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Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Archive for the 'Internet Marketing Software' Category

Cyber Monday Sale on Easy Member Site Creator: A membership site in 15 minutes #ad

You can quickly create a membership site having locked resources, using Easy Member Site Creator. Literally, by typing in a few bits of information and clicking a button, you can have a working membership site with all the needed pages. Your download pages are protected from thieves. Even if someone knows the URL for the download page, if they haven’t logged in, they can’t access it. Instead, they are taken to the login page. When someone logs in to your membership site, you can give them an upgrade offer, or two if you like, or even more, so you can continue to sell to your members. You... [...]

Viral Image Hub builds traffic through silly images #ad

There’s a lot of buzz these days over “memes”, pictures with a superimposed text message. Usually they are funny, but sometimes they are profound. These memes can become viral and spread quickly, getting a lot of attention for the site that posted them Now, in Viral Image Hub, Simon Warner shows you how to build your own viral images (and gives you software to help you do it.) It’s a WordPress theme that builds a complete meme site for you and it includes software that lets your visitors build their own memes. Your visitors can upload their own photo or they can use one... [...]

Amazon Blaster Software automates critical Amazon affiliate tasks #ad

For success as an Amazon affiliate, you need to: (1) Choose profitable products, (2) Get your offer seen by as many people as possible and (3) stand out from the crowd of other affiliates. Amazon Blaster software helps you do all three: • It finds profitable Amazon to promote • It scrapes related images and creates attractive videos to promote them • Uploads the video to YouTube so they are visible to that huge population of users Amazon Blaster does this work for you nearly automatically. You tell it what you want done and turn it loose. This is a simple, quick way to get your affiliate... [...]

Squeeze Page Supremacy builds high-converting squeeze pages quickly #ad

Ivelin Ivanov has put together a set of squeeze page designs that he says have converted as high as 50% of visitors. He also includes training about how to build your own squeeze pages following his model. You’ll discover things like: • What the critical focus point are in squeeze page design • How to arrange the elements on your page to get the best conversions • The 10 Key Elements that determine whether your squeeze page performs or not You get a package of over 30 squeeze page designs – designs that have been proven to work- that you can copy. Plus you get a package... [...]

Smart Simulator Machine Software: Your sales tool for Mobile Sites #ad

How does a business’s website look on mobile devices. They don’t know, but usually they assume (incorrectly) that it looks OK. Now you can show them the bitter truth, and possibly get the contract to correct it. Mark Sandquist has just released Smart Simulator Machine Software that simulates how a website looks on a mobile device. Show them, and they will understand why they need your help. And you can also show them how their site might really look if it were optimixzed for mobile devices. You are permitted to upload this software to as many websites as you choose, for example to make... [...]

InstaDominate: for marketers who want to dominate Instagram #ad

Now you can easily begin to use Instagram for your marketing. InstaDominate helps you each step of the way. This automation software contains several tools that will make your Instagram marketing better: • Scraping Capabilities: get member names, using the various pieces of data Instagram has about people • Schedule your uploads to Instagram. It can upload while you sleep. • Like and comment on photos in Instagram, and do it in bulk • Schedule all your Instagram activities in InstaDominate so your interactions can take place over a matter of days, even while you sleep Comes... [...]

Viral Image Curator Pro: Getting images on your site that people love #ad

The new Viral Image Curator Pro is an image management system for your websites, helping you to: • find attractive images • Save them in a portfolio for later use • Post them on your site • Encourage visitors to virally bookmark them on Facebook and Twitter Your site will be more attractive if you carefully use pictures to spice up your posts and pages. As a result, you can improve your brand-recognition, your bounce rate and your social marketing. Together, all of these will improve your SEO. In addition to pictures on your site, Viral Image Curator Pro will post images on... [...]

WP Appointment Assistant Core for setting up office appointments online #ad

In April of this year, Luther Landro released an appointment plugin for medical offices. Now he has taken the core of that appointment-setting plugin and made it available in a form suitable for any office. With WP Appointment Assistant installed on any business’s website, a potential client or current client can request an appointment online. They don’t need to phone anyone and talk to a scheduler (which saves the business cost) and make the process simpler for the client. This plugin gives the client an option to select up to 3 times when they are available for an appointment. They... [...]

PinRanker: the software to give your Pinterest marketing a push #ad

Mark Dulisse’s new PinRanker runs on either PC or Mac and will automate all of your marketing tasks on • Auto Follow Pinterest Users • Auto Unfollow Pinterest Users • Auto Gather Pins • Auto Create Boards • Auto Pinning, getting images from Flickr, Google, or Youtube Videos • Auto Uploading and Pinning from Images on your Hard Drive • Auto Commenting • Auto Repinning • Auto Liking > Plus, it has these advanced features: – Private Proxy Support – Decaptcha Support – Background Processing – 1 Click... [...]

Kindle Store Clone lets you build an online store to sell Kindle books #ad

Kindle books sell well, so the Amazon affiliate who specializes in Kindle books may have better sales than one who specializes in other Amazon products. The only hassle is building your affiliate site that promotes Kindle books. Now, with KindleStoreClone, that problem is solved. You can easily create an attractive store specializing in Kindle books with many special features that make your store easy for your visitors to use: • “Available Now” script that shows thumbnails pictures of newly available books • “Featured Best-selling Books” shows the visitor what’s... [...]

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