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Friday, March 7, 2025

Archive for the 'Twitter News' Category

‘Five reasons to use Twitter’s new embeddable DM button’ – Econsultancy

Ben Davis says, “You may have missed it, like I did, but Twitter last week added a DM button to its embed library of tweets, grids, timelines and other buttons. It’s not massive tech news, granted, but allowing people to DM you direct from your website could have advantages. Here are five of them… 1. Fewer contacts Brands must be sure their settings allow anyone to message them on Twitter before embedding a Message button on their site. Once the button has been added, there’s a clear advantage over a simple tweet, as users have 10,000 characters in which to detail their... [...]

‘Twitter adds a button for people to direct message businesses from their sites’ – Marketing Land

Tim Peterson says, “For years Twitter and Facebook have been trying to one-up each other *the* place online for people to publicly contact businesses. Over the past year that rivalry has moved to the private messaging realm, with Facebook turning to Messenger and Twitter turning to its direct messaging feature. Now, four months after Facebook rolled out links businesses could put on their sites, ads (anywhere really) that people can click on to contact a business through Messenger, Twitter is rolling out a button businesses can put on their sites that people can click on to direct message... [...]

‘4 ways for Twitter to stay relevant’ – Marketing Land

Brad O’Brien says, “When asked where my clients put their social advertising dollars to drive real ROI, I frequently find myself saying, “Facebook is like the Google of social, and Twitter is like Bing.” I hate saying it, but it’s the reality. Facebook dominates in terms of ad dollars and performance and has the user base and engagement to back up growth that doesn’t seem to be slowing down any time soon. As you’ll read later on, some burgeoning, not-yet-public platforms like Pinterest and Snapchat may be in a better position than Twitter to take ad revenue from Facebook. In... [...]

‘Twitter adds only 3 million new users in Q2’ – Internet Retailer

Zak Stambor says, “But the social network’s advertising revenue grew 18.4% during the quarter. Twitter Inc. is still struggling to figure out what it wants to be when it grows up. While the social network generated $535 million in advertising revenue in the second quarter, an 18.4% gain from the same period a year earlier, it added only 3 million new users during the quarter. To drive more consumers to its platform it has recently made a robust push to add content. For example, earlier this month it announced plans to stream Pac-12 college sporting events and to offer original live NBA... [...]

‘Twitter’s ad biz struggles under pressure on video ad pricing’ – Marketing Land

Tim Peterson says, “Even Twitter sounds bummed about its latest quarterly earnings report. “We’re seeing a continuation of the trends discussed last quarter with less overall advertiser demand than expected,” the company said in its shareholder letter reporting earnings for the second quarter of 2016. Those trends were not good in the first quarter of 2016 and stayed not good in the second. In both quarters Twitter’s total revenue grew — up 20 percent year over year to $602.0 million in Q2 — but fell short of analysts’ estimates. In both quarters, Twitter’s monthly audience... [...]

‘Twitter recycles 7-year-old tagline in new ad campaign’ – Marketing Land

Tim Peterson says, “On a day that one high-profile tech company that, for years, had notoriously struggled to define itself gave up its independence — and soon its brand — another is trying to reassert itself. Twitter debuted a new ad campaign on Monday that attempts to define the former social network and now news company. “Twitter is where you go to see what’s happening everywhere in the world right now,” Twitter CMO Leslie Berland wrote in a company blog post — titled “See What’s Happening” — announcing the campaign. The campaign may be new, but the tagline isn’t.... [...]

‘Twitter gives retailers a new way to showcase products’ – Internet Retailer

Zak Stambor says, “Twitter’s Promoted Tweet Carousel ads also let a retailer highlight tweets from online influencers. Twitter Inc. is testing a swipeable ad unit that lets retailers and other advertisers showcase multiple products or messages in a single ad on the social network. Twitter calls the ad format Promoted Tweet Carousel. The ads let an advertiser put multiple tweets together in a single ad that a user can swipe or click through to view. Those tweets may showcase several product images, videos or text in a single ad. That content may have been developed either by the brand or... [...]

‘Twitter ditches its Buy button, puts focus on retargeting’ – Econsultancy

Ben Davis says, “Eight months after full launch, it seems that Twitter is mothballing the Buy button. The functionality is available at this time, but not for long, as Twitter is no longer developing the product. In the Buzzfeed article that broke the news, a Twitter spokesperson claimed the company has actually increased investment in commerce by funnelling the Buy button resources into dynamic product ads. However, dynamic product ads are simply a retargeting ad product. Crucially they lead the customer out into the mobile web, instead of allowing purchase in the Twitter app. What this... [...]

‘Official: Twitter will stop counting media & usernames against 140-character limit’ – Marketing Land

Matt McGee says, “Your tweets are getting a little more breathing room. Twitter has confirmed plans to stop counting media attachments and @usernames (in replies) against a tweet’s 140-character limit. Links, however, will still count toward the limit. This should be very welcome news for both Twitter users and advertisers. It means more room for text and conversation in each tweet and less frustration for everyone who’s been forced to edit their words in order to fit them inside Twitter’s constraints. Here’s a look at everything that’s changing: Media attachments, but not links Media... [...]

‘Report: Twitter Won’t Count Links, Photos in 140-Character Limit’ – Entrepreneur

Roberto Baldwin says, “According to Bloomberg, Twitter is prepping an update to its service that will keep photos and links from counting against the 140-character limit of a post. Currently the URL that points to images and sites counts against the space available in tweets. The new feature is expected to launch within two weeks according to Bloomberg’s anonymous source. Part of the attraction of Twitter is that it limits the amount of information shared in each post. An early version of the service relied on SMS so limiting the characters to 140 was more of a technical issue than... [...]

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