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Monday, March 10, 2025

Archive for the 'WordPress Plugins' Category

WP Simple Video: The Easiest Way ever to insert Video Into Your WordPress Site #ad

Mark Hess just released this new premium plugin WP Simple Video that makes it simple to add video to your site. But the simplicity doesn’t require leaving out important features. WP Simple Video provides: • Six player skins to choose from • Streaming video from S3 or from YouTube • Transparent YouTube access; the viewer can’t click through to watch the video on YouTube. • Compatibility with any WordPress theme • Point-and-Click settings You get a developer’s license and the price is well under $10 (but rising). Get the whole story here: WP Simple... [...]

NEW WordPress “Paged Rankings” plugin offers Cutting-Edge SEO techniques #ad

Precious Ngwu, an SEO expert has released a wordpress SEO plugin called Paged Rankings that can replace your prior SEO tools, such as “All-in-One-SEO”. The range of features is staggering, replacing two or three plugins you may be using now: + Knowledge graph SEO – Google loves this and it positions you as the go-to-guy in your niche (no other plugin on the internet does this right now, as far as I know) + Social curation – this builds your social authority in Google’s eyes, increasing your website rankings in Google and creating a massive amount of social proof helping to... [...]

WP Tag Pro (and two more plugins) all With Developer License #ad

WP Tag Pro saves you the manual work of tagging your blog posts. Tagging your posts lets search engines know what they are about and thus, what search results your post should appear in. That’s important, of course, since it determines whether your post will be seen by searchers and ultimately earn you money. Choosing tags is a tricky business; the tags need to be relevant to your post, but also need to be searched for with some frequency. Manually finding these dually-qualified tags isn’t easy. But WP Tag Pro makes short work of it. Based on your post title, this new plugin will... [...]

Viral Image Curator Pro for images that bring you sales #ad

Just announced, at 11 AM yesterday, Viral Image Curator Pro has already sold over 1000 copies in less than 12 hours. It seems to have struck a nerve in the IM community. It’s a simple tool for finding royalty-free images you may use in your marketing without fear of being sued for copyright infringement. Use them in your blogs, Facebook pages, Pinterest, your Kindle books, wherever you need an image to spice up your marketing. In fact, it allows you to search through 11 Royalty Free Image Sites (millions of images are included in these sites.) But this new tools does more. Once you find... [...]

“WP Ad Burn” eliminates “banner blindness” #ad

Mark Thompson just released WP Ad Burn, a new advertising paradigm to improve the effectiveness of your website ads. Today’s blase consumers have had so much exposure to banner ads that they generally ignore them. These ads are a part of the “wallpaper” of their world, rarely focused on. Now with WP Ad Burn, your ads can have an icon that rates how valuable the product is, along with a visitor count for the ad. (The visitor count isn’t implemented yet; Thompson says they are creating a new release that will include it.) This plugin will make your ads look different (and... [...]

WP Appointment Assistant Core for setting up office appointments online #ad

In April of this year, Luther Landro released an appointment plugin for medical offices. Now he has taken the core of that appointment-setting plugin and made it available in a form suitable for any office. With WP Appointment Assistant installed on any business’s website, a potential client or current client can request an appointment online. They don’t need to phone anyone and talk to a scheduler (which saves the business cost) and make the process simpler for the client. This plugin gives the client an option to select up to 3 times when they are available for an appointment. They... [...]

WP News Flash gets the attention of your site visitors #ad

Why do all the cable news channels us the scrolling tape at the bottom of the screen? They have found that it gets attention and builds viewer interest. Now Bryan McConnahea has given us the same tool for our WordPress websites. McConnahea’s WP News Flash lets you use a scrolling tape to advertise specials or to present any other information you want to be sure people read. People are intrigued by the message it displays and want to read it. So if you put profitable messages on the display you should generate more income. There there are also secondary benefits related to SEO. People staying... [...]

“Easy Video Flix” Instant Online Cinema for your website #ad

Easy Video Flix was just announced in the last week and already over 100 copies have been sold. Why the widespread interest? It’s very flexible and lets you add a video to your site from: • YouTube • Any FLV, F4V, Mov, MP4, or M4V file you have rights to Whether its family videos or movie trailers you can access on YouTube or elsewhere in the web, Easy Video Flix Instant Online Cinema can place them on your website with an attractive movie themed webpage. Having your own HD wide-screen professional cinema on your website is possible in just minutes. Easy Video Flix Instant Online... [...]

Wpermit-All in 1 Licensing Solution for WP developers and business owners #ad

With Wpermit-All in 1 Licensing Solution, you can create unlimited licenses quickly and easily and encrypt your work using the built-in encryption function to strengthen your protection from theft. With this WordPress plugin, you have control over how your intellectual property is used: • Limit maximum number of licenses on a domain • Revoke a license if the buyer failed to pay or misused the code • Track all purchasers and their personal information used to buy • Integrates with Paypal for tracking your purchasers • Generates unique licensing information for each customer •... [...]

WP Traffic Control: route your traffic to different pages bassed on country #ad

You have probably heard of limited versions of this functionality, such as several Amazon plugins that route a visitor to a country-specific Amazon affiliate site (for,, etc.) based on where the visitor is located. Now Charles Kirkland and Jason Parker have created a WP plugin you can use for any WordPress site you have , Amazon affiliate or not, to direct incoming traffic to a version of you page best suited for the country of the visitor (and they are talking about a possible free upgrade to even more target states.) With this plugin, which does its work behind the scenes,... [...]

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