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Monday, March 10, 2025

Archive for the 'Internet Marketers' Category

‘Hey Google Plus friends, why are you on Google Plus? What are you hoping to get…’ by Paul Colligan

Paul Colligan’s latest blog post is titled “Hey Google Plus friends, why are you on Google Plus? What are you hoping to get…”. Colligan says, “Hey Google Plus friends, why are you on Google Plus? What are you hoping to get out of this?”. Hey Google Plus friends, why are you on Google Plus? What are you hoping to get… Paul Colligan’s Blog  [...]

What happens when Ants shake hands? #ad

This product takes a broad view of internet marketing entrepreneurs. You’re a whole person, and you need a bigger picture of business, of marketing and of investments, than only running your IM business. “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket,” they say. Ant Handshake helps you realize that goal. Suppose you could protect your IM earnings with diversification. Suppose you could even grow them, not just protect them. That’s what Ant Handshake offers to do. Use your IM business for the maximum leverage to gain financial independence by investing a portion of your earnings... [...]

‘How To Write A Great Job Post’ by John Jonas

John Jonas’ latest blog post is titled “How To Write A Great Job Post”. Jonas says, “A great job post can do more than just advertise your need for an employee. A great job post can also attract the right kind of applicants, giving you better choices when looking for the best person for the job. This is especially important when you’re hiring Filipino workers”. How To Write A Great Job Post John Jonas’ Blog  [...]

‘Armand Morin Live’, Orlando, FL, April 13-15

Armand Morin is holding his ‘Armand Morin Live’ event in Orlando, FL on April 13-15. For three days Armand will teach the strategies to create a profitable Internet business. Morin has released a video to provide detailed information on the ‘Armand Morin Live’ event. Morin says, “Register today and learn… How to attract new clients as easy as flies to flypaper using ethical and ridiculously effective strategies, even in today’s skeptical, me-too world where some previously successful businesses are now dropping like flies themselves… How to extract surefire... [...]

‘Proven Strategies for Social + Email’ Lyris Inc. Webinar 2.00 pm EDT

Lyris Inc. is hosting a webinar on Thursday, March 22 at 2.00 pm EDT. The topic of the webinar is “Proven Strategies for Social + Email”. Lyris Inc. team says, “During this hour-long webinar, you’ll learn: • How “best-in-class” companies are integrating social media with other channels • The top cross-channel tactics “best-in-class” marketers use to improve results • What missed opportunities are hurting average and laggard companies • How to move your cross-channel results from ‘okay’ to ‘outstanding’ • Real-world case studies that showcase “best-in-class”... [...]

‘Proven Strategies for Social + Email’ Lyris Inc. Webinar March 22

Lyris Inc. is hosting a webinar on Thursday, March 22 at 2.00 pm EDT. The topic of the webinar is “Proven Strategies for Social + Email”. Lyris Inc. team says, “During this hour-long webinar, you’ll learn: • How “best-in-class” companies are integrating social media with other channels • The top cross-channel tactics “best-in-class” marketers use to improve results • What missed opportunities are hurting average and laggard companies • How to move your cross-channel results from ‘okay’ to ‘outstanding’ • Real-world case studies that showcase “best-in-class”... [...]

‘Announcing #MozCon 2012: Our Best Yet!’ – ‘SEOmoz’ Blog

The latest ‘SEOmoz’ blog post is titled “Announcing #MozCon 2012: Our Best Yet!”. Erica McGillivray says, “It’s MozCon time! At SEOmoz, we’re proud to announce that tickets for this year’s MozCon are on sale now, and our planning is going full-steam ahead. You’ll want to put this event on your calendar now.  Join us for a three day deep-dive into advanced search engine optimization, social media, conversion rate optimization, content marketing, analytics, and more”. Announcing #MozCon 2012: Our Best Yet! SEOmoz  [...]

‘5 Ways to Get More Traffic with Content Marketing’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “5 Ways to Get More Traffic with Content Marketing”. Sonia Simone says, “It’s the question I get more often than any other when I’m talking with business owners about content marketing strategy. It’s the question we see most often from new members in our Third Tribe Q&A sessions”. 5 Ways to Get More Traffic with Content Marketing ‘Copyblogger’ Blog  [...]

‘How to Embarrass People’ – ‘Copywriter’s Roundtable’ Newsletter

The latest issue of Copywriter’s Roundtable’ newsletter has been released. The featured article is titled “How to Embarrass People”. ‘Copywriter’s Roundtable’ Newsletter Contents How to Embarrass People HOW TO BREAK INTO “SIX-FIGURE” COPYWRITING WHY ASK “WHY?” THE MISSING LINK: Are you a problem solver? ‘Copywriter’s Roundtable’ Newsletter  [...]

‘Are You Making Mommy Proud?’ by Ryan Even

Ryan Even’s latest blog post is titled “Are You Making Mommy Proud?”. Even says, “Chances are your friends or members of your family are on your email lists, visiting your websites and seeing your marketing messages… Does your marketing make your Mother or Spouse or Children or Best Friend Proud?” Are You Making Mommy Proud? Ryan Even’s Blog  [...]

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