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Monday, March 10, 2025

Archive for the 'WordPress Plugins' Category

SEO X-ray Hero gives marketers critical data to improve SEO #ad

Why hasn’t your site risen to the top of the search rankings? What do the top 10 sites have that your site doesn’t? Knowing these and other competitive facts can make a big difference in your own results. Sometimes a small tweak to your design or your meta-data is all it takes to move up. SEO X-ray Hero gives you data that directly affects your ranking You get lots of good data whenever you input a keyword you are interested in. See what sites are the top results for that keyword. Find out their details; what makes them the top: Lots of flexibility: • Analyze the Top 10 Sites... [...]

Regulatory Compliance is critical; New plugin makes it easy #ad

New Compliance bar Plugin by Anton Nadilo & Jon Shawcross makes it simple to comply so you avoid fines and penalties by the EU or the US. Online marketers have been sued by regulators more than a few times. One well-known case is FTC vs. Frank Kern. The US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) won a big suit against Kern, and it cost him a lot of money in penalties. (And the EU regulators can be just as punitive.) You don’t want to be next. So ask yourself this question, “Do my websites have all the same obvious disclosures, notices, and disclaimers? ” Well, what’s obvious... [...]

Sales Optimizer: Customized Count-down plugin, More #ad

Josee Bedard has just created a bundle of WordPress themes and plugins that will impress you. It contains Sales Optimizer, Promo theme, Mix Mag theme, more. The Sales Optimizer plugin lets you display a count-down timer for an offer with a limited time duration. It’s highly customizable to let you take full control over your CTA sales buttons. It tracks your results and lets to split-test to see what works best for you.. Its broad flexibility lets you test dozens of variations and pinpoint the best performer. While this is at the heart of this bundle of WP tools, you also get 10 more: 1.... [...]

Compliance Bar: Get the right legal pages for your site #ad

Anton Nadilo & Jon Shawcross are releasing a new WordPress plugin, called Compliance Bar, to add the needed legal (disclaimers, terms of service, privacy, etc.) pages to your website easily and quickly. This new plugin goes live at 11 AM EDT today. It lets you quickly & easily assure that your business has a regulatory compliance safety net. Now, with just a few clicks of a button, you can make sure you that you have your Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, the EU Cookie Law, all Disclosures, and more properly installed on your site. Compliance Bar makes sure that every single legal requirement... [...]

Don’t squeeze me till I’m yours #ad

That sign over tomatoes in a grocery store applies to people, too, when they come to your squeeze page. Some people say squeeze pages don’t work anymore. They are partially right. Typical squeeze pages don’t work as well as they used to. Viruses, malware and data center hacks have made people more cautious than ever before. And who can blame them? If you have ever had your identity stolen, you never want it to happen again. So before people will share their contact information, they need to get to know you and trust you. Then, just maybe, they will open up with their name and email. Savvy... [...]

Build viral content for your site manually or automatically #ad

“Pillar Traffic” comes a long-forgotten term in the internet marketing world, “pillar content.” The idea was popular with bloggers several years ago and referred to traffic campaigns where bloggers would create specific types of very engaging content that their audience would share with their friends. Eventually, this dropped from most people’s radar. However, in part because it is no longer overused, it’s even more useful in bringing in new traffic now than ever. Chris Munch and his team are reviving this once popular traffic method. They have developed software... [...]

Use “Hook Pages” to create viral content #ad

The latest software from Chris Munch is Hook Pages, a tool to build the popularity of your website using great content. The key to hook pages is something Munch calls “pillar content”. His sales page has a video that explains what he means in detail. But, in summary, “Pillar Content” refers to high-quality content that conveys the theme of your site. These are the posts that people share with their friends. And people will know what kind of content to expect when they come back. Creating pillar content is beneficial for increasing the visitor count for your site, as well... [...]

OptinLinks builds better-converting landing pages #ad

They say it was Hippocrates who first said, “Primum non nocere” (First, do no harm.) He was talking to doctors, but his rule also applies to landing pages. The first rule of landing pages (or squeeze pages) is “Don’t scare away the people who land there.” (At least, not the people you are targeting.) When they see an opt-in form as soon as they arrive, their suspicions are activated, and they become very cautious. They don’t know you and they don’t know if they can trust you with their name and email address. It’s that suspicion and fear that OptinLinks... [...]

Chris Munch launches Hook Pages at 11 AM EDT #ad

Chris Munch is known as a prolific creator of marketing tools. His latest is Hook Pages. The key to hook pages is something Munch calls “pillar content”. He has created 3 videos available (with free opt-in) from his “soon-to-be sales page” that explains what he means. If you are short on time, skip video 1. There’s a lot of good information in video 2 on finding and using pillar content. “Pillar Content” refers to high-quality content that sets the theme of your site, so people will know what to expect when they come back. His video explains things like: •... [...]

New Twitter marketing tool draws in more customers #ad

If you’re like most marketers, you are constantly searching for more optins because a larger mailing list of interested people has to benefit your business. If your current process isn’t working, you might want to try a new way to capture leads and build your list. When you aren’t getting the results you need, you can build your email list with Twitter. Twitter is neglected by many marketers, but it has millions of members, interested in all sorts of products. One warning, though: users check their Twitter accounts from their mobile a lot of the time, so if you want to engage... [...]

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