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Monday, March 10, 2025

Archive for the 'WordPress Plugins' Category

WP Pipeline Pro: Manage your blogs, keep them secure #ad


WP Appointment Assistant: more appointments, less overhead, more profit #ad

Luther Landro is famous for his local niche sites he makes available to marketing consultants. In them, he usually includes an appointment-request function. Now, in WP Appointment Assistant, he makes this appointment system available for any WordPress site. This can reduce the workload of harried receptionists. Now, when people find the website, they can request an appointment right from the site, without having to use the phone and take up the time of the office personnel. A lot of sites have email capture forms, but this is different. People aren’t just getting on the mailing list; they... [...]

WP Snapper: Backup, Clone and Customize WordPress sites in minutes #ad

In the online business, time is critical. You don’t want to waste time because you’ll never get it back. One of the most time-consuming and frustrating things for most marketers is building their website. It’s hard and it takes a lot of tweaking and finagling to get it right. Once you have it right, you can congratulate yourself, but wouldn’t it be nice to do more with that hard work? Especially, people who have to build one website after another in their business could use some help. If you consult for other businesses, for example, to get them online, you have to build... [...]

P1 Content Magnet: Top rankings without backlinks #ad

In May, Matt Cutts warned that Google is cracking down on “backlink spam”, the practice of spreading irrelevant backlinks aound the web by adding spam to a forum, wiki or social site. Marketers need more dependable methods of raising their search engine rank. Recognizing this direction, Peter Garety started working on a process to improve rankings without depending on backlinks. As a result he came up with P1 Content Magnet, software to help you build pages that rank high naturally, without artificial backlinking. Garrity demonstrates his software on his sales page. It shows you how... [...]

Your visitors want to connect; Don’t be a stranger #ad

Kevin Docherty has been working on a tool to improve communications between site visitors and site owners. Today’s visitors become irritated when they can’t get their questions answered. Making it easy for the visitor to contact you when something is unclear to them is key to building loyal clients. Docherty has just released WP Connect, the second generation of his communications plugin. With it, you can assure that your visitors are never more than one click away from contacting you. WP Connect places up to five buttons in your sidebar. You decide how many buttons and which functions... [...]

Try PulseHover free before you buy #ad

The internet is all a-buzz about the new plugin, PulseHover, that increases social sharing of your site. It sold over 500 copies the first day. No doubt it can improve your traffic and sales through viral action. But if you want to be sure it will work for you, you can get a free trial version before you invest. It’s what they call their “mini” version. To get this version instead of buying the whole version right away: • Go to PulseHover, • Read the explanation of what they offer, but instead of buying, • Click to close the window. You get a pop-up asking you... [...]

If you haven’t backed up your WordPress site today, then look out #ad

I care about what happens to your website and I want to make sure you have a safe extra copy of your files, in case of disaster. This one simple WordPress plugin will do it: Backup Creator It will backup your entire WordPress site to your hard drive, email, FTP or Amazon S3 and it will do it automatically. You can restore it on another WordPress site to create an exact copy or clone. Go ahead and click to take advantage of their $7 sale version.Get it here: Backup Creator  [...]

Backup Creator special license; Backups, restores and clones for WordPress in minutes #ad

Lance Tomashiro and  [...]

Review Rocket plugin adds more authority to your review sites #ad

Product reviews are a way to get into the affiliate marketing business. Amazon affiliates often post product reviews to attract visitors to their site and get clicks on their affiliate link. It’s such a common technique that any particular affiliate has trouble getting their site to stand out. If you want to make your product reviews stand out and add more authority to your reviews, take a look at Josh Precht‘s Review Rocket, a WordPress plugin that can give your review a professional look, com[parable to what you would see on a major corporate site. It adds attention-grabbing review... [...]

Jimmy Reilly gives away QR software ad#

For a limited time, Jimmy Reilly is giving away his Light-weight QR Plugin. It creates QR codes with links to any page on your site. There’s no charge; it’s a gift. We don’t know why he is giving away this plugin, but we felt a duty to you to let you know. Features built into this plugin: • Quickly create a QR code by adding “/format/qr” to any URL on your site • Adjust the size of the QR codes from 25 pixels to 500 pixels • Add tracking IDs to track individual codes • Light-weight QR Plugin is released under GPL (which means you have full developer... [...]

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