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Friday, February 21, 2025

Archive for the 'Internet Marketing Blogs' Category

Tweetpressr launches 11 AM EDT, sends highly targeted buyer traffic #ad

Of the three main social media sites that marketers focus on: • Twitter • Facebook and • Pinterest, Twitter has been neglected, but now is capturing marketer attention again due to its impressive growth. Twitter, more than the others, is an excellent pre-sell platform. 140 character is enough to tease visitors, but not enough to actually do much hard selling. Besides that, its visitors are already in a action-oriented state of mind and use Twitter to find things to tweet about, share & to buy. Twitter has about 2.1 billion search engine queries every day. That equates to... [...]

‘6 Benefits of Working with Quality Private Label Rights Content’ by Gail Trahd

Gail Trahd’s latest ‘PLR Health Wizard’ blog post is titled “6 Benefits of Working with Quality Private Label Rights Content”. Gail says, “PLR comes as articles, images (psd files), ebooks, video, software and audio. In fact, any way that content can be produced, can also be sold with private label rights. But all PLR is not created equally. Some is high quality and some can be so poorly constructed that you have to wonder if it was just machine generated! For the most part that type of bad content comes in written form and not as audio and video”. 6 Benefits of Working with Quality... [...]

How to make your site invisible to hackers #ad

Your WordPress site may be a “sitting duck”, that poachers are ready to steal. The default settings for WordPress don’t fully protect you from hackers or from their botnet tools that are roaming the net looking for unprotected sites. Based on the principle that if a hacker can’t find your sensitive system files, then they can’t hack them, Matt Garrett developed BlogDefender software to hide the important files used to run your site so hackers don’t have a clue about how to hack it. For examples, if hackers don’t know which version of WordPress you are using... [...]

‘Own Your Site, Your Domain, Your Content & Your List’ by Gail Trahd

Gail Trahd’s latest ‘PLR Health Wizard’ blog post is titled “Own Your Site, Your Domain, Your Content & Your List”. Gail says, “One of the mistakes that I keep seeing and reading about is the idea that marketing is a get rich quick business that takes little more effort than pushing the “Easy” Button. [I do LOVE Staple’s advertising campaign!] Spend more than 10 minutes in the Warrior Special Offers Forum and you’ll be convinced that you can be a world class affiliate marketer when you purchase one piece of software or one educational ebook. Let it sit on your desktop... [...]

‘Scarcity is a Two-Edged Sword’ by Gail Trahd

Gail Trahd’s latest ‘PLR Health Wizard’ blog post is titled “Scarcity is a Two-Edged Sword”. Gail says, “Scarcity is a marketing concept that is commonly used to give your customer that little push to buy your productRIGHT NOW! Let’s not wait until later, because in reality, later never comes. Once we surf away from a site, the likelihood that we’ll return to buy said product is slim to none unless we receive the owners newsletter and have learned to trust his recommendations. But without that consistent communication we must rely exclusively on scarcity”. Scarcity is a Two-Edged... [...]

ElegantBiz 2.0 is live. #ad

ElegantBiz 2.0 is the second edition of an advanced WordPress theme for building business websites. Using its Drag & Drop editing, you can build distinguished mobile•ready and responsive websites. The creators say you can build a beautiful website in 3 minutes or less. That may be an overstatement, but it is quick and so simple that even a beginner can build sites with it because no coding or design skill is needed. Whether you are a consultant building sites for clients or an online marketer building sites for yourself, ElegantBiz 2.0 has powerful features to make your job easier: • Build... [...]

‘Make Money With Your WordPress Blog’ by Shawn Collins

Shawn Collins’ latest blog post is titled “Make Money With Your WordPress Blog”. Collins Says, “Missy Ward has authored a new book, Make Money With Your WordPress Blog, that helps people learn how to monetize their blog with affiliate marketing. This quick and informative read is targeted towards the established blogger. Make Money With Your WordPress Blog teaches how to monetize your blog with affiliate marketing embedded product or service reviews and tutorials. I had a chance to read an advance copy and it was really useful information, and it was written in an easy to understand... [...]

Easy Member Pro limited time discount #ad

New and improved (version 3) Easy Member Pro was just announced and it’s on sale today only for about $44 (on a dime sale). But the prie is set to rise even higher soon. You will see thew countdown timer on the site. (It seems to be a personalized timer; your deadline is different from someone else’s. For us, the deadline has already passed, but for you, maybe not. It was invented by Kim Standerline, who has now partnered with Richard Fairbairn and Simon Warner to take it public to the whole marketing community. Easy Member Pro is easy to use, solid, secure and functionally rich. This... [...]

‘Very, Very Best Social Plugins for WordPress’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “Very, Very Best Social Plugins for WordPress”. Allison Howen says, “If there is one thing that will make you happier than a camel on hump day, it should be a big list of social plugins for WordPress Wednesday. Whether you need social-sharing icons, want to create a social community on your own site or simply need a more efficient way to post content onto all of your social profiles, this list has got you covered. So, set aside some time for social media and take a look at the very, very best social plugins for WordPress“. Very,... [...]

WP LeadCapture plugin creates beautiful video landing pages #ad

Ken Sar has just released WP LeadCapture, which can be your answer to creating a suqeeze page that sells your visitor on opting in for your offer. Your page presents a video that attracts people’s attention. The page has no text to distract people from the video you want them to watch. There’s just a button below the video that says “Continue”. Once the visitor watches the video and clicks “Continue”, now they are shown your text that encourage them to opt in, and then the optin form. (There ‘s a live sdample available from the sales page.) This cleaner... [...]

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