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Sunday, March 9, 2025

Archive for the 'Internet Marketers' Category

‘People Will Pay You to Transform Their Lives ‘ – ‘The New Early To Rise’ Newsletter

The latest issue of ‘The New Early to Rise’ newsletter has been released. The featured article is titled “People Will Pay You to Transform Their Lives”. David Bostrom  says, “A few years back I came across a promotional piece for a program to learn the piano via a set of DVDs called Piano for Life. At the time I was not thinking about learning to play the piano. But I did have within me a desire to learn how to play. And I had a desire for my kids to learn to play, too, because I believe that knowing how to play an instrument enriches one’s life. As I recall,... [...]

‘How to Raise a Million Dollars for your Blog’ by John Chow

John Chow’s latest blog post is titled “How to Raise a Million Dollars for your Blog”. Chow says, “Do you know that you can raise a million dollars for your blog today? Does your blog have what it takes to raise a million dollars? If I provide you a step by step action plan for raising a million”. How to Raise a Million Dollars for your Blog John Chow’s Blog  [...]

‘The Automated Sales Funnel’ – StomperNet Blog

The latest ‘StomperNet’ blog post is titled “The Automated Sales Funnel”. The ‘StomperNet’ team says, “Perhaps the biggest advantage of a sales funnel is that it establishes a relationship with your prospects. The prospects begin to learn to trust you as your relationship grows. They can step into the relationship at a basic level by exchanging their email for some information, which begins the process. You now can contact them again with more content to grow that relationship”. The Automated Sales Funnel Stomper Blog  [...]

‘Hungry For Change’ by Jeff Walker

Jeff Walker’s latest blog post is titled “Hungry For Change”. Walker  says, “How would you feel if you could get 1,000 opt-ins per hour? That’s a pretty amazing number, but it’s only part of the story… Can you do a Product Launch Formula-style launch for an independent film? How about a feature-length documentary? What would happen if you had a FREE worldwide online premiere for the film?”. Hungry For Change Jeff Walker’s Blog  [...]

‘Using Pinterest for Business – Finding New Prospects′ by Alex Mandossian

Alex Mandossian’s latest blog post is titled “Using Pinterest for Business – Finding New Prospects”. Mandossian says, “Have you started using Pinterest for your business? It’s growing extremely fast! There are a lot of opportunities for businesses to take advantage of on the site. In case you haven’t heard of the site, “Pinterest lets you organize and share all the beautiful things you find on the web. People use pinboards to plan their weddings, decorate their homes, and organize their favorite recipes” (Source)”. Using Pinterest for Business – Finding New Prospects Alex... [...]

‘Three Constants in Affiliate Marketing’ – ClickBank Blog

‘ClickBank’ latest blog post is titled “Three Constants in Affiliate Marketing”. Simon Slade says, “Those of us who have been involved in the affiliate marketing world for a while are all too aware that it is an industry prone to change, and lots of it. A website that makes you money one day, might literally disappear from the search engine rankings overnight, and leave you struggling to find a reason why. The terms of service (TOS) on one of your favorite Web 2.0 sites might change in the blink of an eye, and you suddenly find yourself losing an important traffic... [...]

‘Google AdSense Messages To Publishers: Create Google+ Page’ – ‘Search Engine Roundtable’ Newsletter

The latest issue of ‘Search Engine Roundtable’ newsletter has been released. The featured article is titled “Google AdSense Messages To Publishers: Create Google+ Page”. ‘Search Engine Roundtable’ Newsletter Contents Google AdSense Messages To Publishers: Create Google+ Page Google Properties Hit By Language Bug Google Panda Help Thread Mostly Gone Spammers Flock To Bing Webmaster Forums Akira Yoshizawa – Google Origami Logo. ‘Search Engine Roundtable’ Newsletter  [...]

‘List Building Tip – Most LinkedIn Group Owners Miss This’ by Denise Wakeman

Denise Wakeman’s latest blog post is titled “List Building Tip – Most LinkedIn Group Owners Miss This”. Wakeman says, “In previous posts about LinkedIn, I’ve written that hosting a LinkedIn Group is by far the best way to build a community, connect with potential new clients and drive more traffic back to your blog. And there’s one more thing (at least). LinkedIn Groups can be a great source of new subscribers for your blog or email list”. List Building Tip – Most LinkedIn Group Owners Miss This Biz Tips Blog  [...]

‘Does Formal Education Matter When Opening A Business?’ – ‘Entrepreneurs-Journey’ Blog

The latest ‘Entrepreneurs-Journey’ blog post is titled “Does Formal Education Matter When Opening A Business?”. Ken Sundheim says, “Entrepreneurship is taught in nearly every business program at university, but does your education or your college major really factor into success when going out on your own as an entrepreneur? If so, what types of education are beneficial to entrepreneurial success and what types are worth a second look?” Does Formal Education Matter When Opening A Business? Yaro Starak’s ‘Entrepreneurs-Journey’ Blog  [...]

‘SEO Experts Discuss Link Building for Affiliates’ by Mark Ling

Mark Ling’s latest Affilorama blog post is titled “SEO Experts Discuss Link Building for Affiliates”. Ling says, ” Link building has been an important process of building successful affiliate marketing-based websites over the years, because this process simply allows sites to be more visible on search results (for targeted queries) by serving as signals to search engines, letting them know more about what your site/page is about and how popular/authoritative its content is”. SEO Experts Discuss Link Building for Affiliates Mark Ling’s ‘Affilorama’ Blog  [...]

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