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Archive for the 'Internet Marketing Articles' Category

‘Can You Launch A Product With No Webinars, No Videos, No Multimedia And Still Succeed?’ – ‘Entrepreneurs-Journey’ Blog

Yaro Starak says, “In the last decade the world of internet marketing, like the internet itself, has become dominated by multimedia. It’s a different world to how I first started out online. For a good eight years from 1998 to 2006 all my online business projects were text based, with some images thrown in now and then when it made sense, like product pictures and photographs of people. In some ways it was a much simpler time. I communicated with people in forums and newsgroups and later by publishing content on my own websites. This was enough to build an audience and then sell whatever it... [...]

‘If I Was Only Allowed To Share One Marketing Idea With You, This Is It…’ – ‘Entrepreneurs-Journey’ Blog

Yaro Starak says, “Think of a movie or television star… …Now think of the movie or show they are most known for. (Arnold Schwarzenegger = Terminator, David Schwimmer = Friends, Kate Winslet = Titanic, Julia Roberts = Pretty Woman) Next think of an author. What book are they best known for? (Elizabeth Gilbert = Eat, Pray, Love, Paulo Coelho = The Alchemist, Roald Dahl = Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) Most well known creative people have a huge body of work, but there’s frequently one big break out success that they become known for far above everything else. Humans are good at association.... [...]

‘How customers want you to change your email marketing’ – MarketingSherpa Article

Daniel Burstein says, “From previous Charts of the Week, we learned that Americans overwhelmingly prefer to receive email over other channels and that 91% of people want to receive promo emails. However, that doesn’t mean that customers don’t see room for improvement. In this MarketingSherpa Chart of the Week, we take a look at research from 1,748 American adults who want to receive company emails to help you discover opportunities for improving your email marketing“. How customers want you to change your email marketing MarketingSherpa  [...]

‘Email Marketing: Nonprofit achieves 12.5 times higher donation revenue per email than industry average’ – MarketingSherpa Blog

Erin Hogg says, “Roadrunner Food Bank faces real-world challenges like many nonprofits. Its ultimate goal is not only to increase donations and expand its reach, but to ultimately stop hunger in New Mexico. Read on to discover how this nonprofit leveraged a unique solution to make donations as easy as two clicks in its email marketing campaign, and learn how the organization is now seeing a return on email revenue 12.5 times higher than the nonprofit industry average“. Email Marketing: Nonprofit achieves 12.5 times higher donation revenue per email than industry average MarketingSherpa  [...]

‘Email Marketing 2014: The top 8 MarketingSherpa case studies for your email program next year’ – MarketingSherpa Blog

Courtney Eckerle says, “Email marketers in 2014 put their focus on customers. Through every new tactic and test, it’s clear that personalizing emails and serving customers wins out. To help you include these tactics in your 2015 email programs, we’ve collected eight MarketingSherpa case studies that display the best in these marketing efforts and new tactics. Read on for the advice and wisdom your peers have collected over the past year”. Email Marketing 2014: The top 8 MarketingSherpa case studies for your email program next year MarketingSherpa  [...]

‘Email Marketing Chart: How to improve deliverability’ – MarketingSherpa Blog

Daniel Burstein says, ” According to ReturnPath, 13% of email from permissioned email marketers never makes it to the inbox in the U.S. For Brazilian marketers, that number is an even more painful 40%. This week, we’ll look at a chart that shows the email deliverability improvement tactics of 593 of your peers. We’ll also provide tips from three experts who, collectively, were involved with more than 7 billion emails sent over the past year“. Email Marketing Chart: How to improve deliverability MarketingSherpa  [...]

‘How to Write Great Content for the Internet Marketer – Part Two’ by Gail Trahd

Gail says, “Getting started writing anything – a book, an article, a brochure or video sales letter – means you are faced with a blank page, lots of white space and racing thoughts. Somehow you need to put those thoughts into words on your white space so they make sense to your readers. As a content creator I get phone calls and emails about how to get started writing or asking for help to relieve the pervasive fear that the writing won’t be good enough, won’t get read or won’t be interesting. A couple of years ago I was introduced to a video that Bob Newhart did even more years ago.... [...]

‘How are successful and unsuccessful ecommerce companies approaching online testing?’ – MarketingSherpa Article

Daniel Burstein says, “”Testing is the only way to find customer logic.” The above quote is from a respondent to the MarketingSherpa Ecommerce Benchmark Study survey. In this chart, we’ll look at data generated from responses by 2,151 marketers and explore the correlation between A/B testing and ecommerce success“. How are successful and unsuccessful ecommerce companies approaching online testing? MarketingSherpa  [...]

‘The value of analytics and data’ – MarketingSherpa Article

Daniel Burstein says, “Analytics. Big data. Accountability. Are these just buzzwords, or are they part of an advanced measurement program worth investing in? To help answer that question and give you the information to help secure a budget to make your own measurement investments, we explore data from 2,472 marketers in this ecommerce chart“. The value of analytics and data MarketingSherpa  [...]

‘Introducing the Speaker Faculty for Affiliate Summit West 2015’ by Shawn Collins

Collins Says, “The speaker faculty for Affiliate Summit West 2015, taking place January 18-20, 2015 at Paris Las Vegas in Las Vegas, NV, has been finalized. The keynote speakers will be Chad Hymas, President of Chad Hymas Communications, Inc., andNoah Kagan, Founder of AppSumo. Jon Levine, Director of eCommerce of All Inclusive Marketing, will be the conference emcee. And there are over 100 other speakers covering analytics, bloggers, conversions, email, Facebook, FTC, Google, lead generation, legal, mobile, pay per call, productivity, SEO, social media, startups, WordPress, and more on the Affiliate... [...]

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