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Monday, March 10, 2025

Archive for the 'WordPress Plugins' Category

WpPicSize plugin with Developer and Master Resale Rights #ad

The WpPicSize WordPress plugin re-sizes your images on the fly. It installs on any WP site regardless of the theme you use. You can even create thumbnails of your images, and download the re-sized images in one zip file file, or individually. This plugin includes a Developer’s License, as well as a Master Resale Rights license (and an attractive Sales Page.) So you can either build sites using it (and sell them if you want) or you can sell this plugin by itself from your own site and keep 100% of your profits (or both.) Order your copy here and add this tool to your arsenal. Sell it, or just... [...]

WP Content Whizz software builds custom sidebars #ad

Don’t you dislike the fact that on your wordpress blog your sidebar widget always displays the same content for every single blog post? It would be so helpful if you could change the sidebar content to relate to the post being shown. If the sidebar contained ads, for example, you would likely sell more if the advertised product were related to the blog content. Now there’s a way you can choose the information displayed on your sidebar for each post or page. Alexis Kenne’s new WP Content Whizz gives you customized, dynamic sidebar widgets and content and it’s simple to use. This... [...]

PingFresh plugin builds blog traffic #ad

Sean Donahoe just released PingFresh plugin, a WordPress plugin that continually refreshes your WordPress website. If your blog gets stale , your traffic will dry up because it will drop in the search engine rankings. But you can preserve your rankings (and your earnings) with this new traffic-building plugin working in the background automatically. PingFresh plugin revitalizes your old content, making it appear fresh and new to attract new eyes and, ultimately, new revenue. Your old posts are useless when they’re buried under heaps of new posts. PingFresh plugin makes those old posts visible... [...]

WP Media Sitemap solves the SEO problem people ignore #ad

The problem is that the way many sites handle visitors who arrive on a mobile device is incompatible with the search engines. The search engines don’t use a mobile device to crawl the web. If your site sends the Google (or Bing) robot to your main content, all your mobile content never makes it into the search engine index, and thus doesn’t appear in the search results. “Normally” mobile results would be high on Google’s search results for people who search from a mobile device, but not if Google never saw it. The code required to get your results to show up isn’t... [...]

New Covert Social Press: Available at 10 AM EST, for sites that sell #ad

You probably recall other “covert” products created by Cindy Battye, Soren Jordansen, and John Merrick. Their newest is a WordPress theme called Covert Social Press launching at 10 AM EST. They are already promoting their launch with am ebook called “Urgent Google Fix”. This report comes with a script to implement some of the ideas you discover in the report. Don’t delay, if you go to their sales page as an early bird, you can get this report and software free. Covert Social Press was developed by the IM Wealth Builders team (Battye, Jordanson and Merrisk) and if... [...]

WP Notify Wizard: Improved opt-ins and Click-throughs #ad

Pop-ups can do a lot for people’s response to opt-ins forms. In some cases opt-ins have almost doubled with a pop-up is used. WP Notify Wizard is a WordPress plugin that creates advanced function pop-ups. With WP Notify Wizard, you can provide pop-up notification messages or invite people to opt-in or buy a product. This plugin is versatile, such as: • Supports multiple forms and multiple styles for these forms in the same site • Rotates offers shown in the pop-ups • Supports including a “buy” button in the pop-up. • Comes with 15 styles of pop-up templates... [...]

Simple Azon Plugin: Simplify building an Amazon review site #ad

Reviews of Amazon products can drive affiliate sales from your Amazon site. But creating a review (or a set of comparative reviews) is a complex process. You need to gather several pieces of information about each product you review and arrange them into an information block for the product to place on your site. Historically, this has been time-consuming. Simple Azon Plugin simplifies this process to just a few clicks. And when the Simple Azon Plugin plugin is in your blog, your assistants can build your posts without needing to get into your Amazon affiliate account, so your earnings information... [...]

WP CoolBar: builds traffic, click-throughs, and subscribers #ad

Andrey Bump developed WP CoolBar to improve his own marketing results. He specializes in list building and CPA marketing. This is a plugin that gets people’s attention and gets them to view whatever content you choose. For example, you can use it: • To promote a giveaway to any visitorson your entire site, or just to visitors of a particular page • To build your list with an opt-in form • Promote affiliate products • To encourage your visitors to check out a particular feature or section of your site • Many other uses. If you want to get your visitor’s attention... [...]

VideoBlast for WordPress: Add YouTube videos directly to your blog #ad

Now you don’t have to leave your site, go to YouTube, do a search and copy arcane link codes to place a YouTube video on your WP site. Stay on your own site, use VideoBlast for WordPress to find the right video and add it to your post or page, all from the comfort of “home”. With VideoBlast for WordPress, you specify a keyword and you get a list of the YouTube videos that apply. You can limit your search, too, by date rating and how many views they have. Preview them and pick the most useful one. When you embed your chosen video, you can select the size you want the embedded... [...]

WP Profit Detonator: WP plugin for increased profits #ad

MAO Flynn is a name well-known to IM NewsWatch readers. He’s the creator of several pieces of marketing software and the author of several training products. WP Profit Detonator is his latest software, a WordPress plugin. This plugin, he says, will help you turn visitors into subscribers and buyers using powerful psychological principles Flynn studied hundreds of sales pages created by expert marketers and copywriters to see what the key factors were for their success. Then he created a plugin that builds sales pages, squeeze pages and more that embody the principles he discovered in his... [...]

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