The latest issue of ‘MarketingProfs Today’ newsletter has been released. The featured article is “How-To: Five Steps for Hosting a Webinar That Generates Sales”. ‘MarketingProfs Today’ Newsletter Contents How-To: Five Steps for Hosting a Webinar That Generates Sales Slide Show: Four Lessons From the Co-Founder of OfficeMax PRO Take 10: How to Fascinate People With 7 Key Triggers Survey Says: Social Media Users Prefer Social Logins Quick Take: Defeat Six Fierce Opponents of Compelling Content. ‘MarketingProfs Today’ Newsletter [...]
Archive for the 'Internet Marketing Newsletters' Category
Ali Brown has released the latest issue of ‘Spotlight’ newsletter. The featured article is titled “Why Do Women Take Business So Personally?”. ‘Spotlight’ Newsletter Contents Note From Ali Why Do Women Take Business So Personally? Question: “Is There a Nice Way to Tell People That I Need to Charge Them for My Time?” Have a question for Ali? About Ali. ‘Spotlight’ Newsletter [...]
Kat Neville’s recent article on addresses the ways marketing communicators can improve their customer connections by improving their signature blocks in their emails. “Email signatures contain alternative contact details, pertinent job titles and company names, which help the recipient get in touch when emails are not responded to. Sometimes, they give the recipient an idea of who wrote the email in case it has been a while since they have been in touch. They are also professional: like a letterhead, they show that you run a business (in some countries, you’re... [...]
Eric Gruber has released the latest issue of ‘Article Marketing Newsletter’. The featured article is titled “Article Writing Tip For Creating an Instant Connection”. ‘Article Marketing Newsletter’ Contents 1. Personal Note – Something New Happening Next Week 2. Article Writing Tip – Empathize with Your Readers and Create That Profitable Connection. Eric Gruber’s Article Marketing Newsletter [...]
Shawn Collins has released the latest issue of ‘Affiliate Tip Weekly’ newsletter. The featured article is titled “Simple Page Tester for Affiliates”. ‘Affiliate Tip’ Newsletter Contents Simple Page Tester for Affiliates Affiliate Summit is Rewarding The Avon Foundation for Women is Not Affiliated with Susan G. Komen for the Cure Daniel M. Clark to Emcee Affiliate Summit East 2012 The Majority of Affiliates Do Not Cloak Links. ‘Affiliate Tip Weekly’ Newsletter [...]
Sandra Martini has released the latest issue of ‘The Martini Advantage’ Newsletter. The featured article is titled “Without this, your clients are going elsewhere”. ‘The Martini Advantage’ Newsletter Contents Note from Sandy Without this, your clients are going elsewhere What EXACTLY is a Marketing Escalator and Why Your Business Needs One Client Events. ‘The Martini Advantage’ Newsletter [...]
The latest issue of ‘ClickBank ClickBrief’ newsletter has been released. The featured article is titled “Segmenting affiliates to boost sales”. ‘ClickBank ClickBrief Newsletter’ Contents Segmenting affiliates to boost sales How affiliates can use SEO to stand out from the crowd The keys to affiliate marketing success in 2012 EU officials ask Google to delay debut of new privacy policy 4 tips to create a more effective e-mail call-to-action. ‘ClickBank ClickBrief’ Newsletter [...]
The latest issue of ‘MarketingProfs Today’ newsletter has been released. The featured article is “How to Defeat Six Fierce Opponents of Compelling Content”. ‘MarketingProfs Today’ Newsletter Contents How to Defeat Six Fierce Opponents of Compelling Content Why a Silent Customer Can Be Deadly The Case for Hiring an SEO Agency Three Tricks for Getting Your Lead Gen Program Where You Want It To Go A Seven-Step Road Map for Your Content Marketing. ‘MarketingProfs Today’ Newsletter [...]
The latest issue of Copywriter’s Roundtable’ newsletter has been released. The featured article is titled “Hardwired Hot-Buttons”. ‘Copywriter’s Roundtable’ Newsletter Contents Hardwired Hot-Buttons HOW TO GET BIGGER, BETTER, RICHER COPY CLIENTS SUPERBOWL AD FACTS THE MISSING LINK: What do You Believe? ‘Copywriter’s Roundtable’ Newsletter [...]
Denise Gosnell has released the latest issue of ‘Business Thrival Newsletter’. The featured article is titled “Surprising Ways To Partner With Apple” By Denise Gosnell. ‘Business Thrival Newsletter’ Contents “Surprising Ways To Partner With Apple” By Denise Gosnell Strategy #1 – Sell Digital Books Through iBookstore Strategy #2 – Offer a Podcast to Get Free Exposure Strategy #3 – Sell Audio Programs through iTunes Strategy #4 – Sell iPhone or iPad Apps Through The App Store Check It Out! Quick Tips Share Your Thoughts. Business Thrival... [...]