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Saturday, March 1, 2025

Archive for the 'Internet Marketing Software' Category

7Fig builds buyer lists automatically #ad

7Fig was just released and it may be the perfect way to build a buyers list quickly and easily. (A buyers list is an email list of people who have already shown a strong interest in a product niche by actually buying a product in that niche.) On the hierarchy of list quality, a buyers list is the best. It’s better than a list of people who have shown an interest by requesting a free item in the niche. (But even that list would be better than a list of random people.) Using 7Fig doesn’t require traditional assets, such as an optin page, a lead magnet, product launches, paid traffic,... [...]

Newsly builds viral news sites on autopilot #ad

Branson Tay just released new SaaS software Newsly that will build an online news site for you. According to Tay, you can create your online news site without: ❌ Manual work ❌ Complicated technology ❌ Marketing or selling anything ❌ Any previous experience ❌ Any upfront cost Early users report success with this new software. Here’s was one confirmed client says about Newsly: “Well I need an online opportunity because it will change my financial status to a better one since the kind of job I’m doing requires a lot of strength and it also consumes a lot of time . At times... [...]

AppSumo Giveaway Ending #ad

You may have heard of : AppSumo. They help new and small software companies get a following by offering their products at discount prices. We have bought several applications from them that we use to run our business. We just learned about a sale and a giveaway contest they have been running, apparently to compete in a minor way with the Amazon Prime Day, which had a tendency to suck up all the mindshare from other online marketers. Wlamart, Target and Best Biy did the same thing to compete with Prime Day. The AppSumo event ends at noon EDT today. They have many apps at half price till noon. Plus... [...]

Q & A – the facts on High Ticket Profit System #ad

We ran an ad earlier this week for High Ticket Profit System. It sounded interesting so we bought a copy to get under the covers and give you more information to help you make an informed decision. So here are answers to the most popular questions so you can decide if it’s the right fit for you. Some answers we wrote; others we copied from Kosky. Questions and answers about High Ticket Profit System What’s High Ticket Profit System all about? It’s training, software, and a method for generating high commissions while building your list at the same time (so you don’t need a list for this... [...]

High Ticket Profit System early bird discount #ad

It has been said that the difference between getting rich in sales or struggling comes down to what you’re selling. High Ticket Profit System was built with that principle in mind. The principle works in all niches, For example: • People selling BMWs make more than those selling Hyundais. • People selling mansions make more than those selling mobile homes. The same is true online. When you sell high ticket offers, you make more – it’s that simple. So instead of fighting for scraps & competing with thousands of other marketers promoting $10-$20 offers for tiny commissions,... [...]

Split Test Monkey: Discover which ads work best #ad

Split Test Monkey lets you test, track and tweak your ad campaigns and sales processes, based on data, not guesses. Some headlines work well; others don’t. Some graphics work well; others don’t. Some benefits work well; others don’t. You’ll never know which work best for you unless you test. You need to figure out what’s working so you can invest your time and money into the things that work the best. And you need to find out what’s not working so you can either dump those things or fix them. People who are successful product vendors don’t guess about... [...]

Botmatic puts your Facebook and Instagram marketing on autopilot #ad

Botmatic is an all-in-one marketing platform, providing you: ➤ Facebook & Instagram Chatbots ➤ Automation Tools ➤ Ecommerce Tools ➤ SMS/Email Tools ➤ Social Media Marketing Tools. You need the latest tools to keep up with your online competition. If you keep your focus on the old, conventional, and traditional processes and tools you’ve been using, you will get left behind. Thanks to brand new automation and Bot technology, even a small marketer can keep up. Trusted Vendors, Firelaunchers and Ankur Shukla have spent months building, testing and perfecting a new breakthrough... [...]

ReviewReel: easy product review video creation #ad

ReviewReel was launched yesterday. And in the first day, over 250 copies were bought by marketers eager to take advantage of its singular capabilities. We were among the buyers, investing in the bundle of all the upgrades along with the basic version. It will make our product reviews more helpful, we hope, as well as easier to produce. If you’re still on the fence, pick up ReviewReel using the secret discount code reviews. As a summary of our ad yesterday: What exactly is ReviewReel? It is a cloud-based review video creation app that helps you create profitable review videos without complex... [...]

NFTVerse: You Can Market in the Metaverse #ad

The Metaverse is the topic of conversation in many circles, marketing, pop culture, politics, the academy, etc. With NFTVerse, you can start marketing in the Metaverse, this emerging enhanced version of the internet where virtual items (virtual reality, virtual currency, virtual art, virtual experiences, etc.) become “real”. And you can do it without having to buy, trade or invest a cent into crypto (i.e., virtual) currency or NFTs (“non-fungible tokens” [or virtual art]), yourself. NFTVerse software has just been released that will allow you to literally click a button... [...]

Don’t get overwhelmed; get AgencyScale CRM #ad

The launch of AgencyScale is in full swing. If you have clients or customers you need to keep track of, this may be for you. AgencyScale is the first of its kind Agency Customer Relationship Management platform. It helps you build a growing service-based marketing agency that can become a long-term business based on solid business relationships. It helps you build a substantial service-based agency in any niche in just 3 simple steps: 1. It includes a powerful lead generator that lets you find clients 2. It includes a database system to manage all your clients, including collecting payments from... [...]

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