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Monday, March 31, 2025

Archive for the 'Marketing Automation Software' Category

Smart Content Profits builds, populates, and hosts sites #ad

If you have been online for any time at all, you’ve probably received so many marketing emails that you ignore a lot of them. Even more to the point, you’ve probably bought some apps and training that have let you down. You may have reached the point that you think everything is a scam. You may want to check out : Smart Content Profits. Richard Fairbairn and his partner, Paul OKeeffe just released this new SaaS app that will change the way you will create content and will make your content more producive for you. Fairbairn began to see success online when he started building content sites.... [...] replaces 14 professional marketing systems #ad

Never want to pay for marketing software again? With Groove.CM Platinum Lifetime, it’s possible. It’s the most complete marketing software suite you have ever seen. You can get an introductory version at no cost (yes, completely free,) or you can get the upgraded, complete suite at a special one-time investment today only. Don’t delay. Get the free version or get the upgraded version before the one-time investment opportunity is gone. If you want to start with the free version, go here: Groove Free Limited Version. When you know you want the whole suite, before the one-time price... [...]

SociRobotic makes your social media into effective marketing tools #ad

SociRobotic, which has just been released, is your All-In-One social media automation and traffic generation tool. It has two important missions: • Make management of your social media accounts easier • Find and attract new traffic to your social media accounts (which can drive more traffic to your main website or sales page). It allows you drive highly targeted buyers traffic from 11 different social media platforms to any page, website or store in a few clicks without any technical skills or setup. Here are the 11 social media sites you can syndicate your information to. Of course,... [...]

WhatDROID is 💯% ready to bring you WhatsApp automation #ad

Automating any part of marketing is a win. Automating messaging (which is at the heart of modern online marketing) is a super win. WhatDROID is breakthrough software that can save hours each week, freeing marketers for more creative activities. WhatsApp is the largest messaging application online, with more than 1.3 billion active users globally. Email, on the other hand, has a declining open rate, and even when the email is opened, the click-though rate on links in the email is also declining. WhatsApp messages are opened at the rate of 88%-98%. This is also backed by serious engagement with... [...]

iMarketer: “All in One” fully automated marketing platform #ad

Dan Green is releasing iMarketer at 11 AM EST today.This software is actually a system, not a simple application lets you run a complete online business with no hosting hassles or monthly charges for other marketing tools Green says that this new tool with a cool name gives you “Everything you Need to Succeed: Unlimited Bandwidth, Fully Hosted Website. Unlimited Autoresponder, Unlimited Lists, Unlimited Leads, Unlimited Emails. Plus EASY Adsense Monetisation And No Monthly Fees.” Furthermore, he says that iMarketer gives you these benefits: ► An easy “Newbie Friendly”... [...]

NicheCheetah builds sites with quality content and ads in minutes #ad

NicheCheetah, in short, allows you to create “Content-Ready” Websites For Any Niche. Yes, it builds the website, and then it populates it with content. And it does it almost instantaneously. And you’ll also be getting Resale Rights to this new software so not only can you build niche sites for yourself; you can start selling it to other marketers right away and keep 100% of each sale you make. NicheCheetah creates text articles bsed on YouTube videos. That’s permitted under the YouTube Creative Commons license (although individual creators can opt out so make sure any videos... [...]

Genie: 20-in-1 Multi-Channel Traffic App #ad

Billy Darr has released new SaaS software that sends your message around the Internet in seconds. He calles it Genie. This beginner-friendly software potentially can bring you free visitors to any offer you promote, gathering these visitors from 20 different traffic sources, all with 1-Click. You can simultaneously promote your offer to: ■ Social media (they are all free to join), ■ SMS, ■ Facebook Messenger and ■ Email. It’s a simple process to use Genie. Just: 1. Connect your various email and social media accounts. Do it once to set up your account. 2. Start a campaign, tell it... [...]

12 Low-code automation tools small business owners need to know about

Entrepreneurs like you never stop moving, never stop working. Every business has plenty of moving parts, and if you’re a solopreneur, you’re responsible for all of it. Fortunately, there are tools which make handling all of these aspects much easier for someone who’s going it alone. In this post, we’re going to take a look at tools that can help save you time or money in three huge areas of business. You’ll learn about tools that you can use for: ●     Hiring Subcontractors ●     Invoicing Clients ●    ... [...]

How to Automate SEO Tasks with Python

Automation is the key to enhancing productivity. You can boost your SEO performance by automating tasks such as intent mapping and analysis. Search Engine Journal contributor Winston Burton has shared six ways you can automate your SEO tasks with Python, an open-source, object-oriented programming language. Burton says, “It’s a list of the six SEO tasks you can automate with Python based on my experience of running repetitive and tedious tasks that took me and my team a lot of time to do: Implementation Visibility Benchmarking Intent Mapping XML Sitemaps Response Code Analysis SEO... [...]

Ubiquitii posts on multiple social media platforms with one click #ad

Kimberly and Danny de Vries have just released a new solution for marketers who recognize the importance of social media for marketing success: Ubiquitii. The growing importance of social media has been documented both online (Google lists 3,560,000,000 references for “role of social media in marketing”, that’s 3.5 Billion) and in mainstream media. The verdict is in: If you want to succeed online, you need to have your marketing messages placed in front of people where they are spending their time, and that is on social media. Ubiquitii allows you to place your messages on: •... [...]

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