation, which ones to avoid (and why) and which one to start with * Eight costly but common mistakes to avoid when wanting to get referrals (this part will save you stress, save you time and save you wasted effort) * Tom’s powerfully effective “Godfather” referral... [...]

‘Develop Your First Money Making Product Fast!’ Kathleen Gage’s Webinar March 17

Kathleen Gage is hosting a webinar on Saturday, March 17. The topic of the webinar is “Develop Your First Money Making Product Fast!”. Kathleen says, “In this content-driven webinar you learn the following… Plan and create your first product Find out how to take your product to market with no out of pocket expense Learn the first step to take to get your product done FAST! Receive a step-by-step formula for your product creation”. Webinar Details Key Person: Kathleen Gage Topic: Develop Your First Money Making Product Fast! Day/Date: Saturday, March 17 Time: 8.00 pm... [...]

‘3 Fatal Phone Mistakes That Kill Sales’ by Charlie Cook

Charlie Cook’s latest blog post is titled “3 Fatal Phone Mistakes That Kill Sales”. Cook says, “Most businesses throw 30-80% of the leads they get away and I’m talking about my clients and yes, you too! It’s incredible to me but it’s true. Almost every business owner I’ve talked to wants one thing”. 3 Fatal Phone Mistakes That Kill Sales Marketing for Success  [...]

‘March 2012 Google Webmaster Report’ – ‘Search Engine Roundtable’ Newsletter

The latest issue of ‘Search Engine Roundtable’ newsletter has been released. The featured article is titled “March 2012 Google Webmaster Report”. ‘Search Engine Roundtable’ Newsletter Contents March 2012 Google Webmaster Report Google Engineer: It’s Too Difficult To Offer Sites Dimension For Google AdSense For Search Fanta-Fanta! They Hired An SEO Google: Correlation Does Not Imply Causation In Search Rankings 17 – Yahoo Birthday Cupcakes. ‘Search Engine Roundtable’ Newsletter  [...]

‘Creativity Made Easy’ – ‘Copywriter’s Roundtable’ Newsletter

The latest issue of Copywriter’s Roundtable’ newsletter has been released. The featured article is titled “Creativity Made Easy”. ‘Copywriter’s Roundtable’ Newsletter Contents Creativity Made Easy HOW TO BREAK INTO “SIX-FIGURE” COPYWRITING BRAIN GAMES THE MISSING LINK: Learn Just About Anything, Fr*e. ‘Copywriter’s Roundtable’ Newsletter  [...]

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