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Thursday, March 13, 2025

Archive for the 'Internet Marketers' Category

‘How To Sell More Ads On Your Blog’ – ‘Entrepreneurs-Journey’ Blog

The latest ‘Entrepreneurs-Journey’ blog post is titled “How To Sell More Ads On Your Blog”. Yaro Starak says, “I previously explained my simple formula for pricing ads on your website. If you missed the article, please read it first here – How Much Should You Charge For Advertising On Your Blog?”. How To Sell More Ads On Your Blog Yaro Starak’s ‘Entrepreneurs-Journey’ Blog  [...]

‘Web Site Migration Guide – Tips For SEOs’ – ‘SEOmoz’ Blog

The latest ‘SEOmoz’ blog post is titled “Web Site Migration Guide – Tips For SEOs”. Modesto Siotos says, “Site migrations occur now and again for a various reasons but arguably are one of those areas many SEOs and site owners alike do not feel very comfortable with. Typically, site owners want to know in advance what the impact would be, often asking for information like potential traffic loss”. Web Site Migration Guide – Tips For SEOs SEOmoz  [...]

‘Create Crawlable, Link-Friendly AJAX Websites Using pushState()’ – ‘SEOmoz’ Blog

The latest ‘SEOmoz’ blog post is titled “Create Crawlable, Link-Friendly AJAX Websites Using pushState()”. Rob Ousbey says, “Building websites using AJAX to load content can make them fast, responsive and very user friendly. However, it’s not always been possible to do this without introducing # or #! symbols into URLs – and breaking the way URLs are ‘supposed’ to work”. Create Crawlable, Link-Friendly AJAX Websites Using pushState() SEOmoz  [...]

Neil Stafford’s ‘Internet Game Changer Academy’ Workshop, March 10-11

Neil Stafford is holding the ‘Internet Game Changer Academy’ workshop on March 10-11 at Thistle Hotel in Lancashire. Key speakers of the workshop are Neil Stafford, Neil Travers and Pete Moore. Neil says, “The purpose of the Internet Game Changer Academy is to give you the knowledge to help you start and grow your own highly profitable Information Marketing business from home, with very little capital. I don’t care where you are financially or if you have a product to sell or not. You’ll discover exactly what Neil and I do to tap into those rich markets and how we... [...]

‘Armand Morin Live’, Orlando, FL, April 13-15

Armand Morin is holding his ‘Armand Morin Live’ event in Orlando, FL on April 13-15. For three days Armand will teach the strategies to create a profitable Internet business. Morin has released a video to provide detailed information on the ‘Armand Morin Live’ event. Morin says, “Register today and learn… How to attract new clients as easy as flies to flypaper using ethical and ridiculously effective strategies, even in today’s skeptical, me-too world where some previously successful businesses are now dropping like flies themselves… How to extract surefire... [...]

‘Premise 2.0: The Complete Digital Sales and Lead Generation Engine for WordPress’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “Premise 2.0: The Complete Digital Sales and Lead Generation Engine for WordPress”. Brian Clark  says, “When anyone wants to quickly and easily create, test, and optimize landing pages with WordPress, our Premise software is the way to go. No doubt. And the one-time fee, bundled optimization education, copywriting advice (from within WordPress)”. Premise 2.0: The Complete Digital Sales and Lead Generation Engine for WordPress ‘Copyblogger’ Blog  [...]

‘How This Month’s Google Search Changes Affect Local Businesses’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “How This Month’s Google Search Changes Affect Local Businesses”. Jon Mitchell says, “Google announced a big slate of changes to search this month. It confirmed a refresh of the “Panda” tweaks to the search algorithm that are designed to punish low-quality content that games search results. There are many new tweaks to parts of the algorithm, including “freshness,” link evaluation and detection of official pages”. How This Month’s Google Search Changes Affect Local Businesses ReadWriteWeb  [...]

‘Amazon & Google Getting Impatient With Book Publishers’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “Amazon & Google Getting Impatient With Book Publishers”. Jon Mitchell says, “All is not well in the e-book market. Amazon and Google have each scaled back some e-book programs in the past week because business was weaker than expected. Both e-book sellers are having trouble doing business with publishers”. Amazon & Google Getting Impatient With Book Publishers ReadWriteWeb  [...]

‘Where Google & Others Crossed the Line on Safari Privacy’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “Where Google & Others Crossed the Line on Safari Privacy”. Jon Mitchell says, “Last week’s online privacy fracas-of-the-week was about the revelation that Google (and other advertisers) had learned to circumvent Safari’s settings to let third-party cookies track users more easily. Apple’s browser’s default setting messes with the way advertisers track users”. Where Google & Others Crossed the Line on Safari Privacy ReadWriteWeb  [...]

‘Daily Wrap: Facebook Admits to Reading Your Texts and more’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “Daily Wrap: Facebook Admits to Reading Your Texts and more”. Robyn Tippins says, “Consider something called a talent profile. It’s a digital portfolio that encapsulates your work history, your skill set, your accomplishments, and your faults. It can be used to rate you. It will reside on a cloud-based service. In the sense that you will always have access to it, you own it. In the sense that human resources departments worldwide will also always have access to it, so do they”. Daily Wrap: Facebook Admits to... [...]

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