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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Archive for the 'Internet Marketers' Category

‘Its All About Duplication’ Derek Bayer’s Webinar March 8

Derek Bayer is hosting a webinar on Thursday, March 8 at 7.00 pm EST. The topic of the webinar is “Its All About Duplication”. Webinar Details Organizer: Derek Bayer Topic: Its All About Duplication Day/Date: Thursday, March 8 Time: 7.00 pm EST – Time Zone Converter Register for webinar details. ‘Its All About Duplication’ Webinar  [...]

‘Reports Raise Questions About Who Has Access To Your Facebook Profile’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’ Daily Recap

The latest issue of ‘ReadWriteWeb’ Weekly Wrapup has been released. The featured article is titled “Reports Raise Questions About Who Has Access To Your Facebook Profile”. ‘ReadWriteWeb’ Weekly Wrapup Contents Reports Raise Questions About Who Has Access To Your Facebook Profile New iPhone, iPad and Android Apps for February 2012 How Technology Changes Our Relationships The Benefits and Pitfalls of ESPN’s new Developer Center. ReadWriteWeb  [...]

‘Two Keys to Big Breakthroughs’ – ‘The New Early To Rise’ Newsletter

The latest issue of ‘The New Early to Rise’ newsletter has been released. The featured article is titled “Two Keys to Big Breakthroughs”. Craig Ballantyne  says, “It is now March. Over 15% of the year has passed already. Are you 15% of the way towards your goals? If your plan was to write a 100 page book, you should have 15 pages done by now. If you had ambitions of making over $100,000 this year, you should already have made $15,000. Are you on track? If not, we need to put some urgency in your efforts. You need to realize that the amount of time you have to take... [...]

‘Gene Simmons… Rock and Roll Great and Marketing Superstar’ by Troy White

Troy White’s latest blog post is titled “Gene Simmons… Rock and Roll Great and Marketing Superstar”. White says, “A few years ago, I was having dinner at the Grand ole Opry hotel in Nashville, getting ready to attend the Dan Kennedy Superconference. Just up to my right I saw someone come out of a discretely placed side door, and start walking down the hall towards me”. Gene Simmons… Rock and Roll Great and Marketing Superstar Troy White’s Blog  [...]

‘Pay Attention To What You Gripe About (How Came To Be)’ by Nicole Dean

Nicole Dean’s latest blog post is titled “Pay Attention To What You Gripe About (How Came To Be)”. Dean says, “Here’s a guest post from my very dear friend, Kelly McCausey”. Pay Attention To What You Gripe About (How Came To Be) Nicole Dean’s Blog  [...]

’10 Article Templates To Help You Create Your Social Media Content Faster’ – ‘LinkedIn Marketing Ezine’

Kristina Jaramillo has released the latest issue of ‘LinkedIn Marketing Ezine’. The featured article is titled “10 Article Templates To Help You Create Your Social Media Content Faster”. ‘LinkedIn Marketing Ezine’ Contents 1. Personal Note – Big News 2. Where is Kristina Speaking? 3. New LinkedIn Marketing Video Answers Your Questions 4. 10 Article Templates To Help You Create Your Social Media Content Faster. LinkedIn Marketing Ezine  [...]

‘The 10-Minute Technique to Becoming a More Productive Writer’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “The 10-Minute Technique to Becoming a More Productive Writer”. Georgina Laidlaw says, “Late last year, when I interviewed Brian Clark about his approach to productive blogging, he said something that really struck me as a writer. Brian’s big on vision — he told me that he believed his vision for his online business was pretty much the key to his success as both a blogger and business owner”. The 10-Minute Technique to Becoming a More Productive Writer ‘Copyblogger’ Blog  [...]

‘Experts Weigh In On What Facebook Premium Means For Users, Advertisers’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “Experts Weigh In On What Facebook Premium Means For Users, Advertisers”. Dave Copeland says, “The premium advertising platform Facebook launched last week, which includes an increased emphasis on mobile, is getting mixed reviews from industry professionals. “Bottom-line- this is gonna fail because People don’t want to recommend an ad,” said Natalie L. Petouhoff, a senior analyst at Forrester Research. “They want to recommend a product, service or company that they have had an amazing experience... [...]

‘Betting on the Future, Washington Post Hires Slashdot Founder’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “Betting on the Future, Washington Post Hires Slashdot Founder”. John Paul Titlow says, “To say that journalism has changed in the last few years is putting it mildly. Those that watch the news industry and have a concern for its future are all too the familiar with the statistics. Dramatic drops in print advertising revenue are followed by layoffs, pay cuts and even the occasional closure of an institution that have informed the public for generations”. Betting on the Future, Washington Post Hires Slashdot Founder ReadWriteWeb  [...]

‘How to Leverage Content Communities to Expand Your Brand Reach’ – ‘SEOmoz’ Blog

The latest ‘SEOmoz’ blog post is titled “How to Leverage Content Communities to Expand Your Brand Reach”. Julianne Staino says, ““Content is King!” Ah, the wonderfully overused statement that makes me want to throw my monitor at the wall and then hang my head in shame because it’s actually true. I feel like I can safely assume that we can all agree on the increasing importance of awesome content. Recently, it seems like everyone is championing for companies to evolve the way in which they a”. How to Leverage Content Communities to Expand Your Brand Reach SEOmoz  [...]

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