The latest article on Mark Ling’s ‘Affilorama’ blog is titled “6 Ways Guest Posting Can Help Your Business Grow”. Radhika says, “If you’re a regular reader of Internet marketing blogs, you’ll find that the blogs feature guest writers from time to time. A guest writer is usually an expert on a certain topic and often provides a fresh perspective and voice for your favorite blog. Ever wonder why these experts are not just sharing their knowledge on their own blogs? They are guest posting”. 6 Ways Guest Posting Can Help Your Business Grow Mark Ling’s ’Affilorama’ Blog [...]
Archive for the 'Internet Marketing Blogs' Category
Jay Baer‘s latest ‘Convince & Convert’ blog post is titled “The Secrets of a Killer Blog Post″. Baer says, “These days, just about everyone has their own blog. With an estimated 2 million blog posts being posted online every single day (I know, crazy right!?), knowing the secrets of creating a killer blog post is more important than ever if you truly want your blog to be successful. It doesn’t matter what industry you’re”. The Secrets of a Killer Blog Post Jay Baer’s ‘Convince & Convert’ Blog [...]
The latest article on the ‘The Future of Ink’ blog is titled “The Inside Story on Kristen Eckstein’s Astounding Success with Kindle eBooks″. Denise Wakeman says, “Kindle has been a hot topic for the past couple of years, and for good reason! Business owners are finally beginning to realize how being published on Kindle can boost their credibility and skyrocket their profits. Ellen Britt and I invited publishing expert Kristen Eckstein to share her expertise and experience with Kindle ebook publishing. Kristen will demonstrate how you, as an online entrepreneur canbenefit from digital... [...]
The latest ‘Web Marketing Today’ blog post is titled “10 Web Analytics Resolutions for 2014”. Kevin Webster says, “Here are 10 New Year’s web-analytics resolutions for smaller businesses. 1. Make Sure Tracking Code Is Current If you have already installed tracking code, make sure the tags (i.e., code snippets) that power your analytics tools are up to date. On occasion, the code snippets change to support new functionality, such as customer demographic data in Google Analytics. Make sure you’re tracking the most information possible, especially if it’s critical information like... [...]
The latest MOZ blog post is titled “The Shape of Things to Come: Google in 2014”. Gianluca Fiorelli says, “How will Google evolve after the acquisition of Wavii,, PostRank, Grapple, and machine learning and neural computing technologies? Gianluca Fiorelli paints a picture of Google in 2014, based on entity search, semantic, and über-personalization, covering how Google’s recent acquisitions will interact with one another in order to shape our search experience“. The Shape of Things to Come: Google in 2014 MOZ Blog [...]
The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “How to Succeed Online (Even if You Aren’t a Rock Star)”. Sonia Simone says, “Yesterday on Google+, Charlotte Pierce made a very sensible remark. By the way, does everyone have to be a hotshot, guru, or a rock star? How about just quietly excellent? I’m with Charlotte. In fact, I’ve just about lost my patience with the parade of internet-famous quasi-celebrities. Maybe being a rock star isn’t so awesome“. How to Succeed Online (Even if You Aren’t a Rock Star) ‘Copyblogger’ Blog [...]
The latest MOZ blog post is titled “I Am an Entity: Hacking the Knowledge Graph”. Andrew Isidoro says, “Over the past few weeks, while looking into how the Knowledge Graph pulls data for certain sources, I have made a few general observations and have been tracking what, if any, impact certain practices have on the display of information panels“. I Am an Entity: Hacking the Knowledge Graph MOZ Blog [...]
The latest article on ‘The Forrester Blog’ is titled “Newly Published Forrester Wave Evaluation of Social Advertising Platforms”. Zachary Reiss-Davis says, “After a few long months of research — including selecting the seven most significant vendors and conducting in-depth briefings, demos, and customer references — I am pleased to announce that the inaugural Forrester Wave™ evaluation of social advertising platforms is now live! The social advertising space is a rapidly growing and maturing category. Social advertising generates more than 85% of revenue for both... [...]
The latest article on Mark Ling’s ‘Affilorama’ blog is titled “The Savvy Affiliate’s Guide to Retargeting”. Radhika says, “Last week, the social media world was abuzz with the news—Twitter announced its retargeting product. In Twitter’s own words: With tailored audiences you can reach users on Twitter who have shown interest in your brand or your category even away from Twitter. Of course, Twitter isn’t the first to offer retargeting. Google AdWords has had very sophisticated retargeting products on offer for a long time now. Big brands have also been using Facebook... [...]
Jay Baer‘s latest ‘Convince & Convert’ blog post is titled “Twitter Tailored Audiences: When Does It Make Sense?″. Baer says, “If you pay attention to digital advertising, you’ve probably heard the big news: Twitter is diving headfirst into retargeting with the launch of a new program called Tailored Audiences. With Tailored Audiences, it’s now possible to target Twitter users based on their actions across the Web. Using a technique called cookie-mapping, ad partners anonymously transfer a segment”. Twitter Tailored Audiences: When Does It Make Sense? Jay Baer’s ‘Convince... [...]