Brennen Noble is holding a “pre-launch sale” on his new software, Notification Ninja. This is a WordPress plugin that lets you present sophisticated messages to your site visitors, even after they have gone elsewhere. For example, if you are selling an item sold by other merchants as well, people will Google the item and click on each results link to price-shop, looking for the best deal, opening each link in a separate tab until they find the best deal. They come to your site, see your price, and go on to another site to compare. If they leave the window or tab open where your site... [...]
Archive for the 'WordPress Plugins' Category
Savvy marketers have always known that by giving the search engines the information they want about their site, their rankings will rise. The problems is that in its quest to give searchers the best results possible, Google is constantly changing its algorithm. As Google changes, marketers have struggled to keep up. The latest changes (known as “Hummingbird”) have been especially disruptive. The old paradigm of trying to dominate keywords is not as effective as it was in the past. Now, Google is looking for more from websites than what keywords it finds. With Hummingbird’s algorithm,... [...]
Andrew Hunter wanted a membership site of his own, but he noticed that it’s a real challenge to get build such a site, launch it, and start signing up members (especially for the “technically challenged”). He decided he needed to create a tool for people like him, a tool that non-technical people can use with confidence. The result is Moguls Membership Site Launch Pad. In this new product, you are getting not only the software you need, but also complete training on installing it and a guide to attracting traffic and signing up members for your new site. The heart of this product is the new... [...]
Jay Boyer and John Rhodes have been partnering on their internet business for several years. They regularly announce new training and software products. They have just announced their latest, a collection of software: WP Monster a gigantic WordPress reseller / PLR package that you can use and sell. You can sell it and keep all the profits. Here is what you are getting: • 5 WordPress plugins with sales pages for them, • 100 WordPress themes, • Brand new WordPress training packages • And even more. The OTO includes even more plugins (38 total!), more new training,... [...]
Ricky Mataka, Dan Lew and Mike Young have just announced the newest and possibly the easiest keyword analysis tool ever. Keyword Winner finds keyword suggestions in seconds and rates them for likely profitability, based on competition. This keyword tool integrates into WordPress and suggests keywords while you are blogging, saving you a lot of time. When you write a post, run the tool, select the keywords you want, and the tool can add them to the post for you with just one click. You can add the selected keywords to the title, the tags and include them in the body of the post, all at once, using... [...]
Jay Venka and Joshua Zamora, experienced bloggers all, studied the SEO characteristics of blogs and found that fresh content is one of the major factors. Let your content get stale, and your rankings will drop, which results in lower traffic and lower profits. They have created the Blog Fresh Power WordPress plugin to solve this problem. This plugin refreshes old posts (you select how old) to give them new life. You can select which categories of posts you want updated, too. In the update process, it will do your choice of any or all of the following: • Add a snippet of relevant content from... [...]
Website visitors don’t always read as carefully as you might like. And, admit it, you don’t always write as clearly as you might like. So questions are “par for the course.” If you are like most solo marketers, you can’t afford to have 24×7 support staff. But a visitor might have a question at any time, one that keeps him or her from buying, opting in or clicking. Auto Support Bot is an automated chat system that answers simple questions your visitor might ask. Its chat window works just like a real live chat, but the responses are all fully automated, so you... [...]
The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “The Best of Copyblogger: 2013 Edition”. Sonia Simone says, “It’s that time of year again — time for us to look back and pick out our favorite posts from last year. The editorial team got together and selected the posts that struck us — the ones that made us stop and think, the ones that got us up and writing again, the ones that pushed us to see things in a new way. Because while we create the blog, we’re also writers — and we need education, advice, and inspiration just like you do“. The Best of Copyblogger: 2013... [...]
The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “Authority Intensive 2014 Discount Ends Today”. Brian Clark says, “Just the facts: What: Authority Intensive: Copyblogger’s live training event that provides an integrated content marketing strategy combined with how best to implement it. Plus great parties and networking. When: May 7-9, 2014. Who: Seth Godin, Ann Handley, Darren Rowse, Lee Odden, Sonia Simone, Dennis Goedegebuure, Chris Garrett, Joanna Wiebe, Tom Martin, Brian Gardner, Selena Waite, Jason Miller, Beth Hayden, Jon Henshaw, Bill Erickson, Pamela Wilson, Jerod Morris,... [...]
The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “The New Year’s Writing Resolution You Can Actually Keep”. Sonia Simone says, “It’s that time of year again. Time for resolutions, and for all of the skeptics and killjoys who say that resolutions never work. They certainly can work, but you need to approach them the right way. Most people fail at resolutions (at any time of year) for two reasons. The first is that they focus on outcomes (“lose 50 pounds”) rather than behaviors. The second is that they try to put massive changes into place all at once. (“I will work out three... [...]