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Archive for the 'internet of things' Category

The Internet of Things Is More than Just a Bunch of Refrigerators

In his blog post on the Harvard Business Review website entitled The Internet of Things Is More than Just a Bunch of Refrigerators, Scott Berinato reports that people tend to underestimate the importance of The Internet of Things, maybe as a response to the hype that has surrounded it. As Berinato reports, “The Internet of Things is definitely becoming a Thing, in the same way that big data’s a Thing or the sharing economy’s a Thing. And the thing about a thing that becomes a Thing is, it’s easy to lose sight of the things that made it a thing before everyone declared it the Next Big... [...]

‘Why The Internet of Things Has To Be Open Sourced’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Matt Asay says, “In a world increasingly shaped by software, developers are market makers. Nowhere is this more true than in the burgeoning Internet of Things market. Currently riddled by a mess of competing proprietary standards, the winner in the Internet of Things will be the one that goes furthest to make developers’ lives easier. Sourcing Developers Though VisionMobile estimates put the total Internet of Things developer population at 3.2 million today, only a fraction of those are dedicated to IoT. Even so, this dedicated core of developers will more than double by 2015″. Why... [...]

‘Soon You’ll Be Able To Buy Stuff Via Twitter’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Selena Larson says, “After months of speculation and high-profile hires, Twitter is finally moving into e-commerce. On Monday, the company announced it is testing a way for users to buy stuff directly from a tweet. Rumors of the company’s move into payments have circulated for months. Now, Twitter joins Facebook in testing a “Buy” button functionality that enables users to purchase things from their mobile device with just a few taps. The test will let people click “Buy” on tweets from a small set of nonprofits, retailers, and musicians. Only a “small percentage” of U.S. users... [...]

‘The Internet Of Things Will Be Huge, And So Will Hadoop’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Matt Asay says, “Big Data challenges all of our assumptions about how data should be stored, processed and analyzed. But that doesn’t mean relational databases and other incumbent technologies are slouching toward obsolescence anytime soon. That’s the view of Cloudera co-founder Mike Olson, who recently sat down with Bosch’s Dirk Slama to discuss the interplay between the Internet of Things and new data technologies like the distributed-processing framework Hadoop. Slama, who’s writing a book on the IoT boom, authors white papersand speaks regularly on the topic. As... [...]

‘The Internet of Things: Consumer Adoption and Perception’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Ayaz Nanji says, “Some 30% of consumers in the United States already own or plan to purchase an in-home network-connected appliance—such as a smart thermostat or refrigerator—in the next two years, according to a recent report from Acquity Group. Moreover, 69% of US consumers surveyed say they expect to own an in-home “Internet of Things” (IoT) appliance in the next five years. A significant number of consumers also expect to purchase wearable IoT devices—such as smartwatches and heads-up displays—in the coming years. Some 7% of say they already own this type of device,... [...]

‘The Internet of Things: Everything You Need to Know In 2 Minutes’ – ‘Mashable’

Samantha Murphy Kelly says, “You can’t go a few days without hearing how the “Internet of Things” is going to transform the way we live, and on a basic level, the so-called smart revolution is only now getting started. Although the name itself is a bit grand and — at the same time — vague, it’s actually quite simple: It’s products and things that are web-connected. This includes everything from smart thermostats and garage doors to toothbrushes, tennis racquets and even your bed. They collect data about how you use them, learn your habits, typically connect... [...]

‘The “Internet of Things” to Increase Reliance on Domain Based Reputation’ – Return Path

The latest article on Return Path blog is titled “The “Internet of Things” to Increase Reliance on Domain Based Reputation”. John Pollard says, “Just like “Big Data”, the “Internet of Things” is quickly becoming the most recent buzz-worthy term in the business and internet world. It essentially describes how a large number of devices become interconnected and communicate via the internet. While it is not a new concept, it’s becoming more of a reality and getting a lot of attention from companies like Google and Cisco.  Several sources forecast an additional... [...]

‘The Internet Of Things: The Real Money Is The Internet, Not The Things’ – ‘ReadWrite’

The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “The Internet Of Things: The Real Money Is The Internet, Not The Things”. Matt Assay says, “The Internet of Things is real and growing, but the money will come neither from Internet nor the Things. Instead, the big money will derive from business services that pull data from those IoT networks. Unfortunately, a lack of standards threatens to slow the market’s maturation as vendors are forced to build the devices, sensor networks and services that run on top of them. According to Gartner, the Internet of Things will balloon to 26 billion... [...]

‘The Next Great Social Marketing Opportunity: The Internet of Things’ by Jay Baer

Jay Baer‘s latest ‘Convince & Convert’ blog post is titled “The Next Great Social Marketing Opportunity: The Internet of Things″. Baer says, “In late 2012, we shared an article on the TopCoder Blog entitled 2013: the Year of the Sensor – Your Year to Innovate in the Physical Realm. Thanks in part to a timely re-tweet by Tim O’Reilly, that article went on to be our 3rd most seen blog post in our 2.5 years of content”. The Next Great Social Marketing Opportunity: The Internet of Things Jay Baer’s ‘Convince & Convert’ Blog  [...]

‘Why is the internet of things so compelling?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Why is the internet of things so compelling?”. Ben Davis says, “Welcome to the interweb. Regular readers may know this ‘column’ as a compendium of enjoyable rubbish from across the web, to enjoy with your coffee. Well, I’ve decided to change it up and make it marginally more relevant/less childish. So this week I’m offering a light-hearted take on why one hot topic in digital, the ‘internet of things’ (IoT), is so compelling. Why do smart devices fascinate us? What is the root of our obsession with fridges... [...]

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